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Ruthless Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 10:26 am

                                                  inspiration: : long live by taylor swift
                                                  status : : full & starting
                                                  players: : 1 x 1
                                                  creator : : icarrot-ness
PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 11:30 am



                    Do you remember your first friend? The son of your mother's best friend or a close cousin or the girl who lives next door. We all have one, or possibly had one. Sometimes these best friends can grow away from each other, fight, or even move away. It seems that very rarely do these two remain inseparable through everything, and even if they are bad luck can often lead them astray.

                    Well, this girl and boy thought they could last through it all. He and his recently divorced father had moved in down the street from her and her dad and brother. As the curious five year that she was, the girl walked down the sidewalk, past four houses to the big house with the big moving van parked out front. Her father came running down the street and took her hand in his, seeing his new neighbor and apologizing. Long story short, the two men quickly began talking about sports and such when a small boy, around the same age as the girl, made his way to his father. Well, soon families went back to their business. It was early fall at the time and school so began. The girl and boy ended up in the same kindergarten class and immediately found themselves playing together at recess and sitting together at lunch.

                    And so it began. The girl and boy were the best of friends, always playing in the woods behind the boy's house. They went on adventures, lived in a magic kingdom and fought dragons but they were never the knights or normal heroes in the stories. For as long as they could remember, they'd always been outsiders. When they saved the princess of defeated the monster, it was always because the knight couldn't. They were the heroes that no one expected but were loved all the same. They didn't want to fit in away.

                    Through all the years of school they remained best friends. Even as their interested varied, they could always come back to each other, protected each other. Everything was perfect right? Of course not. Life isn't that simple. In the middle of seventh grade, the boy's father lost his job. They could no longer afford the house and there were no jobs nearby. The boy's father was to move to search out a job and the boy was to move back in with his mother who lived across the country. The boy and girl assured each other that they would still be best friends. And for a time they tried. They talked on the phone whenever they could but they became busy and soon enough they lost contact all together.

                    Well, the girl never forgot him. She continued to live in the same small town that she was born in. She was still an outsider, but now she had no one to take on the world with her. She had a few friends, but they weren't very close. As she grew up she joined the school band and made new friends but there was always a nagging sense that there was something missing inside her. Maybe it was him. but eventually she pushed him to the back of her mind, she had to move on right? It's not like there was anything she could do.

                    Four years later, she was in the eleventh grade. Things were mostly the same, she didn't have many friends but she got by. Nothing had really changed since he had left and then one day in her first period chemistry class, well, that all seemed to come crumbling back down on her. A boy entered the class half-way through. A couple of girls were giving the handsome new boy googly eyes but the girl wasn't paying attention. It wasn't until the teacher said his name aloud that she looked up. After four years she saw her best friend again, but instead of rejoicing, she didn't know how to feel. She just avoided eye contact and tried not to be seen before hurrying to leave class before he could see her.

                    What happens now? Things can hardly go back to exactly how they were. Can this boy who is suddenly seems popular and cool be friends with his outcasted former best friend? Will other feelings ensue?


Ruthless Prophet


Ruthless Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:32 pm



                    oo1. Follow all the Gaia ToS and the rules of the guild.
                    oo2. Keep it clean, I'm hoping for a little romance and action but keep it PG-13 at the most.
                    oo3. Please try and at least have one good paragraph per post, more would be lovely but we don't need to write novels.
                    oo4. I love pretty posts, so please at least use a picture and maybe a little color.
                    oo5. Please stay in character, a shy character wouldn't really go make friends with everyone.
                    oo6. Don't have perfect characters either, every character has strengths and weaknesses, good qualities and bad.
                    oo7. Please try and post several times a week if at all possible.
                    oo8. Please PM me all profiles titled Long Live. I have the power to accept or deny.
                    oo9. I reserve the power to add more rules as needed. They will be bolded as they are added.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:27 pm



                    The Girl:
                    User Image

                                        nomTHE BASICS
                                        FULL NAME Bethany Anne Crowe, but don't call me that.

                                        NICKNAME It's just Beth, okay?

                                        AGE Sixteen years, but I'll be seventeen next month.

                                        GENDER Female...Are you blind?

                                        BIRTHDAY December Nineteenth.

                                        HEIGHT I stand a whopping five feet and four inches off the ground.

                                        ORIENTATION Straight as an arrow as far as I'm aware.

