Name: Mavino Val
Age: 17
Race: Neko
Personality:Flirty and fun loving,Mav tends to have moments of shyness at random moments.
Being a neko,he tends to keeps things in order of "sleep,annoy master,sleep, cuddle with master and play with master"

Looks like: A one-time-slave,hes now a free person.
In his time as one he was mentally and physically broken,scars on his neck,ribs and back appearing to be tan marks on hiis pale skin.
He normally wears a collar,and refuses to let any one touch his neck for its one of his most sensitive spots.

Bio: Under his playful nature and carefree attitude,Mav is a born protector. He always tries to save those he loves, but most of the time hes just over reacting to paper cuts,bruises and the like.
Mav comes with a letter,and he always keeps it on him...So far no one has managed to look at it without upseting him,and he always keeps it hidden.

Seme, Uke, or Seke: Mostly Uke,but has a slight 5% chance of suddenly going Seme
Pic: User Image