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A long-lived guild, filled with memories of a time long-gone. RIP NUR. 

Tags: naruto, roleplaying, jutsu, fantasy, discussion 

Reply NUR Service Lockers (Character Info Threads & Workshop)
Ed's and Kazuya's Locker

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:45 pm
Service Locker Application

Locker #: 1991

Gaian Name: (Your Gaian Name) Edgar Inuzuka
and Kazuya Inuzuka

Guild Status: (Member, Crew, VC, Captain)
Written Permission: (People you allow to post inside your locker)
~no one at all unless i give them permission.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:52 pm
[align=center][color=yourcolorhere][size=29]▪[/size][/color][size=29]E[/size][size=23]dgar[/size] [size=29]I[/size][size=23]nuzuka[/size][color=yourcolorhere][size=29]▪[/size][/color][/align]

[imgright]http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r87/monkeys_2007/anime ninjas/cloud1.jpg[/imgright]
[imgright]http://i633.photobucket.com/albums/uu52/Tattletale_photos/Anime wolf pups/Kota_the_Wolf_Pup_by_werewolf1015.jpg[/imgright]

[align=left][size=13][b]の[color=yourcolorhere]Personal Data[/color]の[/b][/size][/align] [size=10]

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]RPC Full Name[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]Edgar Inuzuka
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Birth Date[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] March 2, 1992
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Weight[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]200 lb
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Personality[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]energetic and helpful
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Sexuality[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Straight
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Behaviour[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]Serious and Cunning
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Ethinicy[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Caucasion

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Personal Skill[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Cooking
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Favorite Food[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
Ramen and sushi
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Favorite Drink[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Least Favorite Food[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] onion

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Likes[/b]train and meditate
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Dislikes[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] evil people

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Strengths[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white] xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color]•can carry an immense amount of weight per leg and arm.
[color=white] xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color]•
[color=white] xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color]• cant use too many Scorpid striker jutsu cause of curse.
[color=white] xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color]•
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Fears[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white] xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color]•
[color=white] xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color]•Death

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Relationships[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Family[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
living in peace
[/size][size=13][b]の[color=yourcolorhere]Shinobi Data[/color]の[/b][/size][size=10]

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Village[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] -Current home- Sunagakure
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Rank[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Chunin

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Ninja Class[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Nindo[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] "-Way of life-" Always help others.

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Bloodline[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Scorpid Strikers
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Bloodline Stage[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Stage 1
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Clan[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Inuzuka
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Clan Stage[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Stage 1
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Implants[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Curse Mark[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Scorpid Strikers Curse Mark Tattoo

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Summoning Type[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] (Chuunin rank only)
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Summon Sage?[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] (Chuunin rank only)

[/size][size=13][b]の[color=yourcolorhere]Shinobi Technique Data[/color]の[/b][/size][size=10]

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Chakra Points[/b][color=crimson]||[/color] 250
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Chakra Color[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]Purple
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Chakra Element[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][b]3.[/b] (S-Ranked, Ninjutsu Class required)

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b][u]Ninjutsu[/u][/b]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [u]Non-Elemental[/u] {Start with the following three only}
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] • Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] • Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] • Bushin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Katon[/b] {Katon, Suiton, Raiton, Doton, Fuuton}
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] Academy

Katon: Shuriken no Jutsu (Fire Release: Shuriken Technique)
Description: A relatively basic katon, this one uses chakra to coat a metal shuriken or a kunai with fire. It is done so that the user first throws the shuriken, then exhales from his or her mouth a small flame that ignites the chakra-coated projectile. If the attack succeeds, not only will your opponent be hurt by the shuriken or kunai, but he will also suffer from burns.
Note: Only one projectile at a time.

Katon: Fukumen no Jutsu (Fire Release: Veil Technique)
Description: A stall technique which really only helps genins in this stage of learning accustom themselves to the less subtle methods of Katons. Performing the necessary seals, the user claps their hand in front of them and a hot white flash erupts from their hands that blind people in the closest vicinities. With this opening, the user is able to make a hasty escape or even move in for a killing blow. The severity of the flash, however, lasts only a moment and causes only spots to appear until an opponent’s sight becomes clear again.

Katon: Tanebi no Jutsu (Fire Release: Cinder Technique)
Description: Basic to all Katon users is the ability to set thing things on fire, obviously. This technique allows a person to snap their fingers and ignite a spark anywhere they so wish. A simple cinder and no more, this jutsu is used mostly in pranks and the like.

Katon: Houka Hira no Jutsu (Fire Release: Flaming Palm Technique)
Description: A more advanced version of the Katon: Tanebi no Jutsu, this jutsu allows the user to hold the make spark in their hand. They then amplify it with their chakra until it is a small flame. By mimicking the gentle fist style, the push the flame into their opponent, causing clothes to light, or minor burns on the body.

Katon: Ichi (Fire Release: One)
Description: The basic building block of a great many techniques down the line, this is presumably the very same skill that began the study of Katons. Molding their chakra through a simple seal of any choice, the user is able to focus it onto the tip of their index finger in the form of heat. With this, they can cut through things such as glass and rope with some difficulty. However, at this stage, control of one’s chakra is so minimal that this technique can only be used by one finger and essentially has no combat use.
Katon: Ni (Fire Release: Two)
Description: This technique makes it so that after a user has molded enough chakra to gather heat into their finger they can now distribute it to both the index and middle finger (one hand), making it a somewhat viable option in combat now. However, jabs and strikes made through this method would simply burn through clothing and wouldn’t cause any substantial thereafter. In terms of raw searing strength, though, it allows the user to cut through even metallic string now.

Katon Housenka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Mythical Fire Flower Technique)
Description: A jutsu that sends multiple blasts of fire from the mouth, usually with one target in mind. Shurikens can also be hidden inside the flames, creating an element of surprise.
Katon: Bounetsu no Jutsu (Fire Release: Flame-Resistance Technique)
Description: This is a passive jutsu that is the first in two steps to protect the user from damaging themselves with their very own Katons. Although not necessarily mandatory to learn the finer points of the tree, it does provide a buffer against self-inflicting injuries. For example the user is able to withstand increasing amounts of heat and can even withstand certain techniques aimed at them. Withstand, however, does not translate into invulnerability as there are general flaws to this jutsu as well.

Katon: Yojin Bunshin no Jutsu (Fire Release: Ember Clone Technique)
Description: A basic bunshin wherein the user will call forth through in corporeal form a clone of themselves, crafted from flame. At this level, the clone is quite weak and can only really serve as a distracted more so than a viable combat replacement. However, it does have its uses, which alongside detonating upon destruction or on command, are numerous.
Note: The clone only has 1/10 the ability of the original user.

Katon: Hi Shinten no Jutsu (Fire Release: Flame Spread Technique)
Description: This jutsu allows the user to extend the flame from their hand to any weapon or item they may be holding. This creates a surrounding layer of flame around the object, but the object is unharmed. This can only extend to a length of 3 feet maximum, or the length of a medium sized sword.
Katon: San (Fire Release: Three)
Description: At this stage of learning, users of this technique are expected to be quite adept at controlling the flow of chakra in their body. It is by this that they are now able to both create ample amounts of chakra and distribute to both hands (still only two fingers per hand). The actual heat effect of this technique, though, still hasn’t changed much from Katon: Ni. Also, awkwardly enough, the user is still unable to have the technique travel throughout one whole hand.

Katon Ryuuka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique)
Description: A jutsu that sends a stream of fire towards the opponent, originating from the users mouth. In some cases it has been seen to take on the form of a dragon. Capable of being used like a flamethrower, prolonged exposure has been known to transform boulders and cliff side’s into molten piles of magma.
Note: Genin can use the technique for up to two posts, Chuunin for three, and Jounin for five. As mentioned before, strength of the flame and prolonged exposure can prove devastating.
Katon: Hidoko no Jutsu (Fire Release: Bed of Fire Technique)
Description: Defensive or offensive, this just is simple enough to have many uses. Heaving a mighty breath, a shinobi will spew an oily substance in front or even around them. It will rush forth like liquid and ignite as soon as the user wills it. The effect is obvious enough, resulting in a carpet of flame in whatever manner the user provided. It could be in a cone laid out in front of them as an opponent is rushing forth, or it could be scattered across a weapon.

Katon: Kita no Jutsu (Fire Release: Aerial Explosion Technique)
Description: A different version of the Katon: Hidoko no Jutsu, this jutsu releases a gas into the air. This is an odorless, colorless gas that can be ignited with any spark or flame. This gas will rapidly ignite, causing it to expand and create a strong wind in all directions. The outer gas is shot out, and ignites when it has expanded at a range of around 20 feet. Anyone within the range of this jutsu will be seriously injured and probably suffer at least a first degree burn. It also evaporates all water in the range of this jutsu.

Katon: Shi (Fire Release: Four)
Description: Much unchanged from Katon: San, the most noticeable change here is the strength of the heat effect set off by the user’s fingers. Now able to melt through various objects of higher density than glass (not including metals), the only drawback is that this intensity is only attainable through one hand at the moment. One could compare the effect of this technique to being stabbed with a searing hot kunai. Essentially, this is just a much more combat effective version of Katon: Ni.
Note: This technique cannot be stacked with Katon: San wherein both hands can be used at the same time with one hand stronger than the other.

Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu (Fire Release: Powerful Fireball Technique)
Description: Uses a high amount of chakra which allows the user to breath out a large portion of flame. Extremely powerful, this Katon seems to possess a denser mass than most Katons. This would explain its intense potency and explosive nature.

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Raiton[/b] {Katon, Suiton, Raiton, Doton, Fuuton}
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] •Raikou Bunshin no Jutsu (Lightning Clone Technique)
Description: This technique makes a simple clone of the shinobi however unlike the standard bunshin, which is a genjutsu, this bunshin takes an actual physical form through the use of electrically charged chakra. One can easily touch and hold this clone like it was in fact an actual person, however when it is attacked it quickly disperses into smoky, hot air. It is also able to attack using taijutsu, however it's ability to attack is around 1/10 in perspective to the user, in return for this weakness it's attacks deliver shocks of electricity to the opponent's body.

Nagare Isou no Jutsu (Current Transfer Skill)
Description: An overall simple yet very effective technique, the Cloud-nin creates a sort of electrical current on his hand, this current can then be transferred onto any weapon he happens to be holding at that moment be it a kunai, senbon, shuriken, or even a sword. The next physical attack he performs is charged with this electrical current, if he blocks a weapon attack with his own weapon the current transfers over shocking the attacker. If by chance the user is not carrying a weapon he can transfer this current into his opponent's weapon shocking him, or can even hit him with this current.

Teikou no Kuntou (Electricity Resistance Training)
Description: While not necessarily a technique that must be taken, most Cloud-nin are taught this at the Academy. As most know electricity in general is a deadly and somewhat scarce element, generally one could only collect the necessary electricity necessary to perform techniques if they were fighting in the middle of a thunderstorm, or near an electrical source. However current training standards in the academy show how a cloud-nin tends to make electricity through the use of chakra, turning most Cloud-nin in to human capacitors, technically. The process is generally quite painful and requires about 5 months of mental and physical conditioning to resist the charges you activate onto your body. As it is written, this technique is optional. A person who doesn't take this skill will generally feel pain when even performing their own electricity based techniques, also one who tends to take this ability tends to notice that minor shocks generally do not hurt them as badly.

Seiteki Suji no Jutsu (Static Strings Technique)
Description: This skill allows the user to create strings of electricity that can either act physically as strings, or as a medium that can send small shocks to an opponent. One of this technique's most useful features is its ability to allow the user to detect outsiders. When the strings are placed around an area, they are often fairly difficult to see, and unnoticed by the quick eye. But when the string is used to detect outsiders, they can adapt a quality that is string-like and electrical at the same time. This quality makes the static strings into a string of electricity, but with such a weak current that it is rarely noticed by Shinobi who accidentally walk through the strings. However, when this happens, the user at once will feel a small shock in their fingers, or where ever else they are keeping the strings intact. But unless the opponent felt the weak current as they walked through the strings, the opponent will usually never know the strings were there. But beyond its ability to detect outsiders, this skill can be used as a normal string when it is needed but none is around, or it can be used to create small shocks to other people. However, the shocks are only a little bit stronger than static electricity, and usually do no damage at all.

