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[PRP] Call in a specialist

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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:34 pm
It had been a few days now since Ares - what other name would suit him? The vicious murderbeast of a Charizard... - had nearly torn her arm apart. A few days had left her bandaged and sterilized to prevent infection, and on the road to a complete recovery. She'd need to exercise it once it was fully healed to get back whatever muscle she'd lose in the mean time, and while it had been annoying the first time she'd had to do so, at least she was familiar with it now. Hopefully it wouldn't take as long this time as it had with her broken arm.

Still, a few days was much too long, in her opinion, and the longer she avoided the problem, the worse off she would be. Claire was poignantly aware of this fact. The agent had absolutely no desire to develop a fear of this Charizard, but because of her sub-par readiness and his swift viciousness, it had left her incredibly shaken if nothing else. Still, the sooner she started trying to tame him, the better. She didn't want to be afraid of him, because that would be counter-productive at the very least.

After a bit of pacing around her room, the agent finally huffed before picking up her Rocket 'dex and typing a message into it.

Faleen --

I've recently acquired a new addition to my team that I'd greatly appreciate your help with. Please let me know if you can meet me sometime today or tomorrow.

-- Claire
PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 6:04 pm
A new addition... Faleen could only suspect that it meant that Agent Claire had managed to get a Dark type in her possession, she recalled the subject being brought up quite some time ago, and Faleen couldn't imagine why Faleen herself would be requested if it were any other type.

Her reply was formal, agreeing to assist Claire, and told the Agent that she would be free later tonight. meeting at one of the training rooms would be optimal.
And that's exactly where she headed after she got off shift, her own ideal Pokemon team on the strap at her thigh.Hands folded properly behind her back, the tall standing Agent kept her eye out for the Agent she was to meet there.  


Supreme Roisterer

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 6:41 pm
Claire had been infinitely relieved when she'd gotten Faleen's response, and almost as excited at the prospects of progress with her new Charizard. Frankly, anything above 'trying to rip people's arms off' was progress. ...not that she'd done much besides almost get her arm ripped off, but that was besides the point. The point was, she would not be caught off-guard again; she would be prepared and like hell was it going to injure her again.

So intent was she on these decisions, she grabbed her team's balls off her desk, along with a small slender box near them, and headed down to the training rooms to prepare. She wanted to get in as much practice time before Faleen got there as she could, so that she - and just as important, her pokemon - were ready to handle anything that Ares could dish out. After a couple hours, Claire took a break in the session to take her team up to the main floor where she healed all of them - Ares included - before returning to the training rooms. It was almost time for her to meet Faleen, and there was one more thing Claire had to do before the other agent arrived. She pulled the box out that had been on her desk earlier and opened it to reveal a fire stone that glittered under the lights of the training room. She offered it to Artemis, who seemed to know exactly what it was and realized the fact her trainer was leaving the decision up to her. With a wag of her tail and a nudge at Claire's hip, the Growlithe then pressed her nose to the stone and was immediately engulfed in a brilliant white light that morphed and grew. When it finally stopped and faded, a large Arcanine stood in the middle of the training room, and Artemis lowered her head to try to nuzzle her trainer excitedly, her thick, bushy tail wagging faster than such a huge mass of fluff really should.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 6:51 pm
Faleen had stepped into the room in time to catch the end of the Pokemon's transformation, surprised at first by the glow, but understanding when it seemed to grow and break away.
She was able to recognize from the colors that this was in fact Calire's Archanine.

"Ready for the next step." the Agent noted, a soft polite smile of her lips as she walked over to join them.  


Supreme Roisterer

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:01 pm
The agent hadn't expected Faleen just yet, so she turned when she heard the voice of her fellow agent, eyebrows raised slightly in surprise before they lowered again. Claire offered the blond a small smile. She was in uniform, and her gloves pulled up past her elbows hid the bandages on her left arm from the first time she let Ares out. "Yes. I want to be prepared. I wasn't the first time I let him out," she admitted ruefully as she put the small box into her bag, to dispose of later, and let out a few more of her pokemon, more specifically her Pikachu, her Pidgeot, and Quilava. She refrained from letting out the dark fire-type just yet, and wondered if healing him had been such a good idea after all... Maybe. She'd have to see.

