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The Science of Abortion

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Blind Blindness

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PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 10:24 pm


Page 1-4--Scroll to bottom to go to the next page. I had to read all of it for my philosophy course, and I thought it may provide you with some insight surrounding the debate if you didn't already know.

What is your opinion on abortion? What, if any, experiences do you have to share?
PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2012 12:02 am

Why bring this up in the first place? This will only cause a heated debate along with hurt feelings in the end. Let's all just agree to disagree and let it go. Nothing good will come of this anyhow.

Princess Zelda21

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PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2012 9:13 am

Well, I would like to put in my two cents.Before I say anything, I will admit I am Christian, but my views are solely on what I believe of Abortion; not a view from my religious beliefs of it.

Anyway, I don't like abortion.But I will admit under certain cases it is neccesairy, but the majority of abortions are performed because alot of women get pregnant and don't want the responsibility of having a child.Which I believe is stupid.A child is a miracle of life, and are the only form of innocence left in the world.Although society has begun corrupting them at younger ages with each generation that passes.If they didn't want a kid, then they should have taken the proper safety measures to prevent it.Although I can understand if it was an accident.(God, look at me rant off-topic Like a Boss.)

As I was saying though: scientifically, abortions can be helpful, they can prevent women who are incapable of birthing a child without dying a chance to continue with their life.Although it's not fair that the baby didn't have a chance to experience life.Another thing, it's been proven that a human fetus has certain cells in it, such as Stem Cells, that can be used to heal many diseases, I believe a scientist said it could even cure some forms of cancer.But please correct me if I'm wrong about that.Although it may not seem like the morally correct thing to do, it can be very beneficial to others that are suffering from diseases such as cancer.Now, I would like to say that moral wise -- I do not approve of it in the least unless there are certain conditions where an abortion is the only option.I do believe it is not a morally correct thing, and I will never see it to be.But I do see how it can seriously benefit many people.It is an unfortunate thing to know that the baby won't have a chance, but atleast the baby will be used to help someone else; maybe even save another person's life.
PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2012 3:47 pm

I'd like to point out that if this subject will hurt your feelings or upset you, you have every right to walk away. You don't need to participate or say anything at all. No one else but you can be blamed for the fact that you decided to join a conversation that would only upset you, so if feelings get hurt then that's on you. Just walk away and let other people who can talk about it maturely have their debate. It's not like Danny brought this up to specifically attack anyone, he wanted to see what other people thought, just like any other person would with any other subject.

Anyway, I can fully admit that abortion depresses me and I don't necessarily like it. I like for a woman to have the choice to have it done though. I don't believe it's anyone's right to take that way from a woman. I prefer for an abortion to take place specifically before the fetus starts to gain consciousness and the ability to feel pain and such. I feel that a woman should be able to go through with an abortion for whatever reason she wants, be it rape, she doesn't want a child, it was an accident, she'll be risking her life, etc. If she doesn't want a child there is no point in having her bring one into the world that she will just resent. If it was rape, the resentment would probably be even greater, and no one wants someone to lose their life over something that could be handled. Now if this same woman was considering adoption (and her life wasn't at risk) and could handle what comes along with it, I'd slightly prefer that option to abortion, but it is still completely all up to the woman and what she wants, in my eyes. I would never try to convince her otherwise. So to sum all that up, it's a woman's decision whether or not she should have a child and if there is any reason why she doesn't, she should have that right.

But that all applies to the emotion side of things as I haven't thought too much on the scientific side. As stated above, stem cells are incredibly helpful towards other things and that is one reason why I support abortions since they can be beneficial to the people who are already here. This way no matter what, each and every fetus can be helpful in some way towards life even if it couldn't be apart of it. So all in all, even though abortion is a depressing topic for me, I know it can be beneficial and can bring much more good in some cases than if it wasn't gone through with.


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:30 am

Making abortion illegal just means women will go through illegal far riskier means to get them anyway. So yes abortion should be legal. At the same time I find it inhumane to abort a fetus that can feel pain. Having a fetus being wripped apart into pieces when it's capable of feeling pain, is downright immoral. So there's a narrow window.

The only acception being of course the mother's health.

And I should mention I'm for good Sex ed. We should be preventing unwanted pregnancies....
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