I used to have 13 RPs going on at once and now I'm down to 3. I'm starving for more! I'll tell you a bit about myself.

▅▅▅▅▅ Åbout e ▅▅▅▅▅
☪ I've been roleplaying for over 13 years.
☪ I work for 8 hours of the day, but always get online after work to get some RPing in.
☪ I'm a hobbyist writer and write on commission. It's been slow these days so I try to fill the void with RPing and with touching up a novel I'm working on.
☪ I'm a gamer girl. I will scream at you on the XBOX if you snipe me or steal my kills or if you are generally a ponce at playing online co-op. It's terrible I'm so sorry. ):
☪ Besides being an angry gamer, I'm actually pretty nice and easy to get along with.
☪ I brainstorm plots with my partner. I also have a few on reserve if my partner wants to use one.
☪ I love music. If I didn't role play then I'm sure I would be an aspiring musician with platinum records. *arrogance*
☪ I can role play male and female roles though I'd prefer female for certain plots of mine simply because it's required for me to be female in such plots.

Oh, I haven't scared you away yet? Then either you didn't read that at all or you have an unhealthy addiction for things that are bad for you.

My own introduction out of the way, I'd like to introduce you to my tastes.

▅▅▅▅▅ ikes ▅▅▅▅▅
✔ Adventure
✔ Dragons
✔ Odd pairings (Princess x peasant/thief, enemy x enemy, angel x demon, etc)
✔ Fantasy-themed RPs basically
✔ Romance (Just. >____<; Not insta-romance. I believe in having a drawn-out RP before love is found.)
✔ Trying something new!!

So while I am willing to try something new, I must list a few things I'm not at all interested in trying because of reasons.

▅▅▅▅▅ ates ▅▅▅▅▅
✘ Reality-based RPs (Meaning real high school, real family life, etc. Basically just role playing a different life in my current reality. That doesn't appeal to me.)
✘ Zombies/Undead anything
✘ Canon Fandom RPs (meaning no OCs and strict to the story line.)
✘ Hard-core gore/Plots entirely centered around fighting or war

I think that's about it for my list...
Feel free to hit me up! n_n I'm open for a lot of things and I certainly won't judge you or be mean if you suggest something you're really interested in. Worst I could say is 'no', eh?

Thank you for reading and I look forward to your replies!