my attempt at making my bias list lol its just for fun
make one if you want xD
i'll stop at top 10 or 15 at most no maybe 20 kekeke...
1. Hyunseung (duh obvious enough at least for me, cuz of my username & my love for beast my fav kpop group ever)
honestly the rest of list is gonna be hard as hell
my number one spot will never change though
2. sungjong (as you'll soon see my top bias will consist of maknaes, pretty boys or both cuz thats how i tend to pick my bias. well aside from my bias requirements i love his divaness)
3. Ren (new to my list & climbed so f'ing high when i just stared at him xD bias requirements duh xDD. no seriously he is too pretty he just caught my attention & i like how he is pretty but his personality is so much more manlier than his looks)
4. Junhyung (junhyung cuz well its just cuz, he was so close to being number one & i would of stuck him beside hyunseung (junseung shipper xDD) but sadly he slipped on my list cuz of the fact that there is now junhara(luck bish jk))
5. dongwoon (i'll just stick him here at spot number five, he has a way of ruining my bias list severly, up & down he goes he just won't stay in one spot for too long xD)
6. doojoon (doojoon b'cuz he seems like the perfect boyfriend, he isn't the "boyfriend idol" for no reason)
7. yoseob (my gawd i guess i'm beast bias too much but hey he's cute & i love his personality so down to earth & real respectable with his good deeds & plus his heavenly vocals -dies-)
8. Onew (ahhh so cute, i was stuck on him until i met beast well its not that i'm not stuck on him still but the list changes every so often)
9. Jonghyun (the cnblue jonghyun that is. love at first listen, when i heard his voice i immdently though "my cnblue bias!")
10. karam (noona i maybe but his cuteness captured my heart what can i say)
11. JR. (though new he captured me with is good looks. i kept thinking "OMG an anime character exists xD)
12. L (visually captured me not b'cuz he is the visual or anything xDD
13. Sungyeol (i just love his personality a lot)
14. & 15. Kevin & Junyoung (ah the problem i dunno kekeke... i just couldn't decide who to stick here cuz i love them both to chose & their both from ze:a. so instead i'll stick fourteen & fifteen together, they can just take turns on both spots every now & then xD).
16. ukwon (relatively new to my list. his smile is captivating xD)
17. zelo (he is new to my list too. damn that boys rap skills blow my mind. his young age make me go "why oh why am i your noona by 6 years oh why" but he is so cute i couldn't resist xD)
18. Cheondoong / Thunder (dude your abs boosted you up so high on my bias list. i don't wanna say how low you were before. hey does it matter since your this way up high now xDD).
19. Key (he gets a spot, his divaness is too epic & i love it)
20. jokwon (kkap kwon for a reason, he never fails to make me laugh)

when i get to know BTOB the list will screw up even further for sure xDDD
this is just what i thought up on the spot so probably its already begun to change kekeke.... the list can never stay the same for even five minutes xD

the title will change every time i update it when i want to xDD

so have fun & make one like me
in the end it will never be perfect cuz it will always change