Most of the people in the Picture Post forum here on Gaia can shut up for all I care on how they are suggesting beginners to get a better camera. Of course it will help, but the camera is not what makes the photographer. It is only a tool in our bag of tricks. You do not have to have a DSLR to create good images. You can shoot full auto and still have decent images with a point and shoot. You need to learn composition. Here is the assignment! smile

1. Learn composition. Composition is all about framing your shot in your viewfinder. (The viewfinder is the little window you look into before you take a shot)

2. Learn the rule of thirds. Putting your subject on one of the third focal points will draw your eyes directly in on the subject, and will not make the image look bland like a regular snapshot.

3. Shoot during the golden hours. The golden hours or magic hours are the first and last hour of sunlight during the day. This lighting will give you really nice warm tones on your subject.

Once you have followed my advice, Post your images in the Post Your Own Photos! forum with what you have taken. I can't wait to see it. biggrin

For any definitions or to review what I have written just search Google for the term or ask me questions directly.