psssst~ Hey guys~ Guess what~ There's something extra super amazing coming for page 10k~

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Page 10k GET!

Ok guys~ so the staff here feels like we’ve been waiting long enough to finally toss out a few of these foxlets we just happen to have curling around us. It was a hard decision to make, I personally wanted to keep all of them, BECAUSE OH MY GOD CUTE…. *coughs* But because I love you guys; and because I’ve been assured I’d be boo’d out of thread; we’re giving them away for page 10k! (Thus the title “Page 10k GET!”)

The cute little ones that are sitting are female. The ones with their butts in the air are male, and the ones with their tail’s curling upward are genderless.

There are 15 (if you can’t count!), so that means that each person that posts on page 10k will get one (So please only post once when we get to it!)
Be nice~ Tell your friends; don’t spam the thread. And have fun getting us the rest of the way~ Because even though we’re already “OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!!!!!!!” I’d like to see if we can make it 15k!

foxlet 1
foxlet 2
foxlet 3
foxlet 4
foxlet 5
foxlet 6
foxlet 7
foxlet 8
Foxlet 9
foxlet 10
foxlet 11
foxlet 12
foxlet 13
foxlet 14
foxlet 15

Abbreviated winners list
1. Kitty claimed 13
2. Soldier of Song claimed 14
3. Saphria claimed 2
4. Lita 15
5. Poi 10
6. Alex 7
7. Patmos 8
8. Kit 4
9. Cursed 1
10. Astra 5
11. Purple 12
12. Menma 9
13. Ruriko 11
14. Sailus 3
15. Frezir 6