Username: Syn Inferni
RPC: Toshio (Kay Aburame)
Rank: Jounin

Puppet Name: Ichi
Puppet Rank: C
Description: This puppet is deceptively simple in that it is very basic. It is a figure in a forest green hood that has no sleeves. Underneath it's cloak are five long arms, each one with a sort of jet system in them that can let loose a stream of flames that can be held a maximum of three posts at a time, and then only four times before it is out of fuel. In addition, hidden within each arm is a blade coated with a neurotoxin that causes speed and reflex to lower after 5 posts of infection, and that doubles every two posts after that.

Weak Joint: Neck
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Puppet Name: Roku
Puppet Rank: A
Description: This isn't quite as much a puppet as much as it is a bit of armor.
It has an extra arm on either side of it's body, and a long tail as well. It is rather compact in that as Toshio wears it under his coat, it doesn't obstruct it at all. The arms wrap around his waist tightly, and it's tail is segmented and can shorten to hide under his coat. The tail is made of the same material as kunai, and the piece that runs along his spine is also made of metal. The tail has the same poinson as the one used on Ichi. The arms, however, are made of wood. The extra hands can each also shoot fire from the one on the right, and a high pressure jet stream of water capable of eroding rock in a few seconds, and has enough force to knock a man off his feet on impact. These can only be used three times before a resupply is necessary. The water jet can simply draw from a pool of water to refill by placing the jet inside and reversing the airflow.
Weak Joint: Base of Toshio's Back
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Puppet Name: Ni
Puppet Rank: B
Description: This puppet is a humanoid shape that has two long swords and a head with two mouths. Both of these mouths have hidden senbon launchers in them that can fire 10 times, and have a payload of twenty senbon. The teeth on them are extremely sharp, just as an fyi. She is made of a durable but light kind of tree bark that can resist up to it's rank in attacks, and is tougher than one single blade slash and destroy, minus it's weak joint. The long blades are both coated in the neurotoxin mentioned above.
Weak Joint: Shoulders

Puppet Name: San
Puppet Rank: A
Description: San is a puppet that looks like a combination between shark, turtle, and scorpion. It has the body and head of turtle, the legs of a salamander, and tail of a shark. It can burrow underground, and is very large and slow. Mostly for defense, it has cannons on it's back that fire somewhat heavy boulders to rain down on an area once every four posts, and can do this only 5 times. In addition, it has the same senbon release system as Ni in it's mouth, only with double her payload. The tail is actually two blades used to spin around and slash things apart, with huge momentum since it takes so much energy to get going.
Weak Joint: The very middle of the underbelly.

Username: Syn Inferni
RPC: Toshio/Kay Aburame
Rank: Jounin
User Image
Puppet Name: Alpha
Puppet Rank: A
Description: Shi is a humanoid puppet much like Ni. It is a woman with a huge claymore on it's back. It is clad in a piece of torn blue fabric that is worn like a dress that covers the bare minimum on it's tiny body. Despite being small, it can wield the huge blade with surprising ease. It is extremely powerful with strength comparable to a jounin tai nin of it's rank. The ability is it's more dangerous effect however. The blade itself is 7ft long and 4 ft wide, and she is only 5'9. When "activated" the claymore breaks into numerous pieces that make up separate, identical blades and, two more that mount her wrists two for her knees. Using the amount of chakra strings necessary to control two puppets, he can use each of these blades seperately from her. each of the blades is coated in another special blend of poison. This one acts as a sedative. Upon infection, the poison rapidly moves to the brain and heart. Rather than just straight make you sleep, it makes your pons secrete an abundance of melatonin, and slows your heart rate. Over 10 posts, you lose increasing fractions of your reaction time and speed, stacking up to a single rank at 5, and 1.5 at 10. (1/10 per post.) At ten, however, it begins to become hard to stay awake, and every movement and thought is burdenous due to your low circulation of blood. Finally, at between 15 and 20 you develop narcolepsy and fall asleep in the middle of the fight. The next time you do sleep however, the poison self destructs, and is removed from your system.

Weak Joint: Elbows, and knees. Each blade can be brought down if the chakra strings are cut, but only briefly.
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Username: Syn Inferni
RPC: Toshio/Kay Aburame
Rank: Jounin
Puppet Name:Beta
Puppet Rank: A
Description: Is a small body and head that are aerodynamic shape to it and floats off the ground. It's arms are long blades that are coated in a poison that turns flesh necrotic and dead. After infection through an open wound, it will take 5 posts to begin to smell bad and itch. Two more and the irritation turns into a burning pain as the skin begins to wrinkle and age extremely fast. another three, and that part of the body will be in extreme pain, before one more post and it becomes totally useless. The puppet is very light weight and fast, despite being made of a sturdy material that can withstand quite a lot of punishment. It's arms are sharp enough to slash through metal easily, and they themselves are ragged and razor edged. It's mouth contains multiple small packages of acid flasks that can be launched 15m that can eat away at flesh and metal alike. The holes where the eyes are actually contain 3 smoke balls that release gasses that have the effect of the poison mentioned on Alpha. He also has multiple spikes coated in his necrotic poison. A chuunin medic with proper skills could cure this, if any poison.

