I am currently developing an in depth role play guild and am at the stage that I can actively start looking for members to join.
I will be giving a brief description of the overall land to try and appeal to your interest.
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Description of the world:
The World of Elden, torn asunder by a very powerful arch demon by the name of Bakaul, had been parted into 8 continents. As a last hope each continent had made a kingdom with a powerful army to go to war and rid Elden of its curse once and for all.
Countless lives had been lost and all the kingdoms, save oneā€¦ had fallen. Okosus Nightdreamer, lord of the kingdom of Shinrin had managed to seal bakaul into the Zetsumei Seal thus sacrificing himself and leaving the kingdom without a ruler.
Although Elden was once more free from the curse of Bakaul, the world had fallen into Anarchy. Disease began to spread, Crime had risen, and order had been lost and Elden had been forced to start fending for itself. Most races began to travel with their own kind, living in the continent of which is most natural to them. Although a few homes still remain existent, most were wiped out in the war against Bakaul, making Taverns the primary method for rest.
Elden now split into eight continents, with eight fallen kingdoms; it would seem all is lost. However, in an unknown location lies a small sliver of hope. A group known as the seal guardians watches over Elden eliminating any and all threats of breaking the Zetsumei Seal.
Soon order will once again rise, and the kingdoms will be back in their rightful place.