Hello there, I'm searching for a few new RP's cause i'm bored out of my mind... heh.

I'd say i'm fairly literate, but i don't like posting more than is needed... I dont like it when people write out a novel because they think unnecessary detail makes the story better.... I write what i feel is necessary to get the story rolling, sometimes it might only be a few sentences, or it could be a couple of paragraphs, depends on how things are going really.

Whatever theme or story we decide on, I'd like there to be some romance. I just feel it keeps things moving nicely. As for who i'd like to RP with, I'd prefer a MxF RP, but i dont have any issue with a MxM RP. I dont have any 'limits' to the romance, just remember, Gaia ToS...

I'd prefer someone who's on a decent amount of time... please no one who only comes on for five minutes once a week... I never enjoy those RPs since it takes a month to get anywhere with them...

As for themes and stories, the only thing i really DON'T want is an epic adventure... i know that sounds odd, but i've finished up one and have another one going and i just want to kinda do a 'day in the life' RP. no big quest to save the world, no epic quests to discover ones identity... just a sort of normal-ish RP i guess...

As for specifics, here's what i got...

In a world that perceives one species above another (Alien, Neko, Kitsune, whatever) one kind hearted man feels obligated to use what little money he has to take a slave off the market and bring her to his home to live a relatively normal life... however she is resistant to accept his kindness, and can't shake her mental shackles of oppression (Or roles could be switched)

A young woman is flustered at her new responsibilites; Trying to find a job to pay for college, along with her new task of preparing for a fundraiser concert for the area. while asking around for help, a local farm boy offers to help, along with offering a chunk of his farmland for her to use to hole the concert itself. They two work together to make things perfect... until they start becoming... distracted...

That's all i can think of at the moment, but if you have an idea, hit me and we'll see how it sounds =3 I'd prefer to do it over PM's, so just send me one if you'd like to roleplay with me

EDIT: I've got a few more thoughts on Story ideas...

I'm still a fan of MLP FiM, so if anyone wants to work around that, awesome.

I'm thinking something on a space station in the future would be cool... A sci-fi experience of some sort...

Another comment, I'm not a fan of doing RP's based on pre existing intellectual properties (IE: Harry Potter, Naruto, Supernatural, etc) Mostly because people want to play as the main characters. I dont like this simply because i feel that messing around with canon stuff is a bit weird.... but i dont mind playing in the worlds that they're in... So if you want to do a ninja in Naruto's world, without actually being around Naruto, awesome!