Being one of the Monogatari, Divine lives in the castle along with his fellow Monogatari and the Queen. Divines chambers are located quite a long way from the others, his are located in an secluded part of the castle, where the residents there never venture and so it is quite peaceful and quiet. From the outside, Divine's chamber seems like the common chamber that can be found all around the castle, but this couldn't be farther from the truth. Long away, when he first became a Monogatari, Divine had the castle's demonic shamans and mages cast a spell on his chamber so that only those who know the secret incantation may enter, except for Divine and the Queen, who may enter without the incantation. So far no one knows the incantation. If anyone enters without stating the incantation they will find themselves transported to the outside of the castle.

However once you enter the chamber with the incantation, you will find yourself in what only could be described as Divine's heart (figuratively of course). Inside of his chamber, is a vast world in which it is always raining and there are many pillars scattered through out it as well, however this world is merely an illusion created by the same exact mages that put the spell on his door. As long as Divine is able to exert his magical powers, the illusion will continue to exist and seem real. Whenever someone comes to his world, Divine will always be seen sitting atop one of the many pillars in the world, staring up as the rain falls down on him, no one knows what he is thinking about, or whether he is thinking at all.

If he chooses so, Divine can change to illusion as much as he likes, because of this no one knows what his chambers truly look like, no one except him and the Queen. Only on rare occasions, will Divine cancel the illusion and reveal his true chambers, that happens once every four months, during which, the mages will return to strengthen and fortify the illusion. Once that is done, Divine will activate the illusion once more.