The Kingdom of Kougi ((Justice))

This Kingdom consists of humans, angels, and any other race that does not agree with what the others are doing. These people fight for what the believe is right. Being one of the few human based Kingdoms left, they openly attack warriors and inhabitants of the Kingdoms of Ryoku and Konton. Those Kingdoms are the sworn enemies of the Kougi. They will help the innocent, and defend surrounding villages whenever they can. The highest ranking warriors in this Kingdom are called the Shinsei Na Knights, or the Holy Knights. They are some of the most pure hearted, and deadly warriors of this Kingdom. They usually hate ones who kill for no reason. They especially hate the Monogarti, for their believes clash heavily with the Monogarti.

Leader- Hunter Crawl
Captian of the Royal Guards- Kunesume2
Royal Guards-
Adviser- II Cisara II

Shinsei Na Knight 1- StealthNeko

Shinsei Na Knight 2-[Reserved]

Shinsei Na Knight 3-
