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Skyler Starlongs




Classes:All the required classes and music

Occupation: Student and Cafe Employee

Family:Grandfather, Grandmother, Father, Mother,Older brother


The Starlongs family is one of the richest families in Magnolia. Skyler's family was small, but she had enough people to live with, but she'd always want a friend or person to play with since she was lonely a lot. Most of the time in Elementary School, people would never play with Skyler because they would think that if they did something wrong, they would lose their family. But that was what they thought - Skyler was actually a nice person, same with her family.

She looked up to her brother, but he was in College so he didn't have lots of times to spend with her. His name was Roy Starlongs, and he was coolest in the schools he went to, and wanted to become a singer. Skyler wanted to be the same, with a good career, and lots of money.

It was very lonely for Skyler until High School. She was forced into marriage to make the family fortune higher, until she ran from home with only 200,000 dollars. She got a house, and got a job from Rock Hard Cafe. She's currently a student at Kumori High School, and lives in Kumori Village. She only has about three friends, yet it was better than being forced into marriage for her.

Skyler knows if there are monsters since there is a aura that they have since they have power. Skyler studied books on how to know which type of monster they are because they have different auras.