Anyone try this out yet? I've just started a trial getting an anime channel streaming directly to my PS3 for 6.99 a month.

some parts I love, others not so much

I do like that it's in english, and I know many will hate on this. To back it I want to say im on morphine most every day and reading subtitles while on opids isn't fun. I like having my choice to watch in english (I'm not sure if their is an option to change to japanese.)

I love that it's in HD (for the most part, ill get to it)

I enjoy that the advertisements are directed at my demographic. To be honest im not happy with the fact I need to see adds at all, however I do enjoy that they are based on other animes they will show, or what comics/ videogames have come out this month/week. They know they aren't targeting children but a teenage/young adult demographic.

I'm Not a fan of how some things are not in HD. It reads in the product description that it's always going to be in HD provided it's available. I'm just trying it out now today (still on as I type this up) and they had a few episodes of Naruto on. During the programming they had adverts showing Naruto in HD, yet the show was running in SD. may not matter much to some but I paid good money for a 42 inch plasma HD screen. I don't like garbage video quality. Because this network is run by VIS Media, No excuses for SD video in this case.

The fact that I need to have advertisements in a streaming service I'm paying for I don't see why I need adds. 6.99 isn't far off from the price of netflix and on that I get all the streaming I want without adds.

I also don't like that its all 1 channel. I understand why they did it, however if they could separate by genera and theme I think it would make the whole thing way more enjoyable.

All in all I think its an awesome service to have. in writing this I found there will never be an option for subtitled shows in original audio, however their is another streaming service for people who want that (Crunchyroll I think it's called?) For those who prefer english, or just don't care I think this is awesome. I'll be spending many of my days just watching shows on here I know for sure!