"I was assigned a dark Charizard the other day. They didn't tell me what it was when they gave it to me, so I didn't know what kind of pokemon it was until I let it out in the training room," she informed the other agent as she put all the other balls away and pulled out the single dark ball, the only one in her possession, and rolled it around her fingers. "Within seconds of being let out he turned around and bit my arm, but luckily Aulus was there and our pokemon subdued it quickly enough." Claire figured it best to explain as much as she could, in case the information could help Faleen give her advice suited to her situation. "I haven't hard dark-types before -- well, not really --" Memories of the new Umbreon she'd stolen came to mind, "-- but certainly never a dark pokemon. I'd appreciate any advice or suggestions you could offer," she finally finished with a polite dip of her head.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:14 pm
The Agent stopped once she reached Claire, glancing around at the pokemon that she had released, certainly whatever pokemon this was it was making the other agent nervous, a few different species ran through her head. But when it was identified as a dark Charizard, Faleen's eyebrows arched with interest.

"And it was issued to you like that?" well, that was certainly going to make things more difficult.
Faleen didn't seem at all surprised to hear about its first reaction to its trainer, and nodded in understanding.
"I'll certainly see what I can do for you," Faleen agreed. "I would like to see the pokemon first, though I'm going to have to request that you first withdraw your other pokemon." a hand was gently gestured to the pokemon around. "dark turned pokemon tend to be extremely reactive, if they come out in a situation where there are a lot of pokemon on the defensive, they will automatically assume a more violent and offensive stance of their own."
Faleen explained, a hand dropping down to the strap of pokeballs on her own leg.

"Before you let it out though, what is it that you know about dark turned and dark types already?"  


Supreme Roisterer

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:34 pm
"Yes," Claire affirmed with a nod of her head, although she glanced around at her pokemon when Faleen made her suggestion. Her brows were furrowed, a small frown on her face. Clearly she was not at all sure if that was a good idea at all. While she could understand the other agent's reasoning, it didn't make her feel any better about the idea of letting Ares out without her pokemon out to defend her. Still, she returned the dark ball to her waist, but her hand hovered over the empty pokeballs as she glanced at Faleen. "Could I at least keep one out..?"

She didn't like to feel defenseless, which is exactly how she'd feel if she had to return all of them. Still, she obeyed and returned all but Odette and Zeus while she answered Faleen's other question. "I know very little about dark-turned pokemon, and not much more about dark-types except from what I've observed. I recently stole one but I don't.. think it really acts much like one. Could be that she's just timid."
PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:58 pm
"For now we won't, but we will respond to the situation as needed, its not difficult to call out a pokemon on quick notice." She pointed out in reassurance.

When Claire explained what she knew, Faleen nodded gently, considering a few things before furrowing her brow.
"Alright... well, with darks you need to understand certain things about them, is that usually, they work entirely around a self interested motive. Often times that motive retains to something that implies their nature, dark.
The best way to form an alliance with these types, is to find out what they want, and through that; work out an agreement, or a means to channel their motivation in a way that lets them accomplish it with a greater magnitude than what they would normally be able to do by themselves. Power is the best example of this."

Faleen watched Claire to see if she was understanding. "You will need to establish some kind of dominance over the pokemon if you want to gain their respect. This can be extremely difficult sometimes with the larger pokemon."
She folded her arms, her head dipping a little lower to wear a very serious look on her face. "Fear is the biggest thing you need to avoid showing them, if they don't get the impression that you could stomp them into the ground, no matter how powerful they are, they will not give you a second glance... but at the same time, dark turned pokemon... never ever trust them completely. Thats a fact you are going to have to live with.
Do you understand that so far?"
Faleen paused here, to see if Claire had any question, or was having trouble understanding what Faleen was saying.  


Supreme Roisterer

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:11 pm
The agent reluctantly recalled the last two pokemon and put their balls away. She didn't pull out Ares's ball yet, however. The dark-haired Rocket nodded to everything Faleen was saying, trying to soak up the words as best she could. They made sense and she understood them, but she wasn't sure how to really... reach an agreement with the dark Charizard. "I understand," she said finally, although her brow remained furrowed for another moment, "but I'm not sure how to do that with him. From what little I saw, from the moment he came out until the moment we recalled him, he was just... Angry. At everything, it seemed like." How could she try to compromise with that?

But, fear. She would have to stifle it, to snuff it out as best she could. She was a skilled, competent agent - she had reached a similar rank in Galactic, and had clawed her way up to it here as quickly as she could manage. She would not be afraid of a pokemon - no matter the fact it had so many sharp teeth and could breathe fire - she couldn't be afraid of him. Besides, she was only truly scared of a very few things - this Charizard was not, and would not, be one of them.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 1:49 pm
"That's fine, its going to be something that you'll discover the more you work with the pokemon. Its with the turned dark pokemon that take a lot more effort then normal pokemon, I've found they are worth it though." Faleen explained, knowing that this was probably the most stressful part.

