I guess it would make since to have freezing at 0. ...but you saying 34 C is like our 90s F is weird. x.x Celsius has such a short range in temperature.
I wouldnt really call it short. I would more say Fahrenheit is more drawn out.
Having 0 being freezing point and 100 being boiling point (of water) makes a lot of sense
If you stretched it out more then the next logical number would probally be 1000 and that would be a rediculous range. The metric system is based on the fact that even most young children can do the conversions.
Aka...if you ask someone how many inches/feet/yards in 15 miles....well...I dont know if I could do that maths in my head
With a calculator 950,400in/79,200ft/26,400yd (not pretty numbers)
where as how many millimeters/centimeters/meters in 15km?
easy from my head 150,000,000mm/15,000,000cm/15,000m They may still be big numbers, but its just a case of zeros (And it all basically applys to any sence on metric measurements)