Akahana Miyazaki

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26 years old

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 125 lbs

Class: Japanese Grammar

Occupation: Teacher

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Yumi Miyazaki is Akahana's older sister who lives in the city. Yumi will visit Akahana on occasion, but whenever she does she takes joy in teasing her younger sister. She loves Akahana, whom she calls Aka-chan, with all her heart, but can't help but to tease her whenever the opportunity arises, but is completely aware when the situation doesn't call for it, and will lay off when that time comes. Yumi is generally a cheery and somewhat playful woman around people she knows well, and more mature and sophisticated around strangers, unlike her little sister who is more serious and secluded all the time.

Bio: She moved to Kumori Village from the big city 4 years ago and has been teaching at the school since. She lives by herself in an apartment at the top floor so as to not have to deal with students knowing where she lives. She does not have a husband or boyfriend, and has been like this ever since she moved. She is a strong and independent woman who takes care of herself and focuses on her work and her business.