- Main ideas are bolded you lazy asses. ;D

          - Chatrooms
          - OOC in the Roleplays itself

                - We are all human beings, we all want to be treated with fairness and equality. Debating and discussions are alright, but please control your tongue when it comes to the insults. Understand that everyone has a different opinion on matters, so this does not give you the 'okay' to belittle others for theirs. This does not excuse Crew, Vice Captains or even the Captain to go around, insulting members. No one is above the law.

                - Any sort of harassment will not be tolerated. If you feel that a member (be it an Admin member as well), is giving you problems, don't hesitate to speak to someone on Crew about what you're facing. However, if you're going to go through the trouble of personally contacting a Crew member, this must be a severe personal issue (intense sexual harassment, slandering, racist remarks).

                - Discussion of *illegal activities are not allowed. This.. should be clearer than broad daylight. You might not believe it, but every single post you make is not just looked over by people around you (ie other members), but any of these members might even report you to the Gaia authority. Once this is done, and you 'try' to delete your post, it'll already be too late. Stuff regarding breaking the law is permanently captured by the people who run this site. So you might want to be careful what you say on here~
                Here is a list of what is considered *'illegal activities', if it's not already clear enough for you:
                    -Cyber Sex: Don't do it! It's important to spare the minds of the little ones these days, even though majority of you might not even care about them. At the same time, some of you may be okay with reading... excruciating detailed sex posts, others may not. Be considerate.
                        -If you find line between 3rd base and Home Run to move around a lot, be as vague as possible with your sex posts (since it'd be useless to tell you to stop at hugging and kissing. Hahah)
                    - Drug dealing, death threats or anything else of the sort that will seem intentional will be taken seriously.

                      Social Justice Warriors - Begone! Don't be one of those tumblrites that talks about proper pronouns and privilege. Frankly, most Social Justice Warriors are incredibly racist and sexist, and we have a difficult time blurring the line between the mediocre weirdos and the full blown ones. If you start telling people to "check their privilege" and demanding to be called a certain pronoun, unless jokingly, expect a ban.

                - You will politely be asked to remove any offensive post by higher authorities (the Crew). If you refuse, it will personally be deleted by a member of Crew. However, if the member has a *valid reason as to why he/she put up such a post, a Crew member is to discuss with a Vice Captain and the Captain. If both are in favor of it being offensive, it will be removed without notice.
                *Valid reasons do NOT include:
                    - Slandering// Unless the situation is more deeper than it seems (which a full on Investigation would be necessary), anything that is found as defamation will be terminated.
                    - Harassment// Any form of harassment will not be tolerated in this guild. If more than two people find a post to be offensive in any way, the Crew reserve the right to delete it.
                    - Discrimination// Like Harassment, any form of it will result in an immediate deletion.

          WITH CREW
                - If you find a problem with any Crew member regarding defamation or harassment, contact more than one Crew member (recommended that it's someone who is of higher authority). Avoid choosing someone who is your friend, should it turn out that you were wrong and your friend is only defending you because you're their friend, this will look bad on your end. This would not only get you in trouble, but this would seriously consider members of Crew whether your friend should even be given the privilege of being a higher up. Let's not screw our friends over, yeah?

          IN GENERAL
                - Auto-learning is not allowed for anyone unless specified otherwise by the Captain and his Vice Captain(s) for special means*. You can, however, auto-learn through the Ryo-System (more can be read regarding the systems in the Core Systems thread). All members, including Crew members must learn each technique through legal means (ie, training).
                *Special means include:
                    - Arcs/Storylines// This means characters who auto-learned techniques serve a purpose in the storyline ONLY. Once their purpose has been served, they will cease to exist. It wouldn't be fair for members (which, by definition, would include higher ups) to have to train for their characters when Crew members get to easily hope levels when it comes to jutsu. This includes the Vice Captain(s) and Captain.

                - Godmodding, under no circumstances, is permitted. This is the most important rule when it comes to fighting especially. Things such as auto-hitting and instant kills are examples of this. What would you consider Godmodding? It would be when a character is automatically hit/killed without having a chance to defend himself. Think to yourself how you'd feel if you didn't have the chance to protect yourself from an enemy. Unfair, right? It's the same situation in this case. In this case, you must be able to give out some sort of warning to your opponent before you execute whatever you're about to do.
                - Failure to post within 5 days during a battle can result in Death/Disqualification. This is to ensure people are not post locked.
                -No Deleting or Editing Posts in Combat without approval
                    - If you have left an ongoing battle with the intention of escaping, and have regenerated chakra from the action, you cannot return to the area until the battle is already finished.

                    - Metagaming// Metagaming is when you somehow know information when your character didn't even roleplay it out to know it. Doing this, especially in fights, are illegal and are a form of godmodding. If you are somehow able to block an attack without a clear reason (a reason cannot be, "because he's as fast as Goku from Dragon Ball Z".) Specify it: Bloodlines? Class? etc.
                    - Missions// It doesn't matter what mission it is: assassination, spying, whatever. You need to play fair. It's about time you guys get crafty with words. ;D

                    -They CANNOT take their life until these requirements are met. If you already take their life, they have an automatic approval to make a comeback and the fight will cease to exist.

