Genjutsu customs

Your Rank:genin
Ninja Class:Medical
Name of Jutsu:shuffling bunshin charge
Rank of Jutsu: academy
Jutsu's Element:
Jutsu Type:taijutsu/genjutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List?yes, its very simple and easy to learn
The user creates 2 regular clones(3 if you are chuunin+), and you plus the clones charges at the opponents, shifting positions constantly as to confuse the opponent at which one is the real copy. Once reached, the two at the end spread out and attack from the sides while the middle attacks straight on. (if 4, the last one attacks from above.) The opponent does a random number 1-3 (1-4 for 3 clones), if he gets one, he blocks the right clone. Can not use anything besides the basic clone for this technique. enemies that are able to see chakra flow can easily block this technique. Also, people who are higher rank than the user can roll for it twice.