I'm looking for either male or female charcter/partner, these are some idea i have in mind.

The Tribe:

_______ is a female ______ and was asigned to learn form a snake tribe, the Northern Serpent Tribe are a small group of 40 poeple and all are snakes, they all have arms and legs and a tail, but some come in different patterns, the leader Virin, is a cobra, he has arms but no legs, just a snake like body. He is known to be a hard man to trust but seems quiet peaceful to the members of his tribe, you must learn from these poeple to gain thier rust, for they own a massive mine filled with gold and rare gems, but killing them would make your group look evil and unforgiving, its your choice how this comes out.

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_____ is a male _____ and was exploring a unkown part of the Amazon jungle, you soon find a small tribe of a new race of anthro creatures, they are a reptile race and the female have slim bodies and the males have more of a muscular body. Choosing to meet them the elder of the tribe is also the leader, he hands you his daughter which was one of the best archers of the tribe, she has been asigned to learn from you and teach you, what will you get from this? What will you do in the end when you have to return?

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-more soon-