Averin Pinrose

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Height: 6'0"

Weight: 150 lbs

Occupation: works with mom at the apothecary selling herbs

Family: The only member in the family is his mother, Yati

Bio: His family was always one of magic users, or his mom for the matter. He never knew his father due to an accident that happened years ago causing his father to die. So when Averin tossed his first spell, it was already known that he had mage blood in him. As he began to train in his studies he decided to not follow in his family footsteps of being a medic and pursued his studies towards the arts of elemental magic specifically in the arts of thunder. On the side, he secretly studied Blood Magic. A forbidden and very despised ancient art. Due to him learning the Blood magic he decided to test his metal and attempted to give himself eternal life. It succeeded but at a price. His soul is tied to a book that narrates his story as he goes along in his life. He must be careful where his book goes due to the fact that if it is destroyed he will die and his soul will be trapped in the underworld.