Just because the Super Nintendo is no longer officially supported doesn't meant that new games can't be released for it. A team of homebrew developers have joined forces to create a 4-in-1 compilation of brand new SNES games, all of which are set to be released on a single cartridge via Kickstarter.

The Super 4 in 1 Multicart consists of 4 different games from 3 different developers; Mazezam, UWOL: Quest for Money, Skipp and Friends Unexpected Journey and N- WARP Daisakusen - plenty of stand out homebrew titles for the price of one.

To get you acquainted with these titles, Mazezam is rather challenging puzzle adventure based upon the timeless Sokoban block pusher. It also happens to be created by the same homebrew programmer who brought us UWOL: Quest for Money, a ZX Spectrum inspired single screen platformer. Skipp and Friends on the other hand is the winning entry from the PDRoms 2009 homebrew coding competition, a top down adventure featuring three protagonists. And last but not least, N- WARP Daisakusen was the first ever 8-player Super Nintendo brawler created by Dforce-3000.

The team of homebrew developers are hoping to raise just over $10,000 via Kickstarter to release this Super Nintendo cartridge worldwide. Those interested in pledging will be pleased to know that $40 will secure a copy of the game, while a more generous pledge of $60 will secure a copy of the game in a replica cardboard box, coming with a poster and manual.


See, and they said I was crazy for keeping my old SNES. Its still going.