And desperately searching for an RP! I've been pretty inactive for a while now, and I'm finally back! :D
I'm not really craving anything too specific, so just PM me with any ideas/suggestions you might have.

Oh, also, before I go, I do have some rules of sorts (if you want to call them that):

1. I play the female. I'm sorry, I know it's not very convenit , but I'm reaaaaally bad at roleplaying guys.
2. I'm semi-literate to literate, depending on my partner. I don't care if the posts are a short paragraph, but pleeeeease no one-liners!
3. Also, I can't stand text talk. Literacy is the best thing ever!
4. I prefer to use the PM systems, but I am open to using email or some other instant messaging systems.

That is all. ^-^