Have you ever had a dream of your dream avi? Well, I know I have. I'm SO desperate to get THREE items.:

Demonic Anklets(170k)
Winter Fox Mink(30k)
*Not accurate Prices*

My first quest is to get cloud♥
My second quest is to get Demonic Anklets♥
My third quest is to get Winter Fox Mink♥

If you could donate, or give me your uwanted items,
I would be thinking about you all night. Not one night, but every night.
Being happy of my avi.
Although, I DO believe in the saying,"It's not the avi that matters, it's the person inside that does." I believe it strongly, but, I still want to finish the avi.
I don't careif you don't donate. No hard feelings, but if you can't donate, at least bump! It can get lonely here