Weak Joint: either of it's shoulders.

Username: Syn Inferni
RPC: Toshio/Kay Aburame
Rank: Jounin
Puppet Name: Theta (Also know as the Idol of Durand)
Puppet Rank: A
Description: This puppet is an animate, heavy gargoyle made of metal and stone. It can fly, but only about 8 feet off the ground. It's body has a heavy, specialized material that is resistant to ninjutsu. It has enough power in it's wings to strafe left to right pretty quickly. It is strong enough to push boulders with ease, as well as having tiny holes all over it's body. It releases gasses from every hole at once that makes an invisble aura around it by four feet in a dome. Once someone breathes it in, they hallucinate heavily, making each puppet look horrifying and realistic. It has five payloads of kunai launchers in each hand the shoot three kunai in an crescent, each with an exploding tag attached to it. From it's mouth, smoke bombs that spreads it's poison around. One flap of it's mighty wings can push it's poison forward a few meters rather quickly.

Weak Joint: The points where the wings connect to the back, and it cant stand without the knees.

Username: Phi
RPC: Toshio Aburame
Rank: A

Puppet Name: Phi
Puppet Rank: C
Description: This puppet is a woman of average height, red hair, and blue, glowing eyes. It's body is actually two separate halves, separated by a chakra mechanism that activates when the puppet does, either holding it together, or allowing it to open in which case the top half floats about a foot above the bottom. When it does this, it fires senbon in an arc in front of it, each with a chakra string attached to each one of them. In addition, this puppet has a steel ball that is spiked on each side and hits like a truck and is relatively fast (speed of 4). The downside is it can only move in straight lines because of it's relative size and weight. It also spreads around the poisonous gas mentioned in Theta constantly. It also can draw in wind around itself in order to pull things to it (things, not people), or at least displace them depending on the situation. It can also force wind that it has pulled in out to push things away, or spread out it's poison faster.

Weak Joint: The middle of it's back, and on the ball it can be pierced easily.
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Username: Radagandalf the breywn
RPC: Toshio Aburame
Rank: Jounin

Puppet Name: Kappa
Puppet Rank: A
Description: This puppet is made mostly of teak wood, a very sturdy, flexible material that is reliant and durable. It has the typical shape of a shapely, curvy woman with red hair, but no eyes at all. It has a thin frame, but is without a doubt one of the toughest puppets in the arsenal of puppets. Folded into it's back are four spider like black metal spider legs, sharp as blades, and each one coated in the necrotic poison mentioned in Beta. She herself has five packets in each of her limbs. Each one packs a different effect. In the left arm, is a sticky fluid like webs that can either be fired in a loogy, which moves slowly but bursts and hardens instantly. The alternative fire fires a stream quickly, that hardens just a bit slower, but has a tendency to get a bit more precise. In the second arm, there is a liquid that, on contact with flesh, makes heat and pain receptors both go haywire and causes extreme pain. This packet moves quickly through the air, and only has effect for 3 posts. The area remains numb for around another three posts after the pain however. In her left leg is a taser that can shock on contact with an opponent. It causes moderate pain, and stuns a limb for about half a post. The right leg launches 3 shuriken from the knee cap. She can also open her torso and release a dozen small, basic spiders that move out and suicide bomb, each one either having an explosive tag or a poisonous gas held inside. They move slowly, and each one is controlled through Kappa. She is nimble, and very agile.
Speed: 6

Weak Joint: Middle of the back where the arms connect. A solid strike of a around 4 strength would disable her. Severe the strings and the spiders cant move on their own.
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Username: Syn Inferni
RPC: Toshio/Kay Aburame
Rank: Jounin
User Image
Puppet Name: Zeta
Puppet Rank: A
Description: Possible his most advanced puppet, Zeta is a fourlegged, huge, tanky, slow puppet that is armed to the teeth. On either shoulder are long, chakra guns that fire hot blasts of chakra in the direction it is pointed at, that does b ranked damage in a five foot radius at impact. This can be fired every two posts from either one. The fingers each have a kunai launcher that shoots out exploding kunai, and have five payloads of each in them. On the side of each arm are senbon launchers that are each poisoned with Alpha's poison that fire three times. The eyes each harbor smaller versions of the shoulder mounted cannons that fire three times. On each leg is a flame thrower that shoots fire 5m away from itself. The knees each fire large, black balls that are as hard as boulders and move at 6 speed, and one time. They are as large as basket balls. Inside the puppet is a chakra shield that can create a shield that blocks the damage from anything B rank and under for half damage, and stops anyone from getting inside of it without coming from under. IT can only activate this by not attacking, and setting itself down. It is tough enough to withstand a lot of punishment on it's own.
Weak Joint: Susceptible to destruction when attacking, unable to attack when defending. Weak joint is the underside, in the middle of the legs.

Strength: 7
Speed: 4