                                        nomDIG A LITTLE DEEPER
                                        FAMILY MEMBERS Well, I live with my dad and my older brother Eric, who is nineteen and goes to college at the moment. My mom is...out of the picture now. My grandparents live in Florida and Maine, so I don't see a lot of them and my dad is an only child. We don't have any other family members living nearby.

                                        FRIENDS Yeah...I don't have many of those. When I was younger it never really bothered, I had the same best friend from the time I was five until I was thirteen...things happened. I have a few friends but we aren't super close or anything.

                                        TALENTS Well, I'm just an artsy person. I'm pretty good at writing poetry and short stories, drawing, painting and playing most musical instruments. I can play guitar, but I prefer more orchestral instruments like the flute or bass clarinet. Other than that there isn't much of anything I'm good at.

                                        WEAKNESSES Wow, where to begin? I'm very clumsy, I can hardly walk. I'm very awkward around most people and i have the hardest time making friends. I'm particularly smart in any subject at school. Oh and I'm dyslexic. I have the hardest time reading most anything and I have to try hard, so usually I don't. Well, except for when I'm reading music.

                                        FEARS Well, there's deep water, needles, failure, change and death, I'm not going to explain them all for you, it'd take too long.

                                        OTHER I kind of live in my brother's shadow, he's extremely smart and kind and I'm not...But it's whatever. I don't care...

                                        nomME, MYSELF, AND I
                                        APPEARANCE Well, I'm not exactly pretty as the wonderful people at school have been clear in telling me. I guess I'm decent looking, you can decide for yourself. Uhh, details? Well, I have somewhat short naturally bright red hair that is typically wavy. When I don't straighten my hair, which is most of the time, my bangs are sort of just swept to the side but when it is straightened they usually fall right into my eyes. Speaking of, my eyes are a sort of gray-blue color, it kind of depends on the day which color they resemble more. But of course, my eyes aren't great. At all. I'm not quite as blind as a bat, but I really should wear my glasses all the time but I don't. I seriously hate them. I have super pale, fair skin which totally sucks int he summer. My skin is relatively clear except for the light freckles speckled across my nose and, oddly enough, my hands. Oh well, I've never really bothered wearing make-up, I'd have no idea what I was doing if I even tried. Clothes wise, I tend to wear a lot of not quite tight skinny jeans, t-shirts, cardigans, converse, and bracelets. I don't really bother trying to keep up with what is 'cool'. I just don't care.

                                        PERSONALITY I'm...well a little different I guess. Somehow, instead of being the kind of person who slides under the radar, I've been cursed with far too much attention and have been since I was younger. Oh well, I'll deal. I'm generally an a rather awkward person, especially around people I don't know well. I just don't know how to talk or approach people. I'm about as stubborn as they come and with a temper on top of it, I'm generally not the nicest person around, especially when I'm mad. I try to keep all my emotions in but it's hard and I hate to break down in front of people. I try to always seem tough and calm, it's very hard for me to open up and talk to anyone about how I feel. But really, I'm not all that bad. I'm extremely loyal and protecting of my friends but it takes a lot to let me trust anyone. Yeah, I know it's stupid but I'm incredibly scared of change. It's probably because of certain things that have happened, but I have a hard time moving on from things and people. I guess I'm kind of a tomboy, I'd much rather be hiking in the woods than be anywhere near a shopping mall but that's just me. I've always been a bit of an outcast, God knows why but I accept it. I've never wanted to be popular but not being laughed at or made fun of might be nice.

                                        HISTORY I'll try and keep this short, my life isn't nearly interested enough to hold your attention for very long. My parents met and fell in love and...certain actions occurred and nineteen years ago my brother Eric was born and a little more than two years later, it was my turn. Well, everything had to have been great, I mean I don't remember but from what I've been told it was. But don't the worst of things usually happen to the best of people? Not me, but my mom. I was two and we were at the lake I was told that we always used to go to in the summer. Well, it was night, everyone was sleeping but I couldn't so she had taken me to walk down by the water. I...I don't remember what exactly happened next, no matter how many times I was asked all I can remember is the water, so deep and cold and dark, swallowing my mother and I up and then everything went black.

