User Image
Cavalier King Charles

Marketplace listings:

Cavalier King Charles


User Image Cavalier King Charles (i am)

Were-pose Info:

Cavalier King Charles (i am): This pose is based on a Tricolor Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Virtual Space Animation: When walking, it has a mild "bounce" (probably from its stubby little legs). It gets three little sparkling white stars that appear over its head when it moves, probably to give it a royal appearance (due to "king" being in its name). When sitting, it'll be facing the opposite direction, which can get a little irritating for whoever is wearing it, but other people may not notice this.


Chance Item Prize

Obtainment Methods:

Cavalier King Charles is obtainable from Final Reign.
Final Reign -> Final Reign: Final Victory -> Cavalier King Charles.




Related Items:

Final Reign (Chance Item)
Final Reign Bundle (9 Pack) (Chance Item Bundle)
Final Reign: Final Victory (Chance Item)
Formula 1: Final Reign (Alchemy formula)

Date first appeared on Gaia:

2010-08-09 (August 9, 2010)

Announcement Appearances:

Announcement #1: Ascend to the Final Reign!
Announcement #2: Final Reign is leaving the Cash Shop soon!


Cavalier King Charles is sometimes seen wearing a crown, which is often worn by monarchs.

Related Links:

Cavalier King Charles Wishlist Page
Final Reign Landing Page


It may have little white dots when moving in a Virtual Space, though I have not recently tested this.


Main Image (90x90):

User Image
[img] Pictures/CavalierKingCharles.png[/img]

Official GIF:

User Image