Hey everybody! It's me, your friendly neighborhood Mayah, with a few new rules. Just follow these and we'll get along SMASHINGLY.

1. BE ACTIVE. I can't stress this enough.
2. If you're going to be absent a while, PLEASE post it in the Absences forum.
3.Be kind to the virgin-minded members and take all super-sexy times to PM or time-skip.
4. Donations are always, always welcome. You don't have do, just please...if you can.
5. Feel free to allow your older characters to own businesses outside school grounds.
6. I don't mind the kids having jobs too.
7. From now on, there will be exams in all the major, still posted-in classes. Teachers, I'm talking to you.
8. No god-modding. Please...it hurts my feelings.
9. No pissing off others to the extent of someone needing to get involved. The crew gets mad if they have to ban people. If they get mad, they complain to the VCs, who complain to me, and I already have enough problems.
10. Try to avoid using the same pictures as others. I won't get upset, I'll just...be irritated.
11. Also, if you use too big a picture, it makes the pages too long, and no one likes that. Please, for the sake of my sanity.
12. Love triangles are encouraged. Just don't pin too many people after the same individual.
13. No need for posting formats, but if you want one, don't make it too big. Like with the pictures, if there are two posts on a page and I have to physically scroll down to read the first one, heads will roll.
14. Asterisks and dashes are used so often, that I'm starting to think I should prohibit them. Please, please, please use them for the reasons they were created and not to indicate an action.
15. You must use quotation marks if you're talking.
16. I'm not afraid to ban you if you disrespect me or my crew. If it's something like a tiny grievance that you want to express to them, sure, go ahead. Some of them need to be rocked off their pedestals. Hell, even I do sometimes. But if you ignore what we say and openly disregard the rules, don't think I won't hesitate to kick you out.
17. You get three warnings, that's it. After that, we ban you.
18. STOP SWITCHING POINT OF VIEWS. I swear, that drives me nuts. You can't be all "Joe did this" one post, then the next "I did that". It's gotten so bad (and annoying) that it's now a rule.
19. If I see one more character in five places at once, I swear, my head will explode. Nothing irritates me more! They get to be in one place, THAT'S IT!
20. DON'T PLAGIARIZE! I swear, if I see one more character based off of an anime or a game, I will blow a fuse. we get that you like the game/show/whatever, but for the love of crap people, RP is about using your OWN characters.
21. USE YOUR WORDS CORRECTLY. If I see one more person using the word "would" incorrectly, I'm going to flip a freaking table.
22. STOP MAKING YOUR CHARACTER SHARE YOUR USERNAME!! I don't have a character named Mayah, Pure doesn't have one named Pure, Awesome doesn't have one named Awesome. It's annoying, it's arrogant, it's cliche. Either change their name, or change yours. Seriously...
23. YO! 4-Chan is for your private time, not roleplaying time, capiche? I don't want to see that. Keep it in your pants, man.
24. Please, for the love of all that is good, READ THE SPECIAL CHARACTER PAGE and ASK if you can have a special character before you make them. It's only fair to the other members.

Well, that's it for now. I'll probably edit it later, but these are the rules as of right now.

~~Mayah Playah, Captain