The young buck had gone a whole winter without even trying to earn himself a name, so he decided to hold an open challenge to any buck that would accept. Many showed up, mainly those already with a name that wanted to see another male earn theirs.

None of the young bucks immediately came out and said anything until, "I will accept your challenge." was heard from the back of the crowd. It was an elderly buck, which lead to small fits of laughter from various members of the crowd. The young buck just stared though, as the old male stared back.

And so they fought. It turned out that this elderly buck was quick-witted and agile. His smarts had even earned his name. He was truely a challenge for the young buck. The young buck fought his hardest, as did the old male, but on this day, victory was not for him it seemed. The elderly buck won the challenge, and while the others, both named and nameless, laughed at his losing, the older one did not. He walked up to the buck, "Thank you for that, young one. It's been awhile since anyone has actually fought hard and not mistaken me as weak. You do not discriminate in a fight, that's very good, since you don't know how strong the other fighter will be."

From that day forth, the young buck was known by the name, "Does Not Discriminate."