All right, I did the art for the badges for the Jacon convention this year and they got accepted. They are letting us(the artists) do the graphics and layout for them as well though. I like the scheme and look of the demon's badge though I could still make small changes, but I'm having quite a lot of trouble deciding what to do with the angel's. I'm just not satisfied with anything I'm doing.

User Image
Here's what I have for the dark one... I don't know if I should just extend the purple bg to the double outlines or what.

User Image
And I've just been seriously messing around with this one. I was going to clean up the border more and I would definitely have to do something with the text for the date and time (maybe just a stroke around it), but I didn't want to bother if I end up doing something completely different...

I could do something more like this...
User Image
Which would fit better with the other one probably, but it just seems to plain or lacking something.

Rules/guidelines I was given
The outside stroke on the badge needs to stay. It does not have to remain
black. [Just keep in mind that there will be a white border around the badge
because of the way the printers cut them.]

- Your image goes within that outside stroke. [And yes, it can even bump up
against it.]

- You must include: April 28-30, 2006 Orlando, Florida somewhere on the
badge (and clearly readable). Font size, color, texture, location, etc are
all your choice.

- You must use the JACON logo, either the vertical or horizontal version
(which happen to be called top and side). You can keep the line that's
behind, you can erase it. You can color the logo, rotate it, shadow it, and

- Just remember that somewhere on the badge, a person will stick their name

I feel so tight for room and getting things set up to look nice. I'm also more familiar with paint shop pro than with photoshop which is also a setback for me. XD Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas? My deadline for them is the tenth (next friday) Thanks before hand!