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b](Your third element's name)[/b] {Katon, Suiton, Raiton, Doton, Fuuton} (Jounin/sannin/kage only!)
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] •

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Sand[/b] (Sealing, medical, ect)
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] Academy
Name: Muki Suna Kaishin (Inorganic Sand Conversion)
Description: By placing their hand against a solid object, the user of this technique can convert it to sand. Generally only inorganic objects may be converted, but at a higher rank, the user may also convert minor organic objects such as plants and tree's as well, though people and animals are obviously out of the question. The main purpose of this technique is to allow the user to completely destroy an object; once it has been turned into sand it cannot be returned to it’s normal state. The size of the object that may be transformed is dependant upon the user. While with low levels only fairly small objects could be converted to sand with any reasonable degree of speed, anything around the size of the users fist essentially, but at higher levels entire walls could be transformed to sand in an instant. Additionally, the hardness of the material being converted affects the time needed to convert it, as such while simple stones could be converted extremely quickly, metal would require a longer period of contact, making it typically unsuitable for use on weapons except in special circumstances.

Name: Suna Bunshin no Jutsu (Sand Clone Technique)
Description: Creates clones out of the sand. Uses small amount of chakra and requires the presence of sand to perform. It is fully functional, meaning it can attack and be attacked but it has the appearance of sand so it's useless to use as a distraction. Due to it’s nature of being formed out of sand this bunshin is more solid than most, meaning things such as explosive tags can be put on them.

Name: Doujou Kirikae (Soil Conversion Technique)
Description: After mastering the appropriate stages, the user is able to use sand techniques by converting soil into sand for the duration of the technique. Shinobis of rank Chuunin and above may use techniques only of lower rank together with this technique. (Chuunin = Genin, Jounin = Chuunin, Sannin = Jounin. Densetsu = Sannin)

Name: Suna Yadama Ooikakusu (Sand Projectile Coat)
Description: Before releasing a projectile such as a kunai or shuriken, the user first coats it with a thin layer of sand. The main purpose of this is to get sand within a wound when the projectile strikes, inflicting extra pain to distract the enemy.

Name: Suna Jishaku (Sand Magnet)
Description: As the name of this jutsu implies, this technique allows the user to draw sand towards them. The user simply forms one hand into a seal, and holds their other hand out, attracting the sand towards their outstretched hand. They can attract any sand in the area towards them, providing that they can see it, and that the sand is not currently under another persons control. The amount of sand they can draw towards them is dependant on the user. At low levels only a bare few handfuls of sand can be drawn towards them at one time, while with much higher ranks the user can draw vast amounts of sand, enough for five to ten sand clones.
Name: Suna Shuriken (Sand Shuriken Technique)
Description: Creates shuriken out of sand. Uses a small amount of chakra and uses sand and hardens it to pose as a shuriken. The sand shuriken may be created from any source of sand and launched to an opponent by the user. Requires extra chakra to "throw" the shuriken if you do not throw it yourself

Name: Suna Nawa (Sand Rope)
Description: Makes a thin rope of sand that the user can propel from his or her sand source towards his or her opponent. The rope wraps around the user and tightens itself firmly. Of course as the sand rope has the same durability as a normal rope, if the rope does not bind the targets hand, then it may be possible for them to cut themselves free.

Name: Suna Same (Sand Shark)
Description: Forming the necessary seals, the user channels chakra into the sand beneath them, forming it into a small shark, about the length of the users arm. The shark is capable of swimming beneath the sand at considerable speed, and leaping out at will to bite at an opponent. Given the overall size of the shark, it is not capable of inflicting serious injury unless it is able to latch on and the opponent is unable to remove it. Several sharks can be created with this technique.

Name: Suna Tsume (Sand Claws)
Description: Coating their hands and forearms with sand, the user expels chakra to harden and lengthen the sand to create claw like gauntlets on each arm. They make good offensive weapons as they allow the user to make swiping attacks towards an enemy, or try and disarm a weapon wielding foe, while at the same time providing excellent protection for the hands and upper arm against bladed weaponry.
Name: Suna Tsue (Sand Staff)
Description: A technique handy when the user is left defenseless against an opponent. Performing a series of seals and holding their hand above the ground, large amounts of sand will fly towards the user as if being drawn by a magnet. The sand will clump and stick together in an elongated shape that will take the form of a bo staff. It can be used in the exact same fashion as that of a normal staff, that is to deliver and defend attacks to or from the enemy, though due to it’s nature it can only take so much punishment before crumbling. Additionally the user can cause the entire length of the staff to be covered in sand spikes which can rip and tear skin if a direct hit is given.
Name: Daisan no Me (The Third Eye)
Description: A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja uses sand to create an eye through which they can clearly see without fear of being seen. Perfect for spying or collecting information, or targeting an opponent while guarding himself with a wall-defense.

Name: Suna no Yoroi (Sand Armour)
Description: The user creates a thin, although durable, armour of sand around the their body by making the sand stick to their skin and clothes and then hardening it. How long the user can remain with the Sand Armour depends on their chakra strength. The strength also depends on the user's abilities, and can eventually be as strong as steel.

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b][u] Element 3[/u][/b]
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] •

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b][u]Bloodline/clan techinques[/u][/b] Sasori Strikers (AKA Scorpid Strikers)
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] •Name of Jutsu/ Ability: Glass Scorpion

Description: this ability was used as a clever way to poison enemies of other villages by making glass scorpoins they are small scorpions that carry small amounts of poison that isn't deadly, but can majorly slow down the enemy the way this justu is preformed is the user drips blood into the sand and then makes a fewhand signs and the sand solidify into a scorpion these can also be placed on enemies to track ninjas, a ninja may summon up to 100 scorpions but they must be carful if after summoning more than 50 the user begins to slow when summoning all 100 scorpoins the user must rest before moving

Rank: Gennin

Element: Sand

Type: ninjutsu

Scorpoins are small and hard to detect but they are brittle and easy to destroy but once destoyed they realease small bits of poison, the last thing is that these scorpoins olny carry enough poison sting 3 times

Name of Jutsu/ Ability: Poison Jab

Description: This is the simple jutsu in which the user focuses their chakra into his/her hand and release it through direct contact this poison gets stronger as the user does.

Rank: Gennin

Element: N/A

Type: ninjutsu

Poison'd Crackle

Description: this technque is much like the normal poison jab but a much more powerful version the user surounds their arm in a thick arua of acidic poison mist and charges it to a point that makes the arm become a powerful blade of acid but this technue has cost ater the user is finished with the technque the users arm becomes weak for a short whle
Rank: Chunnin
Side effect: Users Arm becomes usless for a small amount of time.
Gennin: 7
Sannin: 1

Kekki Genkai: Scorpid Strikers

Name of Jutsu/Ability: Scorpion info transmit

Description: this is a jutsu in which the user may see everythign a glass scorpion that the user creates can see and makes a very useful way to scout the user may even control scorpoions fro mextremly long range

Rank: Chunnin

Element: N/A


Name of Jutsu: Scorpid Shatter Explosion

Description: This is a simple that can be used on the small glass scorpions that the user makes but the user must be close for this just to be used(To prevent from attacking someone the user is a mile away) the small scorpions explode and cause a small sharp glass shards to launch around a small area and may poison the enemy the explosion is olny a small area of effect but can harm enemies if they are by a users weak spot such as their neck or face

Rank: Chunnin

Element: Poison

Type: Ninjutsu

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b][u]Weapon Style[/u][/b]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b][i] Infinite sword style [/i][/b]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Mastery Level[/b][color= red]stage 3[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [i]Techniques Learned:[/i]

Tobidōgu (Flying Tools):
Description: This jutsu allows the practioner to store their swords in a summoning scroll and summon them whenever they want. The practioner is taught how to summon hundreds of blades and make them rein upon the battlefield. If the opponent is not careful enough, he can be skewered to pieces from the initial summoning.

Double Sword Technique
Description: With intensive training, the user of the style can learn to wield two blades instead of just one. This can only be done with katana or smaller weapons. When using two blades, the effectiveness of the user can double or even triple under the right circumstances

Double Shimmering Path:
Description: The practitioner throws two swords at once at high speeds at the opponent

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b][u]Taijutsu[/u][/b]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b][i]Shuurai Tekken Do
[Way of the Lightning Strike Fist] [/i][/b]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Mastery Level[/b][color= red]stage 3[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [i]Techniques Learned:[/i]

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b][i]Pai Qua Quan
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Mastery Level[/b][color= red]stage 3[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [i]Techniques Learned:[/i]

Generall Taijutsu
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] •Dynamic: Entry (Dainamikku: Entorii)
Description: The user will throw a kunai to distract their target and will then use their speed and agility to quickly approach and attack the opponent from their blind side.

Konoha Dai Senpuu (Leaf Great Whirlwind)
Description: Like the normal Senpuu, the uses their quickness and agility to deliver a series powerful spinning kicks to their opponent.
Note: Must know Konoha Senpuu to perform

Konoha Senpuu (Leaf Whirlwind)
Description: Using their quickness and agility, the user charges at their target and spins their body to do a flying round house kick on those opponents within range of attack.
The Gate of Opening (Genin minimum)
Effect: 1/8 Speed and Taijutsu increase.
Description: Releases the brains limit on body muscles to achieve extra strength but does damage to tissue fibers.

The Gate of Healing (Chuunin minimum)
Effect: 1/8 Speed, Taijutsu, and Strength increase
Description: Releases the brains limit on body stamina thus a tired person will seem like he was miraculously starting off again.

The Gate of Life (Chuunin minimum)
Effect: 1/6 Speed, Taijutsu, and Strength increase
Description: Located near the throat on the spinal cord. Releases the limit of electrical functions on the nervous system, thus transmitting more information at a higher rate and sends signals to the cells to produce more stamina at a faster rate.

The Gate of Pain (Chuunin minimum)
Effect: 1/5 Speed, Taijutsu, and Strength increase
Description: Located in between the lungs. Releases the limit of oxygen intake and thus makes circulatory systems work at a faster rate and produces more energy for the body to use.
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [i]Custom Taijutsu Techniques Learned:[/i](Customs must be put in the custom taijustu acceptance forum to be approved of)
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] •

[/size][size=13][b]の[color=yourcolorhere]Equipment Data[/color]の[/b][/size][size=10]

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Headband Location[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] One on forehead of current village and one on arm of the Sand
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Headband Style[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Regulation Headband
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Headband Color[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] black
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Flak Jacket Style[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Sand Chunnin Vest
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Flak Jacket Color[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]Baige
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Kunai Holster Location[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] one per left
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Kunai Holster Color[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]baige
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Shuriken and Bomb Holster Location[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]left thigh
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Shuriken and Bomb Holster Color[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] baige
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Backpack Color[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] black
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Backpack Style[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] 2

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] Scorpid Striker Sword (Made by Katsuro)
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Weapon Type[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Sword
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Weapon Length/Range[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]3ft long without handle
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Weapon Weight[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] 10 lbs
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Weapon Location[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] scroll
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Weapon Properties[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Extremly Poisonous

[/size][size=13][b]の[color=yourcolorhere]Shinobi Combat Statistics[/color]の[/b][/size][size=10]

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [u]Missions Completed[/u]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]S Rank[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]A Rank[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]B Rank[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]C Rank[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]D Rank[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]E Rank[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [u]Battles Fought[/u]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Fights Won[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]2
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Fights Lost[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]0
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Fights Tied[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]1
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Opponents Killed[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]0

[/size][size=13][b]の[color=yourcolorhere]Other Data[/color] の[/b][/size][size=10]

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Background History[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Grew up with two loving parents in the Land Hidden in the Sand. It was a normal life until I decided to join the academy in order to help protect the village. There at the academy i met my mentor and long time friend Katsuro. I soon realized that we were not in a peacefull time. I was trained in many Jutsu and later found out that I was part of the Inuzuka Clan. I can now sniff out anyone that is in range. One day I was kidnapped, as a genin of course and taken to a secret cave where my mentor gave me the acidic blood I have now. I was turned into a Sasori Striker. Now that the village is barren i head out to seak a new home and start a new life.....
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Theme Song[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] None
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Extra Stuff on Character[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Pet Wolf Dog: Ken a loyal and trusted friend.




PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:53 pm
Edgar Inuzuka

User Image
User Image

Personal Data

xxxxxxRPC Full Name||Edgar Inuzuka
xxxxxxBirth Date|| March 2, 1992
xxxxxxWeight||200 lb
xxxxxxPersonality||energetic and helpful
xxxxxxSexuality|| Straight
xxxxxxBehaviour||Serious and Cunning
xxxxxxEthinicy|| Caucasion

xxxxxxPersonal Skill|| Cooking
xxxxxxFavorite Food||
Ramen and sushi
xxxxxxFavorite Drink||
xxxxxxLeast Favorite Food|| onion

xxxxxxLikestrain and meditate
xxxxxxDislikes|| evil people

xxxxxx Strengths||
xxxxxxxxxxxx•can carry an immense amount of weight per leg and arm.
xxxxxxxxxxxx• cant use too many Scorpid striker jutsu cause of curse.
xxxxxx Fears||

xxxxxx Relationships||
xxxxxx Family||
living in peace
Shinobi Data

xxxxxx Village|| -Current home- Sunagakure
xxxxxx Rank|| Chunin

xxxxxx Ninja Class||
xxxxxx Nindo|| "-Way of life-" Always help others.

xxxxxx Bloodline|| Scorpid Strikers
xxxxxx Bloodline Stage|| Stage 1
xxxxxx Clan|| Inuzuka
xxxxxx Clan Stage|| Stage 1
xxxxxx Implants||
xxxxxx Curse Mark|| Scorpid Strikers Curse Mark Tattoo

xxxxxx Summoning Type|| (Chuunin rank only)
xxxxxx Summon Sage?|| (Chuunin rank only)

Shinobi Technique Data

xxxxxx Chakra Points|| 250
xxxxxx Chakra Color||Purple
xxxxxx Chakra Element||
xxxxxxxxxxxx3. (S-Ranked, Ninjutsu Class required)

xxxxxx Ninjutsu
xxxxxx Non-Elemental {Start with the following three only}
xxxxxxxxxxxx • Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
xxxxxxxxxxxx • Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
xxxxxxxxxxxx • Bushin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]

xxxxxx Katon {Katon, Suiton, Raiton, Doton, Fuuton}
xxxxxxxxxxxx Academy

Katon: Shuriken no Jutsu (Fire Release: Shuriken Technique)
Description: A relatively basic katon, this one uses chakra to coat a metal shuriken or a kunai with fire. It is done so that the user first throws the shuriken, then exhales from his or her mouth a small flame that ignites the chakra-coated projectile. If the attack succeeds, not only will your opponent be hurt by the shuriken or kunai, but he will also suffer from burns.
Note: Only one projectile at a time.

Katon: Fukumen no Jutsu (Fire Release: Veil Technique)
Description: A stall technique which really only helps genins in this stage of learning accustom themselves to the less subtle methods of Katons. Performing the necessary seals, the user claps their hand in front of them and a hot white flash erupts from their hands that blind people in the closest vicinities. With this opening, the user is able to make a hasty escape or even move in for a killing blow. The severity of the flash, however, lasts only a moment and causes only spots to appear until an opponent’s sight becomes clear again.

Katon: Tanebi no Jutsu (Fire Release: Cinder Technique)
Description: Basic to all Katon users is the ability to set thing things on fire, obviously. This technique allows a person to snap their fingers and ignite a spark anywhere they so wish. A simple cinder and no more, this jutsu is used mostly in pranks and the like.

Katon: Houka Hira no Jutsu (Fire Release: Flaming Palm Technique)
Description: A more advanced version of the Katon: Tanebi no Jutsu, this jutsu allows the user to hold the make spark in their hand. They then amplify it with their chakra until it is a small flame. By mimicking the gentle fist style, the push the flame into their opponent, causing clothes to light, or minor burns on the body.

Katon: Ichi (Fire Release: One)
Description: The basic building block of a great many techniques down the line, this is presumably the very same skill that began the study of Katons. Molding their chakra through a simple seal of any choice, the user is able to focus it onto the tip of their index finger in the form of heat. With this, they can cut through things such as glass and rope with some difficulty. However, at this stage, control of one’s chakra is so minimal that this technique can only be used by one finger and essentially has no combat use.
Katon: Ni (Fire Release: Two)
Description: This technique makes it so that after a user has molded enough chakra to gather heat into their finger they can now distribute it to both the index and middle finger (one hand), making it a somewhat viable option in combat now. However, jabs and strikes made through this method would simply burn through clothing and wouldn’t cause any substantial thereafter. In terms of raw searing strength, though, it allows the user to cut through even metallic string now.

Katon Housenka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Mythical Fire Flower Technique)
Description: A jutsu that sends multiple blasts of fire from the mouth, usually with one target in mind. Shurikens can also be hidden inside the flames, creating an element of surprise.
Katon: Bounetsu no Jutsu (Fire Release: Flame-Resistance Technique)
Description: This is a passive jutsu that is the first in two steps to protect the user from damaging themselves with their very own Katons. Although not necessarily mandatory to learn the finer points of the tree, it does provide a buffer against self-inflicting injuries. For example the user is able to withstand increasing amounts of heat and can even withstand certain techniques aimed at them. Withstand, however, does not translate into invulnerability as there are general flaws to this jutsu as well.

Katon: Yojin Bunshin no Jutsu (Fire Release: Ember Clone Technique)
Description: A basic bunshin wherein the user will call forth through in corporeal form a clone of themselves, crafted from flame. At this level, the clone is quite weak and can only really serve as a distracted more so than a viable combat replacement. However, it does have its uses, which alongside detonating upon destruction or on command, are numerous.
Note: The clone only has 1/10 the ability of the original user.

Katon: Hi Shinten no Jutsu (Fire Release: Flame Spread Technique)
Description: This jutsu allows the user to extend the flame from their hand to any weapon or item they may be holding. This creates a surrounding layer of flame around the object, but the object is unharmed. This can only extend to a length of 3 feet maximum, or the length of a medium sized sword.
Katon: San (Fire Release: Three)
Description: At this stage of learning, users of this technique are expected to be quite adept at controlling the flow of chakra in their body. It is by this that they are now able to both create ample amounts of chakra and distribute to both hands (still only two fingers per hand). The actual heat effect of this technique, though, still hasn’t changed much from Katon: Ni. Also, awkwardly enough, the user is still unable to have the technique travel throughout one whole hand.

Katon Ryuuka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique)
Description: A jutsu that sends a stream of fire towards the opponent, originating from the users mouth. In some cases it has been seen to take on the form of a dragon. Capable of being used like a flamethrower, prolonged exposure has been known to transform boulders and cliff side’s into molten piles of magma.
Note: Genin can use the technique for up to two posts, Chuunin for three, and Jounin for five. As mentioned before, strength of the flame and prolonged exposure can prove devastating.
Katon: Hidoko no Jutsu (Fire Release: Bed of Fire Technique)
Description: Defensive or offensive, this just is simple enough to have many uses. Heaving a mighty breath, a shinobi will spew an oily substance in front or even around them. It will rush forth like liquid and ignite as soon as the user wills it. The effect is obvious enough, resulting in a carpet of flame in whatever manner the user provided. It could be in a cone laid out in front of them as an opponent is rushing forth, or it could be scattered across a weapon.

Katon: Kita no Jutsu (Fire Release: Aerial Explosion Technique)
Description: A different version of the Katon: Hidoko no Jutsu, this jutsu releases a gas into the air. This is an odorless, colorless gas that can be ignited with any spark or flame. This gas will rapidly ignite, causing it to expand and create a strong wind in all directions. The outer gas is shot out, and ignites when it has expanded at a range of around 20 feet. Anyone within the range of this jutsu will be seriously injured and probably suffer at least a first degree burn. It also evaporates all water in the range of this jutsu.

Katon: Shi (Fire Release: Four)
Description: Much unchanged from Katon: San, the most noticeable change here is the strength of the heat effect set off by the user’s fingers. Now able to melt through various objects of higher density than glass (not including metals), the only drawback is that this intensity is only attainable through one hand at the moment. One could compare the effect of this technique to being stabbed with a searing hot kunai. Essentially, this is just a much more combat effective version of Katon: Ni.
Note: This technique cannot be stacked with Katon: San wherein both hands can be used at the same time with one hand stronger than the other.

Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu (Fire Release: Powerful Fireball Technique)
Description: Uses a high amount of chakra which allows the user to breath out a large portion of flame. Extremely powerful, this Katon seems to possess a denser mass than most Katons. This would explain its intense potency and explosive nature.

xxxxxx Raiton {Katon, Suiton, Raiton, Doton, Fuuton}
xxxxxxxxxxxx •Raikou Bunshin no Jutsu (Lightning Clone Technique)
Description: This technique makes a simple clone of the shinobi however unlike the standard bunshin, which is a genjutsu, this bunshin takes an actual physical form through the use of electrically charged chakra. One can easily touch and hold this clone like it was in fact an actual person, however when it is attacked it quickly disperses into smoky, hot air. It is also able to attack using taijutsu, however it's ability to attack is around 1/10 in perspective to the user, in return for this weakness it's attacks deliver shocks of electricity to the opponent's body.

Nagare Isou no Jutsu (Current Transfer Skill)
Description: An overall simple yet very effective technique, the Cloud-nin creates a sort of electrical current on his hand, this current can then be transferred onto any weapon he happens to be holding at that moment be it a kunai, senbon, shuriken, or even a sword. The next physical attack he performs is charged with this electrical current, if he blocks a weapon attack with his own weapon the current transfers over shocking the attacker. If by chance the user is not carrying a weapon he can transfer this current into his opponent's weapon shocking him, or can even hit him with this current.

Teikou no Kuntou (Electricity Resistance Training)
Description: While not necessarily a technique that must be taken, most Cloud-nin are taught this at the Academy. As most know electricity in general is a deadly and somewhat scarce element, generally one could only collect the necessary electricity necessary to perform techniques if they were fighting in the middle of a thunderstorm, or near an electrical source. However current training standards in the academy show how a cloud-nin tends to make electricity through the use of chakra, turning most Cloud-nin in to human capacitors, technically. The process is generally quite painful and requires about 5 months of mental and physical conditioning to resist the charges you activate onto your body. As it is written, this technique is optional. A person who doesn't take this skill will generally feel pain when even performing their own electricity based techniques, also one who tends to take this ability tends to notice that minor shocks generally do not hurt them as badly.

Seiteki Suji no Jutsu (Static Strings Technique)
Description: This skill allows the user to create strings of electricity that can either act physically as strings, or as a medium that can send small shocks to an opponent. One of this technique's most useful features is its ability to allow the user to detect outsiders. When the strings are placed around an area, they are often fairly difficult to see, and unnoticed by the quick eye. But when the string is used to detect outsiders, they can adapt a quality that is string-like and electrical at the same time. This quality makes the static strings into a string of electricity, but with such a weak current that it is rarely noticed by Shinobi who accidentally walk through the strings. However, when this happens, the user at once will feel a small shock in their fingers, or where ever else they are keeping the strings intact. But unless the opponent felt the weak current as they walked through the strings, the opponent will usually never know the strings were there. But beyond its ability to detect outsiders, this skill can be used as a normal string when it is needed but none is around, or it can be used to create small shocks to other people. However, the shocks are only a little bit stronger than static electricity, and usually do no damage at all.

xxxxxx (Your third element's name) {Katon, Suiton, Raiton, Doton, Fuuton} (Jounin/sannin/kage only!)

xxxxxx Sand (Sealing, medical, ect)
xxxxxxxxxxxx Academy
Name: Muki Suna Kaishin (Inorganic Sand Conversion)
Description: By placing their hand against a solid object, the user of this technique can convert it to sand. Generally only inorganic objects may be converted, but at a higher rank, the user may also convert minor organic objects such as plants and tree's as well, though people and animals are obviously out of the question. The main purpose of this technique is to allow the user to completely destroy an object; once it has been turned into sand it cannot be returned to it’s normal state. The size of the object that may be transformed is dependant upon the user. While with low levels only fairly small objects could be converted to sand with any reasonable degree of speed, anything around the size of the users fist essentially, but at higher levels entire walls could be transformed to sand in an instant. Additionally, the hardness of the material being converted affects the time needed to convert it, as such while simple stones could be converted extremely quickly, metal would require a longer period of contact, making it typically unsuitable for use on weapons except in special circumstances.

