Shin Fuu

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Height: 6' 3''

Weight: 180lbs

Occupation: Ronin

Family: Deceased

Bio(optional): Shin was trained in the way of the samurai deep in the forests of japan where the changes of time did not play a role. He grew up in a village that unlike most the world was very undeveloped and still held the same way of life as they did over 300 years ago. After invaders tried taking over their village, Shin's parents were killed, no match for the new technology that was now being developed across the world. With this in mind, Shin chose to stick to the path of the samurai and over come this new technology with his sword. When Shin was 18, his sensei was twisted by the ways of the new world, trying to implement new technology into his dojo. Shin would not allow this and killed his master on the spot, now making him a ronin. He traveled for many years until he came across Kumori village where he laid down his hat and decided to take a break from traveling.