He spent quite a lot of his free time in one of the base’s rec rooms, working away on one project or another and joining in with whatever talk was passing. He made friends that way, and got his skills known at the same time; two Pidgey with one Thunderbolt.... Of course there was the downside that some cretins jeered and him and or threatened him or his work. He'd handled such nasty incidents alright so far though either through charm, or thanks to finding himself with backup from one of the friends he had managed to make. Making more friends therefore was definitely a current priority, even coming above getting promoted to Grunt. He needed people, a social network, people who would help him when he asked and protect him when he needed it.

Today had gone well enough on that score; solidifying connections with allies he'd already made rather than making new ones but that was just as good. As the little trio of grunt ladies got up to leave KO grinned and gestured to the cherry red sewing machine he was sitting behind; "Don't worry, your outfits will be done in plenty of time for Saturday; I'll contact you when I'm ready to do final fittings. Take care ladies!"

They replied with variations on 'Thanks!' 'Bye!' and 'You too!' and then were gone in a whirl of giggles, discussion of their planned evening, and their plans to hone the viciousness of their Pokémon teams. As the door closed behind them, leaving KO alone in the rec room at least for now; he smirked to himself before turning his attention back to his work; leather pants, as requested by one Rory. Whoever his girl was KO hoped she liked them on him, and appreciated all the effort that was going into making them.