Name: Suna Bunshin no Jutsu (Sand Clone Technique)
Description: Creates clones out of the sand. Uses small amount of chakra and requires the presence of sand to perform. It is fully functional, meaning it can attack and be attacked but it has the appearance of sand so it's useless to use as a distraction. Due to it’s nature of being formed out of sand this bunshin is more solid than most, meaning things such as explosive tags can be put on them.

Name: Doujou Kirikae (Soil Conversion Technique)
Description: After mastering the appropriate stages, the user is able to use sand techniques by converting soil into sand for the duration of the technique. Shinobis of rank Chuunin and above may use techniques only of lower rank together with this technique. (Chuunin = Genin, Jounin = Chuunin, Sannin = Jounin. Densetsu = Sannin)

Name: Suna Yadama Ooikakusu (Sand Projectile Coat)
Description: Before releasing a projectile such as a kunai or shuriken, the user first coats it with a thin layer of sand. The main purpose of this is to get sand within a wound when the projectile strikes, inflicting extra pain to distract the enemy.

Name: Suna Jishaku (Sand Magnet)
Description: As the name of this jutsu implies, this technique allows the user to draw sand towards them. The user simply forms one hand into a seal, and holds their other hand out, attracting the sand towards their outstretched hand. They can attract any sand in the area towards them, providing that they can see it, and that the sand is not currently under another persons control. The amount of sand they can draw towards them is dependant on the user. At low levels only a bare few handfuls of sand can be drawn towards them at one time, while with much higher ranks the user can draw vast amounts of sand, enough for five to ten sand clones.
Name: Suna Shuriken (Sand Shuriken Technique)
Description: Creates shuriken out of sand. Uses a small amount of chakra and uses sand and hardens it to pose as a shuriken. The sand shuriken may be created from any source of sand and launched to an opponent by the user. Requires extra chakra to "throw" the shuriken if you do not throw it yourself

Name: Suna Nawa (Sand Rope)
Description: Makes a thin rope of sand that the user can propel from his or her sand source towards his or her opponent. The rope wraps around the user and tightens itself firmly. Of course as the sand rope has the same durability as a normal rope, if the rope does not bind the targets hand, then it may be possible for them to cut themselves free.

Name: Suna Same (Sand Shark)
Description: Forming the necessary seals, the user channels chakra into the sand beneath them, forming it into a small shark, about the length of the users arm. The shark is capable of swimming beneath the sand at considerable speed, and leaping out at will to bite at an opponent. Given the overall size of the shark, it is not capable of inflicting serious injury unless it is able to latch on and the opponent is unable to remove it. Several sharks can be created with this technique.

Name: Suna Tsume (Sand Claws)
Description: Coating their hands and forearms with sand, the user expels chakra to harden and lengthen the sand to create claw like gauntlets on each arm. They make good offensive weapons as they allow the user to make swiping attacks towards an enemy, or try and disarm a weapon wielding foe, while at the same time providing excellent protection for the hands and upper arm against bladed weaponry.
Name: Suna Tsue (Sand Staff)
Description: A technique handy when the user is left defenseless against an opponent. Performing a series of seals and holding their hand above the ground, large amounts of sand will fly towards the user as if being drawn by a magnet. The sand will clump and stick together in an elongated shape that will take the form of a bo staff. It can be used in the exact same fashion as that of a normal staff, that is to deliver and defend attacks to or from the enemy, though due to it’s nature it can only take so much punishment before crumbling. Additionally the user can cause the entire length of the staff to be covered in sand spikes which can rip and tear skin if a direct hit is given.
Name: Daisan no Me (The Third Eye)
Description: A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja uses sand to create an eye through which they can clearly see without fear of being seen. Perfect for spying or collecting information, or targeting an opponent while guarding himself with a wall-defense.

Name: Suna no Yoroi (Sand Armour)
Description: The user creates a thin, although durable, armour of sand around the their body by making the sand stick to their skin and clothes and then hardening it. How long the user can remain with the Sand Armour depends on their chakra strength. The strength also depends on the user's abilities, and can eventually be as strong as steel.

xxxxxx Element 3

xxxxxx Bloodline/clan techinques Sasori Strikers (AKA Scorpid Strikers)
xxxxxxxxxxxx •Name of Jutsu/ Ability: Glass Scorpion

Description: this ability was used as a clever way to poison enemies of other villages by making glass scorpoins they are small scorpions that carry small amounts of poison that isn't deadly, but can majorly slow down the enemy the way this justu is preformed is the user drips blood into the sand and then makes a fewhand signs and the sand solidify into a scorpion these can also be placed on enemies to track ninjas, a ninja may summon up to 100 scorpions but they must be carful if after summoning more than 50 the user begins to slow when summoning all 100 scorpoins the user must rest before moving

Rank: Gennin

Element: Sand

Type: ninjutsu

Scorpoins are small and hard to detect but they are brittle and easy to destroy but once destoyed they realease small bits of poison, the last thing is that these scorpoins olny carry enough poison sting 3 times

Name of Jutsu/ Ability: Poison Jab

Description: This is the simple jutsu in which the user focuses their chakra into his/her hand and release it through direct contact this poison gets stronger as the user does.

Rank: Gennin

Element: N/A

Type: ninjutsu

Poison'd Crackle

Description: this technque is much like the normal poison jab but a much more powerful version the user surounds their arm in a thick arua of acidic poison mist and charges it to a point that makes the arm become a powerful blade of acid but this technue has cost ater the user is finished with the technque the users arm becomes weak for a short whle
Rank: Chunnin
Side effect: Users Arm becomes usless for a small amount of time.
Gennin: 7
Sannin: 1

Kekki Genkai: Scorpid Strikers

Name of Jutsu/Ability: Scorpion info transmit

Description: this is a jutsu in which the user may see everythign a glass scorpion that the user creates can see and makes a very useful way to scout the user may even control scorpoions fro mextremly long range

Rank: Chunnin

Element: N/A


Name of Jutsu: Scorpid Shatter Explosion

Description: This is a simple that can be used on the small glass scorpions that the user makes but the user must be close for this just to be used(To prevent from attacking someone the user is a mile away) the small scorpions explode and cause a small sharp glass shards to launch around a small area and may poison the enemy the explosion is olny a small area of effect but can harm enemies if they are by a users weak spot such as their neck or face

Rank: Chunnin

Element: Poison

Type: Ninjutsu

xxxxxx Weapon Style
xxxxxx Infinite sword style
xxxxxx Mastery Levelstage 3
xxxxxx Techniques Learned:

Tobidōgu (Flying Tools):
Description: This jutsu allows the practioner to store their swords in a summoning scroll and summon them whenever they want. The practioner is taught how to summon hundreds of blades and make them rein upon the battlefield. If the opponent is not careful enough, he can be skewered to pieces from the initial summoning.

Double Sword Technique
Description: With intensive training, the user of the style can learn to wield two blades instead of just one. This can only be done with katana or smaller weapons. When using two blades, the effectiveness of the user can double or even triple under the right circumstances

Double Shimmering Path:
Description: The practitioner throws two swords at once at high speeds at the opponent

xxxxxx Taijutsu
xxxxxx Shuurai Tekken Do
[Way of the Lightning Strike Fist]

xxxxxx Mastery Levelstage 3
xxxxxx Techniques Learned:

xxxxxx Pai Qua Quan

xxxxxx Mastery Levelstage 3
xxxxxx Techniques Learned:

Generall Taijutsu
xxxxxxxxxxxx •Dynamic: Entry (Dainamikku: Entorii)
Description: The user will throw a kunai to distract their target and will then use their speed and agility to quickly approach and attack the opponent from their blind side.

Konoha Dai Senpuu (Leaf Great Whirlwind)
Description: Like the normal Senpuu, the uses their quickness and agility to deliver a series powerful spinning kicks to their opponent.
Note: Must know Konoha Senpuu to perform

Konoha Senpuu (Leaf Whirlwind)
Description: Using their quickness and agility, the user charges at their target and spins their body to do a flying round house kick on those opponents within range of attack.
The Gate of Opening (Genin minimum)
Effect: 1/8 Speed and Taijutsu increase.
Description: Releases the brains limit on body muscles to achieve extra strength but does damage to tissue fibers.

The Gate of Healing (Chuunin minimum)
Effect: 1/8 Speed, Taijutsu, and Strength increase
Description: Releases the brains limit on body stamina thus a tired person will seem like he was miraculously starting off again.

The Gate of Life (Chuunin minimum)
Effect: 1/6 Speed, Taijutsu, and Strength increase
Description: Located near the throat on the spinal cord. Releases the limit of electrical functions on the nervous system, thus transmitting more information at a higher rate and sends signals to the cells to produce more stamina at a faster rate.

The Gate of Pain (Chuunin minimum)
Effect: 1/5 Speed, Taijutsu, and Strength increase
Description: Located in between the lungs. Releases the limit of oxygen intake and thus makes circulatory systems work at a faster rate and produces more energy for the body to use.
xxxxxx Custom Taijutsu Techniques Learned:(Customs must be put in the custom taijustu acceptance forum to be approved of)

Equipment Data

xxxxxx Headband Location|| One on forehead of current village and one on arm of the Sand
xxxxxx Headband Style|| Regulation Headband
xxxxxx Headband Color|| black
xxxxxx Flak Jacket Style|| Sand Chunnin Vest
xxxxxx Flak Jacket Color||Baige
xxxxxx Kunai Holster Location|| one per left
xxxxxx Kunai Holster Color||baige
xxxxxx Shuriken and Bomb Holster Location||left thigh
xxxxxx Shuriken and Bomb Holster Color|| baige
xxxxxx Backpack Color|| black
xxxxxx Backpack Style|| 2

xxxxxx Scorpid Striker Sword (Made by Katsuro)
xxxxxx Weapon Type|| Sword
xxxxxx Weapon Length/Range||3ft long without handle
xxxxxx Weapon Weight|| 10 lbs
xxxxxx Weapon Location|| scroll
xxxxxx Weapon Properties|| Extremly Poisonous

Shinobi Combat Statistics

xxxxxx Missions Completed
xxxxxx S Rank||
xxxxxx A Rank||
xxxxxx B Rank||
xxxxxx C Rank||
xxxxxx D Rank||
xxxxxx E Rank||

xxxxxx Battles Fought
xxxxxx Fights Won||2
xxxxxx Fights Lost||0
xxxxxx Fights Tied||1
xxxxxx Opponents Killed||0

Other Data

xxxxxx Background History|| Grew up with two loving parents in the Land Hidden in the Sand. It was a normal life until I decided to join the academy in order to help protect the village. There at the academy i met my mentor and long time friend Katsuro. I soon realized that we were not in a peacefull time. I was trained in many Jutsu and later found out that I was part of the Inuzuka Clan. I can now sniff out anyone that is in range. One day I was kidnapped, as a genin of course and taken to a secret cave where my mentor gave me the acidic blood I have now. I was turned into a Sasori Striker. Now that the village is barren i head out to seak a new home and start a new life.....
xxxxxx Theme Song|| None
xxxxxx Extra Stuff on Character|| Pet Wolf Dog: Ken a loyal and trusted friend.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:56 pm

XXXXXXX▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇ вαsιc ιиғoямαтιoи ▇▇

XXXXXXXName: Kazuya Inuzuka
XXXXXXXNickname: none at the moment
XXXXXXXXXXXX↬ (this is optional, but you can state how you got your nickname, whether it was a fight that made the world recognize your strength or your mom was too lazy to say your whole name hehe)
XXXXXXXEthnicity: Inuzuka
XXXXXXXHeight: 6feet 3 inches
XXXXXXXWeight: 200 lbs
XXXXXXXPersonality: Strong, Energetic, Fast

XXXXXXXSexuality: Straight Male
XXXXXXXFamily: Living In The Village (Don't know what village yet)

XXXXXXXTheme Song: none
XXXXXXXNindo: Comrades come first
XXXXXXXBackground Info: Normal Life as an Inuzuka training to become a pet owner. One day I saw a Taijutsu artist, training. I saw his speed and agility I since then I have decided to learn taijutsu. I still train dogs and learns the ways of my clan with taijutsu as a hobby.

