Here are some things explaining the ranks, the humans in this guild, among other things.


Here is a short explanation of each rank in the guild.

Leader- The leaders of each Kingdom are one of the most powerful characters in the guild. This does not mean they are invincible, it just means they are very powerful compared to the other characters. These characters can have up to four abilities. If you are the leader of a Kingdom, you can call yourself a King, Queen, Emperor, Prince, or whatever you want it to be.

Royal Guards- These characters are more powerful than the average soldier. They protect their leader without question. They can have two abilities. Limited to five royal guards per leader. They can be played as NPC characters temporarily. They do not leave the capital normally unless escorting their leader.

Captain of the Royal Guards- This character can hold their own in a fight with some of the elite warriors of each faction [Monogatari/Kyuui etc etc.] They can have three abilities, and are in control of the royal guards themselves besides the leaders. Like the royal guards, they do not leave the capital city unless escorting their leader somewhere.

Advisers-These are typically the brains behind the leader, despite what their position says about them, they are no pushovers when it comes to fighting. Some are as powerful as the most elite fighters. Start out with two abilities, can unlock a third if the character works hard enough.

Shinsei Na Knights/Gougan Knight/Monogatari/Kyuui- These warriors are some of the most powerful characters in the guild. Until the guild gets bigger, these will be limited to two per Kingdom. They start off with two abilities, they can unlock a third ability.

Underlings- These characters are usually on the power of the guards. They are the followers of the elite warriors of each Kingdom. They start out with one ability, and unlock a second. There are only two per elite warrior.

Soldiers- Self explanatory. These are the soldiers that serve their leader. They can only have one ability.

For any who wish to be rogue, you will start out with one or two abilities, depending on how literate you are, and can work/train their way to have up to three abilities. maybe four if they are active and literate enough.

Please note- If I think you are literate enough, you can start out with all the abilities your rank can have.


Just a little explanation of what humans are in this guild. Humans are essentially some of the smartest, and adaptable races of them all. They maybe fragile, but they can wield powerful magic. For example, for each ability they have, they can cast spells of one element. Meaning if they have spells based on lightning, then those spells count as one ability. Humans can be as strong as some monsters, and are usually quicker than alot of monsters. They are highly versatile, creating some of the strongest armor and weapons out of any race. However, their abilities are limited to magic, and natural enhancements like strength, speed, and reflexes.

Edit- 5/22/12: For magic, you can have control over one element/type of magic for each ability slot you have ((Meaning how many abilities you can have)). Please do not use spells, as it can look like more abilities than you actually have. You should list how much control you have over the said element, and how powerful your attacks are with said element. ((Depending on what rank you have of course))
Banned abilities

The following abilities are banned and will NOT be allowed in the guild.

Time/Space manipulation
Absolute powers, Meaning abilities that can hit without fail. Or things that are unavoidable.
Illusions, meaning the types of illusions that mess with people's minds.
Abilities that tamper with feelings, memories, or attempt to take free will from an opponent.
Abilities that speed up yourself up. Meaning you will not be able to travel at the speed of sound, or anything close to it.
No controlling the opponents abilities whatsoever. You can only control fire/water/ice/lightning YOU produce.
No mimicking the opponent's powers.
Regeneration is alright, but you cannot regenerate organs.

Attacks that are extremely fast, like light, energy, and lightning based attacks will be slowed down in this guild. This isn't bleach or Naruto, these characters do not have the speed to dodge something that fast. These types of abilities will still be pretty fast, but not fast enough so that someone could not dodge it.
This list maybe updated without warning. So check it every once in a while.

Rules on making a new topic

Anyone may make a new topic in the subforums, as long as they relate to the subforum. Like a location in a certain Kingdom, or area.

Please put a heart heart in your profile if you have read this.