"Your job right now is to just watch him. the first step we're going to have you take is to first show you're not scared of him, this is why the pokemon away.
If he tries anything to harm you, or anyone else, then you can call your pokemon, if you do this make sure to call a pokemon you can reply on to listen to you, a pokemon you have a strong command over."

Faleen took a few steps back, keeping her eyes on Claire.
"We'll take it slow for now, lets first just get an idea of what kind of behavior we'll be dealing with." The blond agent nodded, glancing to the dark ball to indicate that the other agent begin.  


Supreme Roisterer

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:56 pm
"Alright," Claire replied reluctantly, brow still furrowed. "I doubt I'd ever want to fully trust him anyway, he's like some bloodthirsty monster." She pursed her lips as she pulled his ball out again, looking down at it with a vaguely nauseated feeling in her stomach, and a dull ache in her arm where he tried to rip it off the last time she let him out. Her fingers clenched over the ball tightly as she tried to inwardly squash every little bit of fear she could. She could handle this, no problem. And if not, she had the rest of her pokemon, and Faleen was here with hers.

Zeus. If she had any problems, she'd call out Zeus first.

Feeling a little better with all of these thoughts and with Faleen's reassurances - plus knowing exactly who she'd call out in case of problems, seeing as back-up plans were her favorite things - the agent aimed the ball away from them, towards the other end of the training room, and pushed the release.

The flash of white light quickly materialized into a large dark Charizard, who emerged with a roar and a gout of flame aimed at nothing in particular. His head whipped around, his lips pulled back into an angry snarl as he growled, and his dark eyes immediately focused on his closest target - Claire. With another roar, he launched himself forward, jaws wide and ready to sink his teeth into flesh again.

Claire cursed inwardly as he headed right for her, but dove to the side and rolled out of the way before he could hurt her like last time, and was on her feet again almost instantly. Ares skidded a bit with a growl, but since he had another target in this same direction he ran right for Faleen instead. Another flash appeared behind him, and the Pikachu that emerged growled loudly before sending an arc of lightning towards the dark pokemon, hitting him square in the back and making him halt with a loud roar, and he whipped his head around to see -- a Pikachu. He snarled at Zeus, teeth bared as his flame-tipped tail whipped back and forth in agitation. He didn't attack immediately this time though, almost as if he was taking a moment to try and figure out why such a small pokemon was standing up to him.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:00 pm
A soft smile feathered the corners of the engineers lips after the other agent raised doubt of ever trusting the dark turned Pokemon. Faleen shook her head, "no, you won't" she replied. before taking a few steps away from Claire, to allow her to call her Pokemon out.

It behaved just like a dark turned would, the massive dragon emerging in a fury of howls and flame, its very nature contorted with directionless rage and hatred.
It was a beautiful sight to Faleen, but it would be even more beautiful once this Pokemon was driven into submission and channeled properly.

When it dove for Claire, Faleen watched as the agent reacted promptly to get out of its way, calling out one of her pokemon.
Her eyes narrowed softly when the Charizard then pulled his attention onto Faleen. Holding her ground, but not taking her eyes off of the fire type, waiting to see what he would do, but wanting Claire to be the one to deal with him.
Still, she had her hand ready to launch a massive shark at the fire type if Faleen found herself in danger.

Claire's Pikachu had come into the mess, and drew the attention away. Faleen took this opportunity to look over to Claire.
"Start testing its response, keep your Pikachu on it, but try and give it commands."  


Supreme Roisterer

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:54 pm
If Faleen had voiced her thoughts of how beautiful the dark pokemon was, Claire would have wondered what the hell was wrong with her.

The agent took a moment or two to analyze the situation, and to take in Faleen's words, and she gave a small nod to show she understood. "Move away from her, and come here," she ordered the fire-type slowly, trying to sound calm as she pointed with one hand to the spot several feet in front of her.

The Charizard's lips curled back again into another sneer as another growl rumbled out of his throat, but he obeyed.

Except instead of walking over to her and stopping where she had indicated, he ran and had every intention of tearing her to shreds - Claire could even tell as he barreled towards her again and loosed another loud roar. She wasn't as afraid this time though. Zeus had started running the same time the Charizard did, outpacing him easily, and right before Ares could reach Claire, Zeus let loose another electric attack, hitting the Charizard in the back again.

With a pained roar, he stumbled and fell forward onto his stomach, roughly about where Clair had originally indicated. Zeus moved over to his trainer's side, waiting for more orders.

"Good." Ares simply snarled at her, but she ignored that for the time being. "Now, stand up." Claire ordered him, and after a few tense moments he obeyed and slowly stood up - although he appeared as if he only did so because it was easier to attack while standing up and not being on the ground, but he didn't attack just yet.

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