XXXXXXXOther InfoI like taijutsu and Ramen and my dog Maeko.

XXXXXXX▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇ иιиʝα ιиғoямαтιoи ▇▇

XXXXXXXStrength: I can carry an Immense amount of weight.
XXXXXXXWeakness: My nose cane get really messed up if smells are too strong.
XXXXXXXXXXXX↬ Let down my comrades.
XXXXXXXVillage: None
XXXXXXXRank: Genin
XXXXXXXBloodline: Inuzuka (already paid for it before)
XXXXXXXClan: Inuzuka
XXXXXXXChakra Points: 50

XXXXXXXMissions Complete:

XXXXXXXOpponents Defeated: 0

XXXXXXX▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇ тєcниιqυє ιиғoямαтιoи ▇▇


XXXXXXXJutsu List:
XXXXXXXXXXXX↬ Number learned
XXXXXXXXXXXX↬ Number to be learned






Shoushitsu [Knee Strike]
Description: A Taijutsu technique where the ninja braces against the ground and drives a powerful knee into their enemy, hurling them away. With impressive strength, this technique can be devastating.

Houshou [Crushing Fist]
Description: A taijutsu technique where the ninja palm strikes their enemy, hurling them away. With impressive strength, this technique could be quite devastating. This move is capable of knocking an opponent approximately 30-40 feet back.

Dynamic: Entry (Dainamikku: Entorii)
Description: The user will throw a kunai to distract their target and will then use their speed and agility to quickly approach and attack the opponent from their blind side.

XXXXXXXOther Info: (regarding important shinobi info)

Katana Roughly 2 1/2 feet long. Hidden Kunai, One Kunai pouche per leg, small Kunai and shuriken pouch on one thigh.




PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:57 pm
[align=left][color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color][img]http://i790.photobucket.com/albums/yy189/_InuzukaFefeu/Inuzuka Kiba/56.jpg[/img]
[size=9][color=white]XXXXXXXXXX;lXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color][url=PictureURLhere]Extra Picture here[/url][color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color][url=PictureURLhere]Extra Picture here[/url][color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color][url=PictureURLhere]Extra Picture here[/url][/size][/align]
[size=24][color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][color=colorhere]▇▇▇▇▇[/color] [color=black]の[/color] [color=colorhere]▇▇▇▇▇[/color] [color=black]вαsιc ιиғoямαтιoи[/color] [color=colorhere]▇▇[/color][/size]

[size=11][color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Name:[/b] Kazuya Inuzuka
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Nickname:[/b] none at the moment
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]↬ (this is optional, but you can state how you got your nickname, whether it was a fight that made the world recognize your strength or your mom was too lazy to say your whole name hehe)
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Age:[/b] 17 (really 21)
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Ethnicity:[/b] Inuzuka
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Height:[/b] 6feet 3 inches
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Weight:[/b] 200 lbs
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Personality:[/b] Strong, Energetic, Fast

[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight Male
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Family:[/b] Living In The Village (Don't know what village yet)

[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Theme Song:[/b] none
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Nindo:[/b] Comrades come first
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Background Info:[/b] Normal Life as an Inuzuka training to become a pet owner. One day I saw a Taijutsu artist, training. I saw his speed and agility I since then I have decided to learn taijutsu. I still train dogs and learns the ways of my clan with taijutsu as a hobby.

[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Other Info[/b]I like taijutsu and Ramen and my dog Maeko. [/size]

[size=24][color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][color=colorhere]▇▇▇▇▇[/color] [color=black]の[/color][color=colorhere] ▇▇▇▇▇[/color] [color=black]иιиʝα ιиғoямαтιoи[/color] [color=colorhere]▇▇[/color][/size]

[size=11][color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Strength:[/b] I can carry an Immense amount of weight.
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Weakness:[/b] My nose cane get really messed up if smells are too strong.
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]↬ Let down my comrades.
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Village:[/b] None
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Rank:[/b] Genin
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Class:[/b] ?
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Bloodline:[/b] Inuzuka (already paid for it before)
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]↬ Stage
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Clan:[/b] Inuzuka
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Chakra Points:[/b] 50

[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Missions Complete:[/b]
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color]S -
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color]A -
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color]B -
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color]C -
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color]D -
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color]E -

[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Opponents Defeated:[/b] 0
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Battle Theme:[/b] LINK HERE[/size]

[size=24][color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][color=colorhere]▇▇▇▇▇[/color] [color=black]の[/color] [color=colorhere]▇▇▇▇▇[/color] [color=black]тєcниιqυє ιиғoямαтιoи[/color] [color=colorhere]▇▇[/color][/size]
[quote] None [/quote][/size]

[size=11][color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Jutsu List:[/b]
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]↬ Number learned
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]↬ Number to be learned
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]↬ [color=red]Element 1[/color]
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]a c a d e m y

[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]g e n i n

[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]c h u u n i n

[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]j o u n i n

[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]s a n n i n

[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]↬ [color=green]Element 2[/color]
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]a c a d e m y
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]g e n i n
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]c h u u n i n
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]j o u n i n
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]s a n n i n
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]a c a d e m y
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]g e n i n
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]c h u u n i n
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]j o u n i n
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]s a n n i n
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]↬ [color=red]Element 1[/color]
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]a c a d e m y
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]g e n i n
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]c h u u n i n
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]j o u n i n
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]s a n n i n
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]↬ [color=green]Element 2[/color]
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]a c a d e m y
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]g e n i n
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]c h u u n i n
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]j o u n i n
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]s a n n i n
[color=white]XXXXXXX[/color][b]Other Info:[/b] (regarding important shinobi info)[/size]

[size=11][quote]Katana Roughly 2 1/2 feet long. Hidden Kunai, One Kunai pouche per leg, small Kunai and shuriken pouch on one thigh. [/quote][/size]

[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]↬ ?
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]↬ ?
[color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXX[/color]↬ ?[/size]
PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 10:24 am
Edgar InuzukaUser Image Chunin User Image Sunagakure User Image Sasori Striker

User Image

this id going to be my format for Ed."stuff to say."

Rank: Chunin
Chakra: 150 + 20 months = 210
Strength/ Speed: A/S Speed: 6(+2/-3) / Strength: 7(+3/-3)

[size=20][b][align=center][color=red]Edgar Inuzuka[/color][img]http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k15/jrr_011/Headband.png[/img] Chunin [img]http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k15/jrr_011/Headband.png[/img] [color=red]Sunagakure [img]http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k15/jrr_011/Headband.png[/img] [/color][color=indigo]Sasori Striker[/color] [/align][/b][/size]


this id going to be my format for Ed.[b][color=red]"stuff to say."[/color][/b]

[size=12][color=red]Rank: Chunin[/color]
Chakra: 150 + 20 months = 210
[color=red]Strength/ Speed: A/S Speed: 6 / Strength: 7 [/color]



PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 11:07 am
Kazuya Inuzuka User Image Genin User Image Konohagakure

User Image

Rank: Genin
Chakra: 150
Strength/Speed: 6/7
Class: Taijutsu

[size=18][b][align=center][color=red]Kazuya Inuzuka[/color] [img]http://i829.photobucket.com/albums/zz211/redmickoy/konoha1.jpg[/img] Genin [img]http://i829.photobucket.com/albums/zz211/redmickoy/konoha1.jpg[/img] [color=red]Konohagakure [/color][/align][/b][/size]


[size=12]Rank: Genin
[color=red]Chakra: 150 [/color]
[color=red]Class: Taijutsu[/color][/size][/b]
PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:07 am
Lates Profile Edit:

Edgar Inuzuka

User Image
User Image

Personal Data

xxxxxxRPC Full Name||Edgar Inuzuka
xxxxxxAge||26 (been in guild for like 4 years already)
xxxxxxBirth Date|| March 2, 1992
xxxxxxWeight||200 lb
xxxxxxPersonality||energetic and helpful
xxxxxxSexuality|| Straight
xxxxxxBehaviour||Serious and Cunning
xxxxxxEthinicy|| Caucasion

xxxxxxPersonal Skill|| Cooking
xxxxxxFavorite Food||
Ramen and sushi
xxxxxxFavorite Drink||
xxxxxxLeast Favorite Food|| onion

xxxxxxLikestrain and meditate
xxxxxxDislikes|| evil people

xxxxxx Strengths||
xxxxxxxxxxxx•can carry an immense amount of weight per leg and arm.
xxxxxxxxxxxx• cant use too many Scorpid striker jutsu cause of curse.
xxxxxx Fears||

xxxxxx Relationships||
xxxxxx Family||
living in peace
Shinobi Data

xxxxxx Village|| -Current home- Sunagakure
xxxxxx Rank|| Chunin

xxxxxx Ninja Class|Taijutsu|
xxxxxx Nindo|| "-Way of life-" Always help others.

xxxxxx Bloodline|| Scorpid Strikers
xxxxxx Bloodline Stage|| Stage 1
xxxxxx Clan|| Inuzuka
xxxxxx Clan Stage|| Stage 1
xxxxxx Implants||
xxxxxx Curse Mark|| Scorpid Strikers Curse Mark Tattoo

xxxxxx Summoning Type|| (Chuunin rank only)
xxxxxx Summon Sage?|| (Chuunin rank only)

Shinobi Technique Data

xxxxxx Chakra Points|| 250
xxxxxx Chakra Color||Purple
xxxxxx Chakra Element||
xxxxxxxxxxxx3. (S-Ranked, Ninjutsu Class required)

xxxxxx Ninjutsu
xxxxxx Non-Elemental {Start with the following three only}
xxxxxxxxxxxx • Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
xxxxxxxxxxxx • Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
xxxxxxxxxxxx • Bushin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]

xxxxxx Raiton {Katon, Suiton, Raiton, Doton, Fuuton}
Sword of Kusanagi: Chidori Katana
Rank: B
This technique allows Sasuke to flow Chidori through his chokutō. This makes it nearly unblockable as the radiating and chirping blade can easily cut through steel. Furthermore, if an opponent is stabbed, their body goes numb due to an electrical current which causes the muscles to go stiff, making it impossible for the opponent to move. However, it can be countered by other weapons that also utilize chakra flow, such as Killer Bee's swords.

•Raikou Bunshin no Jutsu (Lightning Clone Technique)
Description: This technique makes a simple clone of the shinobi however unlike the standard bunshin, which is a genjutsu, this bunshin takes an actual physical form through the use of electrically charged chakra. One can easily touch and hold this clone like it was in fact an actual person, however when it is attacked it quickly disperses into smoky, hot air. It is also able to attack using taijutsu, however it's ability to attack is around 1/10 in perspective to the user, in return for this weakness it's attacks deliver shocks of electricity to the opponent's body.

Teikou no Kuntou (Electricity Resistance Training)
Description: While not necessarily a technique that must be taken, most Cloud-nin are taught this at the Academy. As most know electricity in general is a deadly and somewhat scarce element, generally one could only collect the necessary electricity necessary to perform techniques if they were fighting in the middle of a thunderstorm, or near an electrical source. However current training standards in the academy show how a cloud-nin tends to make electricity through the use of chakra, turning most Cloud-nin in to human capacitors, technically. The process is generally quite painful and requires about 5 months of mental and physical conditioning to resist the charges you activate onto your body. As it is written, this technique is optional. A person who doesn't take this skill will generally feel pain when even performing their own electricity based techniques, also one who tends to take this ability tends to notice that minor shocks generally do not hurt them as badly.

xxxxxx Raiton {Katon, Suiton, Raiton, Doton, Fuuton}

Katon Ryuuka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique)
Description: A jutsu that sends a stream of fire towards the opponent, originating from the users mouth. In some cases it has been seen to take on the form of a dragon. Capable of being used like a flamethrower, prolonged exposure has been known to transform boulders and cliff side’s into molten piles of magma.
Note: Genin can use the technique for up to two posts, Chuunin for three, and Jounin for five. As mentioned before, strength of the flame and prolonged exposure can prove devastating.

Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu (Fire Release: Powerful Fireball Technique)
Description: Uses a high amount of chakra which allows the user to breath out a large portion of flame. Extremely powerful, this Katon seems to possess a denser mass than most Katons. This would explain its intense potency and explosive nature.

Katon Housenka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Mythical Fire Flower Technique)
Description: A jutsu that sends multiple blasts of fire from the mouth, usually with one target in mind. Shurikens can also be hidden inside the flames, creating an element of surprise.

xxxxxx (Your third element's name) {Katon, Suiton, Raiton, Doton, Fuuton} (Jounin/sannin/kage only!)

xxxxxx Sand (Sealing, medical, ect)
xxxxxxxxxxxx Academy
Name: Muki Suna Kaishin (Inorganic Sand Conversion)
Description: By placing their hand against a solid object, the user of this technique can convert it to sand. Generally only inorganic objects may be converted, but at a higher rank, the user may also convert minor organic objects such as plants and tree's as well, though people and animals are obviously out of the question. The main purpose of this technique is to allow the user to completely destroy an object; once it has been turned into sand it cannot be returned to it’s normal state. The size of the object that may be transformed is dependant upon the user. While with low levels only fairly small objects could be converted to sand with any reasonable degree of speed, anything around the size of the users fist essentially, but at higher levels entire walls could be transformed to sand in an instant. Additionally, the hardness of the material being converted affects the time needed to convert it, as such while simple stones could be converted extremely quickly, metal would require a longer period of contact, making it typically unsuitable for use on weapons except in special circumstances.

Name: Suna Bunshin no Jutsu (Sand Clone Technique)
Description: Creates clones out of the sand. Uses small amount of chakra and requires the presence of sand to perform. It is fully functional, meaning it can attack and be attacked but it has the appearance of sand so it's useless to use as a distraction. Due to it’s nature of being formed out of sand this bunshin is more solid than most, meaning things such as explosive tags can be put on them.

Name: Doujou Kirikae (Soil Conversion Technique)
Description: After mastering the appropriate stages, the user is able to use sand techniques by converting soil into sand for the duration of the technique. Shinobis of rank Chuunin and above may use techniques only of lower rank together with this technique. (Chuunin = Genin, Jounin = Chuunin, Sannin = Jounin. Densetsu = Sannin)

Name: Suna Yadama Ooikakusu (Sand Projectile Coat)
Description: Before releasing a projectile such as a kunai or shuriken, the user first coats it with a thin layer of sand. The main purpose of this is to get sand within a wound when the projectile strikes, inflicting extra pain to distract the enemy.

Name: Suna Jishaku (Sand Magnet)
Description: As the name of this jutsu implies, this technique allows the user to draw sand towards them. The user simply forms one hand into a seal, and holds their other hand out, attracting the sand towards their outstretched hand. They can attract any sand in the area towards them, providing that they can see it, and that the sand is not currently under another persons control. The amount of sand they can draw towards them is dependant on the user. At low levels only a bare few handfuls of sand can be drawn towards them at one time, while with much higher ranks the user can draw vast amounts of sand, enough for five to ten sand clones.
Name: Suna Shuriken (Sand Shuriken Technique)
Description: Creates shuriken out of sand. Uses a small amount of chakra and uses sand and hardens it to pose as a shuriken. The sand shuriken may be created from any source of sand and launched to an opponent by the user. Requires extra chakra to "throw" the shuriken if you do not throw it yourself

Name: Suna Nawa (Sand Rope)
Description: Makes a thin rope of sand that the user can propel from his or her sand source towards his or her opponent. The rope wraps around the user and tightens itself firmly. Of course as the sand rope has the same durability as a normal rope, if the rope does not bind the targets hand, then it may be possible for them to cut themselves free.

Name: Suna Same (Sand Shark)
Description: Forming the necessary seals, the user channels chakra into the sand beneath them, forming it into a small shark, about the length of the users arm. The shark is capable of swimming beneath the sand at considerable speed, and leaping out at will to bite at an opponent. Given the overall size of the shark, it is not capable of inflicting serious injury unless it is able to latch on and the opponent is unable to remove it. Several sharks can be created with this technique.

Name: Suna Tsume (Sand Claws)
Description: Coating their hands and forearms with sand, the user expels chakra to harden and lengthen the sand to create claw like gauntlets on each arm. They make good offensive weapons as they allow the user to make swiping attacks towards an enemy, or try and disarm a weapon wielding foe, while at the same time providing excellent protection for the hands and upper arm against bladed weaponry.
Name: Suna Tsue (Sand Staff)
Description: A technique handy when the user is left defenseless against an opponent. Performing a series of seals and holding their hand above the ground, large amounts of sand will fly towards the user as if being drawn by a magnet. The sand will clump and stick together in an elongated shape that will take the form of a bo staff. It can be used in the exact same fashion as that of a normal staff, that is to deliver and defend attacks to or from the enemy, though due to it’s nature it can only take so much punishment before crumbling. Additionally the user can cause the entire length of the staff to be covered in sand spikes which can rip and tear skin if a direct hit is given.
Name: Daisan no Me (The Third Eye)
Description: A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja uses sand to create an eye through which they can clearly see without fear of being seen. Perfect for spying or collecting information, or targeting an opponent while guarding himself with a wall-defense.

Name: Suna no Yoroi (Sand Armour)
Description: The user creates a thin, although durable, armour of sand around the their body by making the sand stick to their skin and clothes and then hardening it. How long the user can remain with the Sand Armour depends on their chakra strength. The strength also depends on the user's abilities, and can eventually be as strong as steel.

xxxxxx Element 3

xxxxxx Bloodline/clan techinques Sasori Strikers (AKA Scorpid Strikers)
xxxxxxxxxxxx •Name of Jutsu/ Ability: Glass Scorpion

Description: this ability was used as a clever way to poison enemies of other villages by making glass scorpoins they are small scorpions that carry small amounts of poison that isn't deadly, but can majorly slow down the enemy the way this justu is preformed is the user drips blood into the sand and then makes a fewhand signs and the sand solidify into a scorpion these can also be placed on enemies to track ninjas, a ninja may summon up to 100 scorpions but they must be carful if after summoning more than 50 the user begins to slow when summoning all 100 scorpoins the user must rest before moving

Rank: Gennin

Element: Sand

Type: ninjutsu

Scorpoins are small and hard to detect but they are brittle and easy to destroy but once destoyed they realease small bits of poison, the last thing is that these scorpoins olny carry enough poison sting 3 times

Name of Jutsu/ Ability: Poison Jab

Description: This is the simple jutsu in which the user focuses their chakra into his/her hand and release it through direct contact this poison gets stronger as the user does.

Rank: Gennin

Element: N/A

Type: ninjutsu

Poison'd Crackle

Description: this technque is much like the normal poison jab but a much more powerful version the user surounds their arm in a thick arua of acidic poison mist and charges it to a point that makes the arm become a powerful blade of acid but this technue has cost ater the user is finished with the technque the users arm becomes weak for a short whle
Rank: Chunnin
Side effect: Users Arm becomes usless for a small amount of time.
Gennin: 7
Sannin: 1

Kekki Genkai: Scorpid Strikers

Name of Jutsu/Ability: Scorpion info transmit

Description: this is a jutsu in which the user may see everythign a glass scorpion that the user creates can see and makes a very useful way to scout the user may even control scorpoions fro mextremly long range

Rank: Chunnin

Element: N/A


Name of Jutsu: Scorpid Shatter Explosion

Description: This is a simple that can be used on the small glass scorpions that the user makes but the user must be close for this just to be used(To prevent from attacking someone the user is a mile away) the small scorpions explode and cause a small sharp glass shards to launch around a small area and may poison the enemy the explosion is olny a small area of effect but can harm enemies if they are by a users weak spot such as their neck or face

Rank: Chunnin

Element: Poison

Type: Ninjutsu

xxxxxx Weapon Style
xxxxxx Infinite sword style
xxxxxx Mastery Levelstage 3
xxxxxx Techniques Learned:

Tobidōgu (Flying Tools):
Description: This jutsu allows the practioner to store their swords in a summoning scroll and summon them whenever they want. The practioner is taught how to summon hundreds of blades and make them rein upon the battlefield. If the opponent is not careful enough, he can be skewered to pieces from the initial summoning.

Double Sword Technique
Description: With intensive training, the user of the style can learn to wield two blades instead of just one. This can only be done with katana or smaller weapons. When using two blades, the effectiveness of the user can double or even triple under the right circumstances

Double Shimmering Path:
Description: The practitioner throws two swords at once at high speeds at the opponent

xxxxxx Taijutsu
xxxxxx Shuurai Tekken Do
[Way of the Lightning Strike Fist]

xxxxxx Mastery Levelstage 3
xxxxxx Techniques Learned:

xxxxxx Pai Qua Quan

xxxxxx Mastery Levelstage 3
xxxxxx Techniques Learned:

Generall Taijutsu
xxxxxxxxxxxx •Dynamic: Entry (Dainamikku: Entorii)
Description: The user will throw a kunai to distract their target and will then use their speed and agility to quickly approach and attack the opponent from their blind side.

Konoha Dai Senpuu (Leaf Great Whirlwind)
Description: Like the normal Senpuu, the uses their quickness and agility to deliver a series powerful spinning kicks to their opponent.
Note: Must know Konoha Senpuu to perform

Konoha Senpuu (Leaf Whirlwind)
Description: Using their quickness and agility, the user charges at their target and spins their body to do a flying round house kick on those opponents within range of attack.
The Gate of Opening (Genin minimum)
Effect: 1/8 Speed and Taijutsu increase.
Description: Releases the brains limit on body muscles to achieve extra strength but does damage to tissue fibers.

The Gate of Healing (Chuunin minimum)
Effect: 1/8 Speed, Taijutsu, and Strength increase
Description: Releases the brains limit on body stamina thus a tired person will seem like he was miraculously starting off again.

The Gate of Life (Chuunin minimum)
Effect: 1/6 Speed, Taijutsu, and Strength increase
Description: Located near the throat on the spinal cord. Releases the limit of electrical functions on the nervous system, thus transmitting more information at a higher rate and sends signals to the cells to produce more stamina at a faster rate.

The Gate of Pain (Chuunin minimum)
Effect: 1/5 Speed, Taijutsu, and Strength increase
Description: Located in between the lungs. Releases the limit of oxygen intake and thus makes circulatory systems work at a faster rate and produces more energy for the body to use.
xxxxxx Custom Taijutsu Techniques Learned:(Customs must be put in the custom taijustu acceptance forum to be approved of)

Equipment Data

xxxxxx Headband Location|| One on forehead of current village and one on arm of the Sand
xxxxxx Headband Style|| Regulation Headband
xxxxxx Headband Color|| black
xxxxxx Flak Jacket Style|| Sand Chunnin Vest
xxxxxx Flak Jacket Color||Baige
xxxxxx Kunai Holster Location|| one per left
xxxxxx Kunai Holster Color||baige
xxxxxx Shuriken and Bomb Holster Location||left thigh
xxxxxx Shuriken and Bomb Holster Color|| baige
xxxxxx Backpack Color|| black
xxxxxx Backpack Style|| 2

xxxxxx Scorpid Striker Sword (Made by Katsuro)
xxxxxx Weapon Type|| Sword
xxxxxx Weapon Length/Range||3ft long without handle
xxxxxx Weapon Weight|| 10 lbs
xxxxxx Weapon Location|| scroll
xxxxxx Weapon Properties|| Extremly Poisonous

Shinobi Combat Statistics

xxxxxx Missions Completed
xxxxxx S Rank||
xxxxxx A Rank||
xxxxxx B Rank||
xxxxxx C Rank||
xxxxxx D Rank||
xxxxxx E Rank||

xxxxxx Battles Fought
xxxxxx Fights Won||2
xxxxxx Fights Lost||0
xxxxxx Fights Tied||1
xxxxxx Opponents Killed||0

Other Data

xxxxxx Background History|| Grew up with two loving parents in the Land Hidden in the Sand. It was a normal life until I decided to join the academy in order to help protect the village. There at the academy i met my mentor and long time friend Katsuro. I soon realized that we were not in a peacefull time. I was trained in many Jutsu and later found out that I was part of the Inuzuka Clan. I can now sniff out anyone that is in range. One day I was kidnapped, as a genin of course and taken to a secret cave where my mentor gave me the acidic blood I have now. I was turned into a Sasori Striker. Now that the village is barren i head out to seak a new home and start a new life.....
xxxxxx Theme Song|| None
xxxxxx Extra Stuff on Character|| Pet Wolf Dog: Ken a loyal and trusted friend.