                                        Well, we never went back to that lake again...I'm done talking about it. After that my dad was never really the same, he fell into random depressions but he always managed to pull through and help take care of us. After a few years he seemed rather normal, but I knew he was still hurting. I don't have many memories of the time between the summer when I was two and the beginning of school except for meeting Francis. He moved in a few houses down and I didn't really think much of him but our fathers got along. Then when we started kindergarten, we just sort of clicked. We started playing on the playground and soon became very close friends. I'm still not exactly sure how it happened, it just...did. He and I stuck together through everything, my having trouble in school and my dyslexia and his divided family troubles. Well, until Francis's dad lost his job, they couldn't afford the house. Everything happened so fast. One day we were just hanging out like always and the next day they were packing their things up and within a week they were gone. We tried to talk on the phone as much as we could, but honestly it wasn't the same and soon between both of our schedules we lost contact completely...

                                        Have I mentioned yet how much I hate change? I just can't deal with it. I'm sure Francis moved on with his life made new friends, that's what I was supposed to do. But i never really could make many friends. Wow, I sound pathetic. I mean, there were a few people from band that were cool and we started talking more but that was mostly it. I was already a bit of an outcast but I didn't realize how much harder it was to face the world alone.

                    User ImagexxxUser ImagexxxUser Image

                    The Boy:
                    User Image

                                        nomTHE BASICS
                                        FULL NAME Francisco Allen Lachowski

                                        NICKNAME Francis or Allen

                                        AGE Seventeen

                                        GENDER Male

                                        BIRTHDAY August 21st

                                        HEIGHT Six feet 3 inches

                                        ORIENTATION Straight

                                        nomDIG A LITTLE DEEPER
                                        FAMILY MEMBERS His father and divorced mother

                                        FRIENDS The girl he met as a young child and a few others he accepts to be relatively close to him

                                        TALENTS He can play the guitar and sing very well and he can draw a little bit

                                        WEAKNESSES Procrastination, loss of patience, tend to go to any limits to help friends in need, too focused on other things and can't relax or work right, and also he tends to open up to people easily(too trusting)

                                        FEARS Very cramped spaces, heights, clowns, pain, storms and being alone

                                        OTHER He is able to meet others and say hello to just about anyone, considering he used to be a freak but with age his looks helped him gain the social status he has

                                        nomME, MYSELF, AND I
                                        APPEARANCE He was a tall guy, stood to be over six feet tall, he had a slender yet well built body. He had nicely toned muscles, a six pack and nice arm muscle for as small as he appeared. He had semi short brown hair with very thin blonde highlights in the front. he had beautiful hazel colored eyes with lightly tanned skin which made him look flawless (but of course he was no where near perfect). With his mother being a fashion designer he had to look his very best when it came to physical looks and what he wore.

                                        PERSONALITY Francisco is a unique guy and this is put in basic terms. He is a funny guy who can make just about anyone smile with the simple things he would say. He is a very loving and caring guy, there would not be a day that would go by and he would worry about you if the slightest thing came up. As weird as he may seem, his light French accent is a girl catcher, women love to hear him speak French. He can be a big flirt from time to time if he absolutely feels like doing so. His earlier years he was considered to be an odd one, being pushed away from the popular group, but within four years he was considered to be rather popular and able to fit in well.

                                        HISTORY Growing up with a small family, a mother and father, life was great for the first couple of years. He was being taught French because his mother was French. His parents met when his father went on a trip to Paris to visit for his first time. They met at a bakery and hit it off nicely; they dated for three years before his father proposed and she got pregnant with a child soon after the engagement. They got married a month before his mother gave birth to their only son, Francisco. A few years passed and the French began to rub off onto him and the accent his mother had as well he copied and it stuck. When he was the age of four his mother and father got a divorce and she left; never to be heard of again. It was rough on Francisco to live without a mother, but his father kept up with the French studies and they moved to a new place; Rosebury, Ohio. They got a nice house and got settled down, thats when Francisco met a girl, but thought nothing of it at the time.

                                        Seeing as they had the same kindergarten class they began to play with eachother and a bond came about. They became the best of friends, sticking at eachothers sides for a while. Francisco's father was considering to get remarried, but thought it would be too much stress on his son. The years passed by slowly, but the friendship stayed strong through it all, until one day... His father was fired from his job and they couldn't afford the house they were living in. This is where Francisco had to say his goodbyes before he had to move in with his mother again.

                                        Francisco tried to keep a good friendship with her over the phone but school began to get in the way and all contact was broke. Four years managed to pass by and he was still living with his mother, switching between his father and mother; living with them both as he tried to maintain a good family bond between each of the parents. He moved near to where he used to live when he was younger, currently attending the high school for his junior year and coming back with a whole different social look. He was more popular, better looking as well and mostly because of his mother who had a very successful job as a French clothing designer.

