Grunt Nakura lay about on the couch in the rec room, thinking to himself with a small frown on his face. He had just spent two solid hours training his pokemon and he was spent. His arms were draped across the back of the furniture and he stared at the blank television screen a moment before turning it on to watch some news.

Mairu, and Kururi sat on the couch beside him with Celty hovering just behind his head. When the grunt reached for the remote, he saw the DVD cover of a familiar film he'd watched a while ago with a fellow Rocket.

"Remember this?" he said, smiling as he held up the cover to show Celty. Kururi and Mairu looked up in curiosity, though they had not been present on that occasion. "Hm...I wonder how Tam-chii is doing now. Haven't really seen her around as of late. No thanks to all of you and the training we've been forced to go through," he told the twins.

But Mairu mewed and hopped up onto his lap while Kururi pushed her head under Nakura's hand. He regarded the movie cover once more, absently scratching the darker Purrloin behind the ears.