Shunkō {Flash Cry}

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The Shunkō style was created by Jade Shihoin. It deals with speed, and a lot of it. Chakra is also used in this style, which is used to create the Shunkō. Those who take this style will be moving around constantly, never remaining still.

• Speed oriented users only

• There are no strength bonuses for this style, because it is entirely focused on speed, endurance, and agility.

General Fighting Style:
The users of Shunkō are fast. They use speed to their advantage to get into and out situations quickly. The attacks may not be the strongest, but come in large quantities. The users will try to wear down their opponent, and deliver a finishing blow. The Flash Step is one of the most used techniques, making it the signature move for the style.

Training Method:
The user would train by constant pushing of their speed, endurance, and agility. Not only that, but they need to have a fairly good grasp over their chakra control as well.

• Stage One
Shihōin clansmen at this stage are first being introduced to the Flashcry techniques. Their control over the Shunkō is terrible at best, and they are not able to use it much to a proper extent. (+0/+0)

Blink Step
- Rank: D
The user is just starting out in learning how to use the Flash Cry method. Their control over it is very limited, and they cannot move very far from their position, or use it many times in rapid succession. With the Blink Step they are able to move a foot from their position in either direction. If this technique is used thrice in a row the cost doubles.

Flashcry Hit I
- Rank: D
The user is now able to generate Shunkō to their hands or feet, but not able to sustain it any longer than for a single hit. Because the hit is charged with Shunkō it hits +1/2 a rank harder and faster. If this technique is used thrice in a row the cost doubles.

• Stage Two
Now more accustomed to using Shunkō the Shihōin clansmen does not have issues sustaining for a combination of attacks. They also are able to use the prior techniques from Stage One in succession without costs doubling. (+1/0) (Normal reaction times)

Splash Step
- Rank: D
The clansmen is much better at focusing Shunkō to their body. This is a form of stepping that allows the user to act as a light bomb when they appear. If the enemy is looking in the direction of the user they will be affected. This does not last an entire post, but merely is a set up for any other attack. The draw back is they are only able to flash two feet from their position when using Splash Step.

Flash Step
- Rank: C
Flash Step is the second stage to Blink Step. This is the signature move that has given the Shihōin clan their name. With this technique they are able to move 6 feet in any direction.

Flashcry Fist II
- Rank: C
Able to better focus Shunkō the clansmen is now able to deliver much harsher blows. Using Shunkō, they are able to deliver two hits in one with the speed that Shunkō gives to them. The hits are +1/2 a Rank stronger and faster.

• Stage Three
The Shihōin clansmen has entered a level of proficiency with the Shunkō that makes them a true force to reckon with.They are masters of their speed and are able to use the Shunkō with such ease. They've found other uses for Shunkō other than punching and kicking people. {+2/0) (+5% of total chakra)(Medium reaction speeds)

Shunkō Jump
- Rank: C
The clansmen has learned to use their Shunkō in different manners. Rather than using the Shunkō they gather in their legs to attack they can propel themselves to new heights. Not only that but the Shunkō generates a platform to jump off of, which allows the user to double jump in the air.

- Rank: B (Passive)
Once this technique is learned it becomes a passive to the user. Whenever they use a technique to attack that involves Shunkō they passively extend that attack with the Shunkō. This pushes out the technique by about a foot, so even if the limb does not connect the hits may still land.

- Rank: A (Passive)
The clansmen at this point has perfected their Flash step. Now they are able to manipulate their Shunkō to produce an afterimage of themselves. This serves as a distraction.

Shunkō Cloak
- Rank: B
The clansmen is able to wrap their body in Shunkō, which grants them a rank in speed. This lasts for five posts, and upon deactivation the user suffers a -1 rank in speed for 3 posts. Due to the Shunkō exploding out of the users body and then wrapping around, it tends to blow out the back of the clansmen's shirt. If the clansmen uses this technique twice in one battle it will cause them to strain the muscles in their legs, reducing their speed by -1 rank till a medic is able to relieve the pain.

• Stage Four
After having perfected Shunkō use for supplementary means the user now focuses on perfecting the offensive uses. These last techniques are the most deadly when used properly, and only those who have mastered every other technique may move onto learning these. Over-usage of these techniques actually causes bodily harm. (+10% of total chakra) (+3/0) (High reaction speeds)

Shunkō Blasts
- Rank: B
This technique can be used in conjunction with other Shihōin clan techniques. The clansmen charges Shunkō to their limb and then releases it upon impact. Because it is basically raw chakra shooting out it tends to leave burns behind, as well as explode with blunt force. If this is used in conjunction with Flash Step or another technique that allows for combos, the blast is only applied to a single hit. Each time this technique is used the limb that it is shot from is burned. On the first use its only minor burning, but the second will worsen the burns, and the third will be akin to third degree burns.

Shunkō Cannon
- Rank: A
The Shunkō Cannon is a technique that can be best described as high risk, high reward. This technique cannot be used in conjunction with another due to the level of chakra focus required. The Clansmen will gather a large amount of Shunkō to one of their limbs, usually hands. Then, they will release this blast of Shunkō, which has a 8 meter attack range. Not only does this cause harsh burns on the outer layer of skin, this burns the muscles as well. To use this technique twice in a row would leave the limbs with 3rd degree burns. If an opponent is hit with this they will suffer the blunt force of the attack as well as the burns that accompany it. (Each use leaves the user at -1/-1, and will stack)