                - Discussions (without insults or hostility) will be allowed in the OOC only if it regards the fight itself. If you want to take it a step further and start bitching at each other, take it up in the PMs. Do not spam the threads with useless bantering (ain't no body got time fo dat!). If you feel you have a complaint about what's going on, there's always a Complaint forum waiting for you to post on.
                - Pets are limited to pet-oriented clans. They are only allowed to perform taijutsu. They feed off the owner's jutsu. They are part of the owner's turn. They are subject to genjutsu, as well as their owner's genjutsu. They can not be used in conjunction with A+ rank jutsus. Animal Tamers/Contractors can have more than one summon.
                - Portals/Flying Thunder God are banned, unless you're in the Uzumaki bloodline or they are part of an Arc Character ability.
                - No post can be edited after read by the opponent, unless you are correcting a mistake that you have done (approved by the opponent, of course).

          WITH CREW
                - Please, try to discuss the issues in a civilized manner like human beings. Accusing them of abusing their power will get you nowhere. If you feel a Crew member has wronged you or you feel that they have broken any of the rules without fully being excused for breaking them, contact 2 unbiased parties to come and evaluate the situation (for both member and Admin). If you cannot meet halfway, have a public voting with both arguments laid out. This works for the Captain and Vice Captain, this way it evens out the playing field for the members.

                - In the profile layout thread, you'll have three layouts to choose from. One provides only the simple information, another taking a more complex form and the last for those who look for a more decorative layout. Please do not tamper with the layouts, the people who made them have gone through so much trouble to make them for our members. So try to be respectful, that's all we ask for.

                - You can obtain a bloodline and a clan, absolutely no charge! Simply go to the bloodline and clan request tread and apply using the format, once approved you will then be added to the list of members in that bloodline or clan. However, keep in mind that you are not allowed to have two of the same thing (no two bloodlines, no two clans!) If you want to obtain a demon, make sure you read up on them and see if they're available before you through with it. And yes... you can even have a Curse Mark. Once again, read the rules carefully regarding the three of them before choosing.

                - Remember that you must start out as a Genin! Freelancers, however, can start out at Chunin. You begin with knowing the first three jutsu, before you have to start climbing the ranks yourself! Exams regarding obtaining the next rank will be announced by Crew over time, until then you should work on making sure to reach your best potential.
                    - Before you begin as a Genin, make sure to pick our your class so that you can have a clearer understanding of what you can or can't have. For example, you can obtain your first two elements (like any other class member) and an additional third if you're of ninjutsu class.
                    - Each rank-up (including character creation; Academy to Genin counts) will grant you five free jutsu of your current rank or lower. The Kage rank up gives no free jutsu until a month after your promotion, and only if you're still Kage.
                    - Genin can teach themselves jutsu but they must add one more post to the training of each technique, and this post is multiplied as well when learning jutsu of a higher rank.

                - Once you turn Chunnin, there are many new things you can do:
                    - You may teach yourself Jutsus, but you must Roleplay your RPC learning them.
                    - Also at this level you are allowed to learn summoning.
                        -Each person is allowed up to 1 Summon
                        - We allow the changing of summons once.
                        - Obtaining Summons is done by being taught by the Original Summoner in the Summon Land, or going though the trials of the summoning land
                        - You may obtain a summon at Chunin Minimum, unless you have a Demon then you may obtain one at Genin
                    - You can learn a 2nd element

                - When you start out in the guild, you can have up to 4 characters. No one can have unlimited characters without special permission.
                    - Your characters (together) CANNOT:
                        - Team up in battle, even if it's for sparring// by doing this, you're training both characters together to become stronger. It's considered to be like cheating your way up the ranks, if you give it some thought.
                        - They cannot give each other anything// No weapons, no implants, nothing. They cannot heal each other, they can't 'take' things from each other, absolutely nothing. - They can't help each other build or rebuild things
                        - They can't have children together// People have tried to use this cheap trick to obtain two bloodlines or clans, which is against our rules of course.

                - Demon hosts must be taken back to base, alive. They cannot be taken on the spot before bringing them back to the base.
                - Host dies, demon dies.
                - The character dies once the demon is extracted
                - Your character must be Jounin Level or higher to join an organization
                - It will take two days (in real life) to extract a demon.

                - You can have one bloodline and one clan, or two clans, nothing more than that. If you have a demon, you cannot have a clan -and- a bloodline, you must pick one. This is to even out the playing field and to make sure no one will become too powerful.

                - Implants must be obtained from another person. Remember, all implants MUST be asked for permission by the owner of the bloodline. Even though proven useful, implants will cost you double the chakra. Implants must be put in through surgery by a Jounin level (or higher) Medical Ninja

                - Implants can only be obtained from shinobi that are older than 30 days. This is to prevent people from hunting new characters for implants but to also prevent people from abusing the Implant system.

                - If your Bloodline is removed from the list you are reimbursed a Bloodline and are put to the stage you previously attained with the removed Bloodline.

                Simple new rule to prevent people from getting stuck.

                If you are in a fight or RPing with someone else in a different thread, you can still use your character so long as it's in a completely non-combative setting. You may also only timeline in threads that you [own], such as houses, or in village threads meant for commerce such as hot springs, hospitals and bars.

                If you are already being attacked in a different thread and someone tries to attack your timeline post, you can redirect them to the thread where your current ongoing battle is taking place. They will be forced to either not attack you at all or do so there, assuming they have IC knowledge.

                Every time you post with a character using Timeline, you need to specify in brackets at the beginning of your post that this is happening before your current situation (one that involves battle or something of the sort).

                So, my post would be


                Kleine walked into the bar,


                If this is abused in any way, you'll lose your privilege to use the timeline rule for a period of time. And, you may receive a warning.
                That's all!