Riuke Shihiro

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15 years old

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 120 lbs

Classes: All the required classes, plus music, which is his favorite class.

Occupation: Student, Street Musician

Family: He has a mother and father, but no siblings.

Bio: Riuke cares little about anything, but he is surprisingly good at academics regardless. There are times when it seems like he is spacing out, particularly during class, but he is actually quite attentive. If he is called on during class to read or recite something, he will stand up and do so perfectly, but with a slightly bored demeanor. His family moved to Kumori Village on his request, so his parents push him to do well in school and become a successful political big shot, but he really has no interest in that. Nothing really seems to catch his interest, except for music. When he begins playing, he gets a spark about him that never existed with anything else. He is skilled in playing guitars, acoustic AND electric, as well as drums and piano. Music is truly his passion, and he just can't come to tell his parents about it. Nothing peaks his interest but music, and yet, he seems to attract the attention of many girls around him, without even trying!