Hm, yes, very good. c:
I loved the endings, the Character creation, the individual story for everyone, but I think it could have had more.
I give it an 8.9/10
Here are my personal reviews..

-The character creation could have had a bit more little tweaks, and the voice for them is ridiculous if you go any higher or lower, sad if you are trying to make someone specific and you can't find the right voice.~
-The story could have been a bit more, as everyone technically had the same path, and it's kind of disappointing to play the same thing over and over..
-All of the sadly dimmed down Critical Finishes for Yoda.
-The arcade was dissapointing, as for almost every character, it was always the same arcade ladder.

-The character outfits are flawless! All were 100% A - OKAY for me! Especially them bringing out Ivy's basic partialy nude outfit, and raphaels foreign outfit mixed with his new vampire attire, and more!~
-The endings are unmatcheable, everyone had their own specific endings with perfect animation and explanation, and voice acting!
-The guest characters are a perfect match for this game, as they share some similarities with some of the other fighters in this game. (Yoda, Darth Vader, Starkiller)
-The arenas were well put out, and designed very well.