As Reboot raged on the arena had grown a little restless between matches as a young man stood in the back preparing to step in from of a crowd of 40,000 plus for the first time in his young life. He nods to the audio man and his entrance music begins to play throughout the arena as he raises the hood on his sweatshirt up over his head and steps into position

(Go Left, Go Left, Go Left, right left)
Cause sometimes you feel tired, sometimes you feel week
and when you feel weak you feel like you want to give up
(Go Left, Go Left, Go Left, right left)
But You Gotta search within you to find that inner strength
(Go Left, Go Left, Go Left, right left)
And Just pull that s**t out of you and get that motivation to not give up
(Go Left, Go Left, Go Left, right left)
And not be a quitter, no matter how bad you just want to fall flat on your face and collapse

As his music began to play, everything this man had worked for was flashing through his head. He thought about the first time he ever stepped foot into the ring and what this upcoming moment was going to mean for the rest of his life. After waiting about 10 seconds, the man made his way out from the back bursting out onto the stage looking down so that his face would not be revealed until he was ready for it to be.]

announcer- [/b 'Ladies and Gentlemen making his debut at this time please welcome Stephan 'STRIIIIIIKEFORCE' Thompson!!!!!'

As his name is called Stephan pulls his hood down revealing himself to be a young man, who had just recently graduated from UCLA as a 2 time Al-American Wrestler. He was very dashing, some would call him a 'cookie-cutter' wrestler because he had the image of a pretty boy, but Stephan had every intention of ending that cliche tonight in the ring. He made his way down the ramp sliding into the ring, that had three cinder blocks placed in it by the roadie as he was walking over to grab a microphone. He then walked to the center of the ring and after pausing for a moment to collect his thoughts, began to speak.

"You know 6 months ago, I was in a position that many people would not be able to recover from. I was in the Main offices for Ultimate Fighting Championship....sitting in Dana Whites office. But this was not a time of my life that I would like to remember, because Dana told me that due to a knee injury I sustained as a child, I was to much of a liability to his company and his doctors would not clear me to compete."

The crowd sits and listens to the newcomer explain who he is and wonder what him being in WWFG will mean for it's future

"But where many people would have given up and went to work at d**k's Sporting Goods or something, I decided to prove Dana White wrong, and that is why I signed on to WWFG. I am here today however, to send a message to anyone in the back that might mistake my surgically repaired knee as a target...or a kink in my armor. If I could get someone in here I would like to give a little demonstration to not only the fans in attendance, but EVERY single superstar in the back that thinks that I am just another drop in the bucket"

He motions for a larger, mor built roadie to come in and hold up each cinder block for him, and one by one the man crumbles all three cinder blocks with a vicious right knee! He then picks the mic back up and after stomping his knee a few times on the mat for dramatic effect looks toward the ramp and continues to speak

"And just in case that was not enough...I am issuing a challenge to anyone in the back to come out and take the Cap Breaker Challenge where I will place the person dumb enough to come out here into my signature knee lock submission and see if they can survive it for 60 seconds. So do I have any takers?"