                    User ImagexxxUser ImagexxxUser Image


Ruthless Prophet


Ruthless Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:29 pm




                    [list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][size=24][color=1][u][b][/color][color=2]↺ [/b][/u][/color][/size][color=1][u][b][/color][color=white]nom[/color][/b][/u][size=20][color=1][u][b][/color][color=2]THE BASICS[/color][/u][/b][/size]
                    [size=18]▕[/size] [size=15][color=1]FULL NAME[/color][/size] [size=18]▏[/size][size=11]First Middle Last.[/size]

                    [size=18]▕[/size] [size=15][color=1]NICKNAME[/color][/size] [size=18]▏[/size][size=11]Words[/size]

                    [size=18]▕[/size] [size=15][color=1]AGE[/color][/size] [size=18]▏[/size][size=11]Between Sixteen and Eighteen[/size]

                    [size=18]▕[/size] [size=15][color=1]GENDER[/color][/size] [size=18]▏[/size][size=11]Words[/size]

                    [size=18]▕[/size] [size=15][color=1]BIRTHDAY[/color][/size] [size=18]▏[/size][size=11]Month and Day.[/size]

                    [size=18]▕[/size] [size=15][color=1]HEIGHT[/color][/size] [size=18]▏[/size][size=11]Words[/size]

                    [size=18]▕[/size] [size=15][color=1]ORIENTATION[/color][/size] [size=18]▏[/size][size=11]Words[/size]

                    [list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][size=24][color=1][u][b][/color][color=2]↺ [/b][/u][/color][/size][color=1][u][b][/color][color=white]nom[/color][/b][/u][size=20][color=1][u][b][/color][color=2]DIG A LITTLE DEEPER[/color][/u][/b][/size]
                    [size=18]▕[/size] [size=15][color=1]FAMILY MEMBERS[/color][/size] [size=18]▏[/size][size=11]words[/size]

                    [size=18]▕[/size] [size=15][color=1]FRIENDS[/color][/size] [size=18]▏[/size][size=11]words[/size]

                    [size=18]▕[/size] [size=15][color=1]TALENTS[/color][/size] [size=18]▏[/size][size=11]words[/size]

                    [size=18]▕[/size] [size=15][color=1]WEAKNESSES[/color][/size] [size=18]▏[/size][size=11]words[/size]

                    [size=18]▕[/size] [size=15][color=1]FEARS[/color][/size] [size=18]▏[/size][size=11]words[/size]

                    [size=18]▕[/size] [size=15][color=1]OTHER[/color][/size] [size=18]▏[/size][size=11]words[/size]

                    [list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][list][size=24][color=1][u][b][/color][color=2]↺ [/b][/u][/color][/size][color=1][u][b][/color][color=white]nom[/color][/b][/u][size=20][color=1][u][b][/color][color=2]ME, MYSELF, AND I[/color][/u][/b][/size]
                    [size=18]▕[/size] [size=15][color=1]APPEARANCE[/color][/size] [size=18]▏[/size][size=11]words[/size]

                    [size=18]▕[/size] [size=15][color=1]PERSONALITY[/color][/size] [size=18]▏[/size][size=11]words[/size]

                    [size=18]▕[/size] [size=15][color=1]HISTORY[/color][/size] [size=18]▏[/size][size=11]words[/size]

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:35 pm



                    Where: The small town of Rosebury, Ohio.
                    When: November, we will begin on a Thursday.
                    Weather: Chilly, windy, and rainy.


Ruthless Prophet


Ruthless Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:37 pm



                    Just in case.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:38 pm



                    Just in case.


Ruthless Prophet


Ruthless Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:39 pm



                    Just in case.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:49 pm



                    Let the roleplay begin!


Ruthless Prophet


Ruthless Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:35 pm
User Image

Beep. Beep. Beep. "Shut up," The redhead mumbled punching her alarm a few times, trying to find the snooze button. Once she found it, a pale hand slapped down hard but nothing happened. Beep. Beep. Beep. Crap, Beth had forgotten that yesterday she had punched it a little too hard. By now she was more or less fully awake and had no chance of getting back to sleep so the girl sighed, escaping the warm confines of her bed and being assaulted by the cool air that came with leaving her window open over night. Just wonderful. Bethany Anne Crowe hated the cold.

