PS4′s massive amount of available RAM is something that the industry has been cheering ever since its announcement.

It also makes innovation possible according to Wedbush Morgan analyst, Michael Pachter at the SXSW panel. He has also called the system impressive and said that the 8-core CPU allows for a huge improvement.

He also predicts that the system will sell 85-95 million units lifetime compared to PS3 which is at 76 million right now (based on Sony’s shipment figures).

The pricing, he believes, will be under $599 which will allow the system to get a significant boost early on however it has not been announced yet. It seems likely to be revealed at E3.

He also predicts Microsoft’s Xbox 720 to sell the same amount.

Does more RAM really lead to innovation? It’s something we have to ask because there have been plenty of innovative games that have not relied on pure hardware strength to stand out. However, when you look at all the AAA games and the comments of developers that say RAM has been a major issue for them this generation, it’s hard not to believe Pachter’s words.

The market for dedicated gaming consoles is shrinking and considering the Wii U’s poor performance when it comes to sales, it doesn’t look like the next generation consoles will sell more than the current generation ones.

It’s possible for the PS3 and Xbox 360 to sell 100 million units each in two years if they maintain their current momentum, but overall considering the new players in the market like Apple and Google which are taking away core consumers, it will be hard for the next gen consoles to replicate the same.


Eh, we don't need the ram to make innovated games, this generation has proved that more than enough and still is. It simply opens more options.