Lates Profile Edit:

[align=center][color=yourcolorhere][size=29]▪[/size][/color][size=29]E[/size][size=23]dgar[/size] [size=29]I[/size][size=23]nuzuka[/size][color=yourcolorhere][size=29]▪[/size][/color][/align]

[imgright]http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r87/monkeys_2007/anime ninjas/cloud1.jpg[/imgright]
[imgright]http://i633.photobucket.com/albums/uu52/Tattletale_photos/Anime wolf pups/Kota_the_Wolf_Pup_by_werewolf1015.jpg[/imgright]

[align=left][size=13][b]の[color=yourcolorhere]Personal Data[/color]の[/b][/size][/align] [size=10]

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]RPC Full Name[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]Edgar Inuzuka
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Age[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]26 (been in guild for like 4 years already)
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Birth Date[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] March 2, 1992
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Weight[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]200 lb
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Personality[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]energetic and helpful
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Sexuality[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Straight
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Behaviour[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]Serious and Cunning
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Ethinicy[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Caucasion

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Personal Skill[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Cooking
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Favorite Food[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
Ramen and sushi
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Favorite Drink[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Least Favorite Food[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] onion

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Likes[/b]train and meditate
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color][b]Dislikes[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] evil people

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Strengths[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white] xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color]•can carry an immense amount of weight per leg and arm.
[color=white] xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color]•
[color=white] xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color]• cant use too many Scorpid striker jutsu cause of curse.
[color=white] xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color]•
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Fears[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white] xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color]•
[color=white] xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color]•Death

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Relationships[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Family[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
living in peace
[/size][size=13][b]の[color=yourcolorhere]Shinobi Data[/color]の[/b][/size][size=10]

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Village[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] -Current home- Sunagakure
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Rank[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Chunin

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Ninja Class[/b][color=red]|Taijutsu|[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Nindo[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] "-Way of life-" Always help others.

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Bloodline[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Scorpid Strikers
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Bloodline Stage[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Stage 1
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Clan[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Inuzuka
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Clan Stage[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Stage 1
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Implants[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Curse Mark[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Scorpid Strikers Curse Mark Tattoo

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Summoning Type[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] (Chuunin rank only)
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Summon Sage?[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] (Chuunin rank only)

[/size][size=13][b]の[color=yourcolorhere]Shinobi Technique Data[/color]の[/b][/size][size=10]

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Chakra Points[/b][color=crimson]||[/color] 250
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Chakra Color[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]Purple
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Chakra Element[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][b]3.[/b] (S-Ranked, Ninjutsu Class required)

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b][u]Ninjutsu[/u][/b]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [u]Non-Elemental[/u] {Start with the following three only}
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] • Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] • Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] • Bushin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Raiton[/b] {Katon, Suiton, Raiton, Doton, Fuuton}
Sword of Kusanagi: Chidori Katana
Rank: B
This technique allows Sasuke to flow Chidori through his chokutō. This makes it nearly unblockable as the radiating and chirping blade can easily cut through steel. Furthermore, if an opponent is stabbed, their body goes numb due to an electrical current which causes the muscles to go stiff, making it impossible for the opponent to move. However, it can be countered by other weapons that also utilize chakra flow, such as Killer Bee's swords.

•Raikou Bunshin no Jutsu (Lightning Clone Technique)
Description: This technique makes a simple clone of the shinobi however unlike the standard bunshin, which is a genjutsu, this bunshin takes an actual physical form through the use of electrically charged chakra. One can easily touch and hold this clone like it was in fact an actual person, however when it is attacked it quickly disperses into smoky, hot air. It is also able to attack using taijutsu, however it's ability to attack is around 1/10 in perspective to the user, in return for this weakness it's attacks deliver shocks of electricity to the opponent's body.

Teikou no Kuntou (Electricity Resistance Training)
Description: While not necessarily a technique that must be taken, most Cloud-nin are taught this at the Academy. As most know electricity in general is a deadly and somewhat scarce element, generally one could only collect the necessary electricity necessary to perform techniques if they were fighting in the middle of a thunderstorm, or near an electrical source. However current training standards in the academy show how a cloud-nin tends to make electricity through the use of chakra, turning most Cloud-nin in to human capacitors, technically. The process is generally quite painful and requires about 5 months of mental and physical conditioning to resist the charges you activate onto your body. As it is written, this technique is optional. A person who doesn't take this skill will generally feel pain when even performing their own electricity based techniques, also one who tends to take this ability tends to notice that minor shocks generally do not hurt them as badly.

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Raiton[/b] {Katon, Suiton, Raiton, Doton, Fuuton}

Katon Ryuuka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique)
Description: A jutsu that sends a stream of fire towards the opponent, originating from the users mouth. In some cases it has been seen to take on the form of a dragon. Capable of being used like a flamethrower, prolonged exposure has been known to transform boulders and cliff side’s into molten piles of magma.
Note: Genin can use the technique for up to two posts, Chuunin for three, and Jounin for five. As mentioned before, strength of the flame and prolonged exposure can prove devastating.

Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu (Fire Release: Powerful Fireball Technique)
Description: Uses a high amount of chakra which allows the user to breath out a large portion of flame. Extremely powerful, this Katon seems to possess a denser mass than most Katons. This would explain its intense potency and explosive nature.

Katon Housenka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Mythical Fire Flower Technique)
Description: A jutsu that sends multiple blasts of fire from the mouth, usually with one target in mind. Shurikens can also be hidden inside the flames, creating an element of surprise.

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b](Your third element's name)[/b] {Katon, Suiton, Raiton, Doton, Fuuton} (Jounin/sannin/kage only!)
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] •

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Sand[/b] (Sealing, medical, ect)
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] Academy
Name: Muki Suna Kaishin (Inorganic Sand Conversion)
Description: By placing their hand against a solid object, the user of this technique can convert it to sand. Generally only inorganic objects may be converted, but at a higher rank, the user may also convert minor organic objects such as plants and tree's as well, though people and animals are obviously out of the question. The main purpose of this technique is to allow the user to completely destroy an object; once it has been turned into sand it cannot be returned to it’s normal state. The size of the object that may be transformed is dependant upon the user. While with low levels only fairly small objects could be converted to sand with any reasonable degree of speed, anything around the size of the users fist essentially, but at higher levels entire walls could be transformed to sand in an instant. Additionally, the hardness of the material being converted affects the time needed to convert it, as such while simple stones could be converted extremely quickly, metal would require a longer period of contact, making it typically unsuitable for use on weapons except in special circumstances.

Name: Suna Bunshin no Jutsu (Sand Clone Technique)
Description: Creates clones out of the sand. Uses small amount of chakra and requires the presence of sand to perform. It is fully functional, meaning it can attack and be attacked but it has the appearance of sand so it's useless to use as a distraction. Due to it’s nature of being formed out of sand this bunshin is more solid than most, meaning things such as explosive tags can be put on them.

Name: Doujou Kirikae (Soil Conversion Technique)
Description: After mastering the appropriate stages, the user is able to use sand techniques by converting soil into sand for the duration of the technique. Shinobis of rank Chuunin and above may use techniques only of lower rank together with this technique. (Chuunin = Genin, Jounin = Chuunin, Sannin = Jounin. Densetsu = Sannin)

Name: Suna Yadama Ooikakusu (Sand Projectile Coat)
Description: Before releasing a projectile such as a kunai or shuriken, the user first coats it with a thin layer of sand. The main purpose of this is to get sand within a wound when the projectile strikes, inflicting extra pain to distract the enemy.

Name: Suna Jishaku (Sand Magnet)
Description: As the name of this jutsu implies, this technique allows the user to draw sand towards them. The user simply forms one hand into a seal, and holds their other hand out, attracting the sand towards their outstretched hand. They can attract any sand in the area towards them, providing that they can see it, and that the sand is not currently under another persons control. The amount of sand they can draw towards them is dependant on the user. At low levels only a bare few handfuls of sand can be drawn towards them at one time, while with much higher ranks the user can draw vast amounts of sand, enough for five to ten sand clones.
Name: Suna Shuriken (Sand Shuriken Technique)
Description: Creates shuriken out of sand. Uses a small amount of chakra and uses sand and hardens it to pose as a shuriken. The sand shuriken may be created from any source of sand and launched to an opponent by the user. Requires extra chakra to "throw" the shuriken if you do not throw it yourself

Name: Suna Nawa (Sand Rope)
Description: Makes a thin rope of sand that the user can propel from his or her sand source towards his or her opponent. The rope wraps around the user and tightens itself firmly. Of course as the sand rope has the same durability as a normal rope, if the rope does not bind the targets hand, then it may be possible for them to cut themselves free.

Name: Suna Same (Sand Shark)
Description: Forming the necessary seals, the user channels chakra into the sand beneath them, forming it into a small shark, about the length of the users arm. The shark is capable of swimming beneath the sand at considerable speed, and leaping out at will to bite at an opponent. Given the overall size of the shark, it is not capable of inflicting serious injury unless it is able to latch on and the opponent is unable to remove it. Several sharks can be created with this technique.

Name: Suna Tsume (Sand Claws)
Description: Coating their hands and forearms with sand, the user expels chakra to harden and lengthen the sand to create claw like gauntlets on each arm. They make good offensive weapons as they allow the user to make swiping attacks towards an enemy, or try and disarm a weapon wielding foe, while at the same time providing excellent protection for the hands and upper arm against bladed weaponry.
Name: Suna Tsue (Sand Staff)
Description: A technique handy when the user is left defenseless against an opponent. Performing a series of seals and holding their hand above the ground, large amounts of sand will fly towards the user as if being drawn by a magnet. The sand will clump and stick together in an elongated shape that will take the form of a bo staff. It can be used in the exact same fashion as that of a normal staff, that is to deliver and defend attacks to or from the enemy, though due to it’s nature it can only take so much punishment before crumbling. Additionally the user can cause the entire length of the staff to be covered in sand spikes which can rip and tear skin if a direct hit is given.
Name: Daisan no Me (The Third Eye)
Description: A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja uses sand to create an eye through which they can clearly see without fear of being seen. Perfect for spying or collecting information, or targeting an opponent while guarding himself with a wall-defense.

Name: Suna no Yoroi (Sand Armour)
Description: The user creates a thin, although durable, armour of sand around the their body by making the sand stick to their skin and clothes and then hardening it. How long the user can remain with the Sand Armour depends on their chakra strength. The strength also depends on the user's abilities, and can eventually be as strong as steel.