With a blanket wrapped around her shoulders she went about her usual morning business, brushing her teeth and hair, washing her face, and everything else, she showered at night so she could sleep in longer, before looking to her closet to decide what to wear. Well, to be honest she didn't really care. It was the type of morning where she just felt like throwing her hair up into a bun, push on her glasses, and clothe herself in the ever majestic combination of sweat pants and a hoodie but she restrained herself. Beth pulled out a Muse t-shirt, a striped and hooded fleece jacket, pair of light blue skinny jeans and a pair of mismatched white socks. That would be good enough. After she had successfully dressed herself and she tried to tame her fiery red locks, she gave up, Beth made her way down the hall of her family's single story house and plopped down in the kitchen. She never was one to eat breakfast, she wasn't ever hungry in the morning but took an apple from the fruit basket away. After pulling on her pair of gray sneakers that were falling to pieces and taking a bite of the apple, she checked the driveway.

"Well dang it," Beth said, not needing her glasses to see that it was entirely empty which meant she'd be walking to school. "Well, better get moving then." She checked the clock it was 7:20 and schools started at 7:50. She'd usually have no trouble riding her bike to school in a half hour but she hurried up anyway, with her luck and coordination, she'd probably end up head first in a trashcan or something of the sort. Pulling a hat over her head and a scarf around her neck, Beth threw her bag over her shoulder locked the front door and went on her way. The ride to school was uneventful as usual but colder than she had anticipated, she seriously wished Eric could have dropped her off. Beth checked her phone as she locked her bike up. It was 7:36, there were no missed calls or new messages of course but she could have predicted that. Pulling the hat off her heading and trying in vain to flatten her hair, Beth walked slowly through the school stopping at her locker to get her books and then sitting down in her first period chemistry class with a good four minutes to spare.

Her sketchbook was soon on her desk, the eat beside her empty as the half-finished sketch she had started yesterday began to flesh out. She heard the bell ring and sighed, closing the book and moving it to the side as she pulled her glasses out of her bag and pushed them up onto her nose. Beth propped her head up on one arm, which rested on the desk, trying to pay attention to what the teacher said.

          o o c : : i tried not to be too obnoxious

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:40 am
User Image

◇ ◆ Francisco ☠ Allen ☠ Lachowski ◇ ◆


♫ ♪ α я т is my burning passion” ♪ ♫


Beep... Beep... Beep...

The alarm that went off was loud and echoed through the semi empty room full of closed boxes that still had to be unpacked. A low groan came from under the covers and a hand came out turning off the alarm. It took a few moments before the mound of blankets shifted off the body underneath. Francisco rubbed his eyes and blinked as he looked around; trying to adjust to the light. He shook his head and ran fingers through his messy bed head. He finally stood up; his feet meeting the ice cold hard wood floor as he made his way to the bathroom, taking a shower, doing his hair, brushing his teeth; everything else he had to do in there.

He came back to his room with a towel wrapped around his waist and he looked through his clothes; finally pulling out a plaid blue and white long sleeved button up shirt with a collar, a plain white t-shirt, a pair of blue jeans that hung over his shoes then he grabbed a pair of socks and his favorite skater shoes that had skulls along the sides of them. He got dressed and soon headed downstairs; greeting his mother who was always awake at this time. He chuckled as he looked at her, seeing her hair was a big mess and he gave her a kiss on her cheek and then grabbed his backpack and keys and went to his car. He climbed into his clean white camaro and drove to the school. He felt a tad too lazy to walk or ride a bike; but it was just because today was such a slow morning. Upon coming to the school; he pulled into the parking lot and got out locking his car and headed inside to find the front office. Once he was there he was greeted and taken to the principal; where his schedule would be worked out. He was going to be just a bit late to his first class, but that was okay.

After recieving his schedule he was lead to his first class and was told if he had any questions to ask one of the numerous teachers or students; preferrably teachers though. He chuckled lightly as he held onto his schedule and then the classroom door was opened and the principal let him walk in. Francisco walked into the classroom; which he got attention for being late to class. It took him a few moments before he moved to the teacher; shaking his hand and introducing himself. That was when the teacher called out a new student. "Everyone, I would like you to meet Francisco Lachowski. He has recently just moved here and I would like for you all to make him feel welcomed to the classroom."

After he was introduced he gave a slight wave and looked at the few girls giving him those 'googoo' eyes. He slowly let out a breath and he was told to find a seat. He moved over and sat down next to a female; she had really pretty red hair; he didn't get much of a good look at her, but he knew he would the moment he started talking to her. He set his backpack down onto the floor and watched the teacher as he continued to teach. Eventually he would turn and talk to the girl next to him.

