Hey um, I just wanted to wish you merry christmas kaitlyn.

Oh, thanks. (:

Well, here, I have a present for you- Don't open it though.

Oh um *thinks for christmas* thanks.

Yeah no problem *pats her on the shoulder and leaves*.

*she wonders where to put it, she sticks it in her top drawer, closes the drawer most of the way,gets underessed and puts her wallet in the drawer also, turns off the light and goes to bed*

*A few moments pass, you hear a rustling inside the drawer, it gets louder, drawer opens a little bit, then silence*

*She gets up, normal day, gets her things, goes to work, last day of work before christmas vacation. She on the way home decides to get an iced coffee. She finds it odd that her money isnt there, so she hands the employee her card, her card is empty though, her heart starts to pound, she wonders whats going on, she needs to pay for her coffee though-*
Wait a moment. *searches to find any change she has, doesnt have enough* Um, Im sorry I dont have enough for the coffee.

*Dude seems agitated, takes the coffee back,* have a nice day.

*She drives home wondering whats wrong, she needs to ask the banks why her money is gone, she is driving down a dark road that seems to never end, normally a simple 4 second drive.*

*She is at home with the friend again*

So then I noticed theres no money on my card and I was just wondering what happened, the banks are closed so I can't see whats wrong with my card right now.

*her friend looks like his skin is oddly darker though his eyes oddly unblinking and his ears pointed, she doesnt notice*
That damn bank, they must have lost your money. Well theres nothing you can do about it now.
*she feels uneasy, now, from her friend but doesnt know why* Well, goodnight I need some sleep I need to get ready for the holidays tomorrow and I cant focus when Im tired.

Ok. Goodnight. *When he stands up a noise comes from upstairs, like the door closed, and when he walks you vaguely hear a scurrying sound, when he opens the door to leave you hear a click at the same time the door opens and the door slams shut, and she feels overwhelming dread*

*She runs upstairs as soon as he leaves she loosk through her drawers, looks everywhere, cant find the gift she got from him, her room is now a mess. She can only think of calling the cops, she goes to grab her cellphoen downstairs, when she passes the window his pale sharp toothy wide grin is smiling and motionless*

*She wakes up from her nightmare covered in sweat and cries, swears and omgs a little. Feels like the blood drained out of her face arms and legs, and is out of breath, panting. She stays in bed for a while before getting up.*