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b][u] Element 3[/u][/b]
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] •

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b][u]Bloodline/clan techinques[/u][/b] Sasori Strikers (AKA Scorpid Strikers)
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] •Name of Jutsu/ Ability: Glass Scorpion

Description: this ability was used as a clever way to poison enemies of other villages by making glass scorpoins they are small scorpions that carry small amounts of poison that isn't deadly, but can majorly slow down the enemy the way this justu is preformed is the user drips blood into the sand and then makes a fewhand signs and the sand solidify into a scorpion these can also be placed on enemies to track ninjas, a ninja may summon up to 100 scorpions but they must be carful if after summoning more than 50 the user begins to slow when summoning all 100 scorpoins the user must rest before moving

Rank: Gennin

Element: Sand

Type: ninjutsu

Scorpoins are small and hard to detect but they are brittle and easy to destroy but once destoyed they realease small bits of poison, the last thing is that these scorpoins olny carry enough poison sting 3 times

Name of Jutsu/ Ability: Poison Jab

Description: This is the simple jutsu in which the user focuses their chakra into his/her hand and release it through direct contact this poison gets stronger as the user does.

Rank: Gennin

Element: N/A

Type: ninjutsu

Poison'd Crackle

Description: this technque is much like the normal poison jab but a much more powerful version the user surounds their arm in a thick arua of acidic poison mist and charges it to a point that makes the arm become a powerful blade of acid but this technue has cost ater the user is finished with the technque the users arm becomes weak for a short whle
Rank: Chunnin
Side effect: Users Arm becomes usless for a small amount of time.
Gennin: 7
Sannin: 1

Kekki Genkai: Scorpid Strikers

Name of Jutsu/Ability: Scorpion info transmit

Description: this is a jutsu in which the user may see everythign a glass scorpion that the user creates can see and makes a very useful way to scout the user may even control scorpoions fro mextremly long range

Rank: Chunnin

Element: N/A


Name of Jutsu: Scorpid Shatter Explosion

Description: This is a simple that can be used on the small glass scorpions that the user makes but the user must be close for this just to be used(To prevent from attacking someone the user is a mile away) the small scorpions explode and cause a small sharp glass shards to launch around a small area and may poison the enemy the explosion is olny a small area of effect but can harm enemies if they are by a users weak spot such as their neck or face

Rank: Chunnin

Element: Poison

Type: Ninjutsu

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b][u]Weapon Style[/u][/b]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b][i] Infinite sword style [/i][/b]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Mastery Level[/b][color= red]stage 3[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [i]Techniques Learned:[/i]

Tobidōgu (Flying Tools):
Description: This jutsu allows the practioner to store their swords in a summoning scroll and summon them whenever they want. The practioner is taught how to summon hundreds of blades and make them rein upon the battlefield. If the opponent is not careful enough, he can be skewered to pieces from the initial summoning.

Double Sword Technique
Description: With intensive training, the user of the style can learn to wield two blades instead of just one. This can only be done with katana or smaller weapons. When using two blades, the effectiveness of the user can double or even triple under the right circumstances

Double Shimmering Path:
Description: The practitioner throws two swords at once at high speeds at the opponent

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b][u]Taijutsu[/u][/b]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b][i]Shuurai Tekken Do
[Way of the Lightning Strike Fist] [/i][/b]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Mastery Level[/b][color= red]stage 3[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [i]Techniques Learned:[/i]

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b][i]Pai Qua Quan
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Mastery Level[/b][color= red]stage 3[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [i]Techniques Learned:[/i]

Generall Taijutsu
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] •Dynamic: Entry (Dainamikku: Entorii)
Description: The user will throw a kunai to distract their target and will then use their speed and agility to quickly approach and attack the opponent from their blind side.

Konoha Dai Senpuu (Leaf Great Whirlwind)
Description: Like the normal Senpuu, the uses their quickness and agility to deliver a series powerful spinning kicks to their opponent.
Note: Must know Konoha Senpuu to perform

Konoha Senpuu (Leaf Whirlwind)
Description: Using their quickness and agility, the user charges at their target and spins their body to do a flying round house kick on those opponents within range of attack.
The Gate of Opening (Genin minimum)
Effect: 1/8 Speed and Taijutsu increase.
Description: Releases the brains limit on body muscles to achieve extra strength but does damage to tissue fibers.

The Gate of Healing (Chuunin minimum)
Effect: 1/8 Speed, Taijutsu, and Strength increase
Description: Releases the brains limit on body stamina thus a tired person will seem like he was miraculously starting off again.

The Gate of Life (Chuunin minimum)
Effect: 1/6 Speed, Taijutsu, and Strength increase
Description: Located near the throat on the spinal cord. Releases the limit of electrical functions on the nervous system, thus transmitting more information at a higher rate and sends signals to the cells to produce more stamina at a faster rate.

The Gate of Pain (Chuunin minimum)
Effect: 1/5 Speed, Taijutsu, and Strength increase
Description: Located in between the lungs. Releases the limit of oxygen intake and thus makes circulatory systems work at a faster rate and produces more energy for the body to use.
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [i]Custom Taijutsu Techniques Learned:[/i](Customs must be put in the custom taijustu acceptance forum to be approved of)
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] •

[/size][size=13][b]の[color=yourcolorhere]Equipment Data[/color]の[/b][/size][size=10]

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Headband Location[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] One on forehead of current village and one on arm of the Sand
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Headband Style[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Regulation Headband
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Headband Color[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] black
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Flak Jacket Style[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Sand Chunnin Vest
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Flak Jacket Color[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]Baige
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Kunai Holster Location[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] one per left
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Kunai Holster Color[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]baige
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Shuriken and Bomb Holster Location[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]left thigh
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Shuriken and Bomb Holster Color[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] baige
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Backpack Color[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] black
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Backpack Style[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] 2

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] Scorpid Striker Sword (Made by Katsuro)
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Weapon Type[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Sword
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Weapon Length/Range[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]3ft long without handle
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Weapon Weight[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] 10 lbs
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Weapon Location[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] scroll
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Weapon Properties[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Extremly Poisonous

[/size][size=13][b]の[color=yourcolorhere]Shinobi Combat Statistics[/color]の[/b][/size][size=10]

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [u]Missions Completed[/u]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]S Rank[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]A Rank[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]B Rank[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]C Rank[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]D Rank[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]E Rank[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [u]Battles Fought[/u]
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Fights Won[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]2
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Fights Lost[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]0
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Fights Tied[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]1
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Opponents Killed[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color]0

[/size][size=13][b]の[color=yourcolorhere]Other Data[/color] の[/b][/size][size=10]

[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Background History[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] Grew up with two loving parents in the Land Hidden in the Sand. It was a normal life until I decided to join the academy in order to help protect the village. There at the academy i met my mentor and long time friend Katsuro. I soon realized that we were not in a peacefull time. I was trained in many Jutsu and later found out that I was part of the Inuzuka Clan. I can now sniff out anyone that is in range. One day I was kidnapped, as a genin of course and taken to a secret cave where my mentor gave me the acidic blood I have now. I was turned into a Sasori Striker. Now that the village is barren i head out to seak a new home and start a new life.....
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Theme Song[/b][color=yourcolorhere]||[/color] None
[color=white]xxxxxx[/color] [b]Extra Stuff on Character[/b]
[color=red]|Pet Wolf Dog: Ken a loyal and trusted friend|[/color] .




PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:51 pm
PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:07 am



PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 12:53 am
Name of weapon: Fugu DaiShu
Who owns the weapon: Katsuro Kinjo
Where it was found/Who made it: upon looking into his bloodlines history
The Range of the weapon: 6 foot long blade
Weakness: Water jutsus, Medical ninjas
Description: This blade was poorly made and was probably made by the heat of the dessert. It is sharp and full of chunks of sharp metal that sticks out of the blade. The the blade is sturdy even if it is a deangerous death trap. The handle of the blade is safly wrapped in an extremly thick and is melded onto the grip of the handle. the blade it self has small bits of scorpions on it. The poisons from the scorpoin venom has mixed with the metal o nthe blade creatign a diffent type of metal that is extremly piosoness that can kill enemies if the target is hit multiple time after 15 cuts the target will die but the blade may olny be wield for 15 posts then the user will colapse.

Other effects-

1 Cut- the target is partailly slowed but no major changes

3 Cuts- the taregt is slowed more but still no major effects

5 cuts- The target begans to lose control and will began to weaken but stil lcan react pretty well

7 Cuts- the target is majorly slowed which can case trouble dodging and preforming taijutsus

10 Cuts- the target may not move their legs but still can move thier arms

13 Cuts- the target is almost paralyed and may olny move their amrs and may barly even be able to use jutsus

15 Cuts- The target Die's if not already dead from blood lose


The blade is a large blade but isn't sharp so deal's blunt damage  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:01 am
Kazuya Inuzuka

User Image
User Image

Personal Data

xxxxxxRPC Full Name||Kazuya Inuzuka
xxxxxxBirth Date|| March 2, 2001
xxxxxxWeight||200 lb
xxxxxxPersonality||energetic and helpful
xxxxxxSexuality|| Straight
xxxxxxBehaviour||Serious and Cunning
xxxxxxEthinicy|| Caucasion

xxxxxxPersonal Skill|| Cooking
xxxxxxFavorite Food|| Meat
Ramen and sushi
xxxxxxFavorite Drink||
xxxxxxLeast Favorite Food|| onion

xxxxxxLikestrain and friends
xxxxxxDislikes|| evil people

xxxxxx Strengths||
xxxxxxxxxxxx•can carry an immense amount of weight per leg and arm.
xxxxxxxxxxxx• Timid
xxxxxx Fears||

xxxxxx Relationships||
xxxxxx Family||
living in peace
Shinobi Data

xxxxxx Village|| -Current home- Sunagakure
xxxxxx Rank|| Genin

xxxxxx Ninja Class|| Taijutsu
xxxxxx Nindo|| "-Way of life-" Always help others.

xxxxxx Bloodline|| Inuzuka
xxxxxx Bloodline Stage||
xxxxxx Clan|| Inuzuka
xxxxxx Clan Stage||
xxxxxx Implants||
xxxxxx Curse Mark||

xxxxxx Summoning Type|| (Chuunin rank only)
xxxxxx Summon Sage?|| (Chuunin rank only)

Shinobi Technique Data

xxxxxx Chakra Points||
xxxxxx Chakra Color|| Red Orange
xxxxxx Chakra Element||
xxxxxxxxxxxx3. (S-Ranked, Ninjutsu Class required)

xxxxxx Ninjutsu
xxxxxx Non-Elemental {Start with the following three only}
xxxxxxxxxxxx • Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
xxxxxxxxxxxx • Kawarimi no Jutsu [Substitution Technique]
xxxxxxxxxxxx • Bushin no Jutsu [Clone Technique]

xxxxxx Weapon Style
xxxxxx Mastery Level
xxxxxx Techniques Learned:

xxxxxx Taijutsu
xxxxxx Mastery Level
xxxxxx Techniques Learned:

xxxxxx Mastery Level
xxxxxx Techniques Learned:


Equipment Data

xxxxxx Headband Location|Suna|
xxxxxx Headband Style|Academy Grad|
xxxxxx Headband Color|Black|
xxxxxx Flak Jacket Style||
xxxxxx Flak Jacket Color||
xxxxxx Kunai Holster Location|Left leg|
xxxxxx Kunai Holster Color|Black|
xxxxxx Shuriken and Bomb Holster Location|Left Buttock|
xxxxxx Shuriken and Bomb Holster Color||
xxxxxx Backpack Color|Black|
xxxxxx Backpack Style|Ninja Issue|

xxxxxx Weapon Type|Simple Katana|
xxxxxx Weapon Length/Range|3ft|
xxxxxx Weapon Weight|1.5 lbs|
xxxxxx Weapon Location|shoulder strack on back|
xxxxxx Weapon Properties|none|

Shinobi Combat Statistics

xxxxxx Missions Completed
xxxxxx S Rank||
xxxxxx A Rank||
xxxxxx B Rank||
xxxxxx C Rank||
xxxxxx D Rank||
xxxxxx E Rank||

xxxxxx Battles Fought
xxxxxx Fights Won||2
xxxxxx Fights Lost||0
xxxxxx Fights Tied||1
xxxxxx Opponents Killed||0

Other Data

xxxxxx Background History|lived in Suna his whole life now starting to live as a shinobi|
xxxxxx Theme Song|| None
xxxxxx Extra Stuff on Character|| Pet Wolf Dog: Ken a loyal and trusted friend.



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