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OOC: ---
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Mewling Kitten

9,300 Points
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Ruthless Prophet

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 4:30 pm
User Image

Beth hated chemistry, maybe more than all the other subjects at school. But she'd say that about most all of the. Chemistry was very hard for her though, as well as algebra. She could barely keep her letters straight and still on the page without adding numbers and plus and minus signs and everything else. It was awful. And honestly, Beth knew she'd never understand but her teachers just badgered her to just try your best, don't give up! It was infuriating. As long as she passed the class she'd be fine, it was a required course and if she failed she'd have to retake the class...And it would make graduating next year quite difficult if she failed anymore classes. Beth hadn't really tried much her freshman year and while her grades looked great in comparison of before and now, it was hard to make up for the damage she had done. Oh well...

Beth brought herself back into reality, realizing she had completely zoned out. Way to try and get better grades. She began twirling a especially curly strand of hair around one finger, trying to understand how all of the freaking elements of the periodic table of elements could go together and how some of them, together, were stable and others weren't. The teacher, Mr. Thompson, and repeated many times that this should be review from years earlier but Beth hadn't understood it then and didn't understand it now.

She was about to just give up for the day and pull her sketchbook back out and just try to relax when she heard a pair of foot-steps coming into the room. Beth looked up, her gray-blue eyes, looking rather grayer than usual, taking in the sight of a boy she'd never seen before standing at the front of the class. But wait...Had she seen him before? He kind of looked like...No. No. No. No. No. No. Beth had to stop herself, she'd thought that about random people she'd seen out before but it couldn't possibly be true. She needed to stop being so pathetic. She'd moved on a long time, Beth assured herself. This was just another new kid.

Most of the girls in the room were looking at him like he was some Greek god. He was just another guy, but Beth was sure he'd soon become just another popular kid. There were a lot of them. "Everyone, I would like you to meet Francisco Lachowski. He has recently just moved here and I would like for you all to make him feel welcomed to the classroom."

No. What? I...Beth couldn't put her thoughts together. Her mind melted as the boy sat down beside her. She quickly looked away, her eyes glued to a poster on the wall and distinctly away from...him. Mr. Thompson just kept lecturing as Beth tried to figure out her escape route so that she'd be able to get away without having to talk to him. She had to figure out what was going on first.

          o o c : : ...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:46 pm
User Image

◇ ◆ Francisco ☠ Allen ☠ Lachowski ◇ ◆


♫ ♪ α я т is my burning passion” ♪ ♫


Francisco didn't even notice who he was sitting by. He just figured it was just an ordinary girl, not one he had known from a while back. He opened his backpack, pulling out paper and a pencil. He was soon handed a chemistry book. He was really good when it came to chemistry and oddly enough he enjoyed it. He took notes when it was needed; little to none of his attention went to the female that was next to him, trying to avoid looking at him. He glanced over at hre briefly after writing down some notes but then looked towards the board, not planning on saying anything. He slowly smelled himself, he almost thought he didn't smell good; which would be why she contiunually kept turned away. He frowned and tried to ignore it, but every time he looked at her she was always looking the opposite way. He was starting to wonder what was wrong, was it him? Or just something random in general.

He began to lightly tap his pencil against his paper, and then he began to bounce his leg. This was really starting to bug him a bit. What the hell is her deal? He asked himself. He reached up, brushing his fingers through his hair. He looked the opposite way of the girl he sat next to and saw two girls staring him down. They gave him flirty waves and one began to bat her long fake eye lashes. Francisco chuckled nervously and looked away, he covered his face with his hand for a few moments and shook his head. Between his fingers he looked at teh girl with red hair; still she kept turned away.

He was tempted to just get up and move or yell out loud and ask her what her deal was. He ignored it for about another ten minutes, and he was really on the verge of just going insane. This little th‌ing was more like a big deal to him. Did he offend in any way? Was he that ugly...? Things began to swarm his mind; all sorts of questions he was asking himself. But nothing was coming to mind that could possibly be wrong.

He turned to her and grunted. "Okay, what is the big deal?" He whispered to her, unable to take any more of it. "Do I smell bad? Am I ugly...? What? You have been turned that way since the moment I got in here and I am beginning to think I have like something wrong with me that is causing you to do this." He tried not to be seen talking while the teacher was lecturing. He was really stumped on what was going on with her; he wanted to get to the bottom of it.

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OOC: ---
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Mewling Kitten

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