There’s at least one player out there who wants bots for Battlefield 4. Some players are vary of going online and diving into competitive multiplayer right away. They’d rather practice a bit by playing against bots, getting familiar with the weapons, the maps, the vehicles, etc. However, BF3 famously didn’t include any bots.

Battlefield 4 botOne player wants to change that for the upcoming Battlefield 4. Pascal Sykora from Germany started an online petition on change.org to add bots to Battlefield 4′s multiplayer component.

Sykora wants to be able to play the multiplayer offline so he practice the game. He also adds that bots, as he puts it, “don’t curse, cheat, complain, or leave the match when loosing”. He’s got a point there.

So far the Battlefield 4 petition has over 500 signatures. We’re sure it’ll need some more before it gets to DICE’s attention.


I think its a great idea. With the next gen AI showing promises, it wouldn't hurt to take advantage of it. But not only that then the online community can stop whining about new players being crap, cause at least this way they actually have a way to practice.