Synopsis of the Guild Concept:
To keep things simple without overly confusing anyone, here is a brief synopsis of the RP's concept:

All the regions/kingdoms are based off of game company's or consoles and such. They are at war with one another and pretty much are jealous of one another in some way. One might have better advanced technology, one might have better medicine, one might not be as zombie infested. Regardless though, there are SOME who do not wish to partake in war, but may have to end up hurting friends from other kingdoms anyway.
There's also a race track and a fighting arena that are sort of neutral territory that the only way to fight is to participate in the events there. There's also an ocean that connects them all.

All the characters are BASED OFF OF video game character, but are not them exactly. Confused? Don't be. It's simple. If you have a favorite video game character, you make up your own character based off that person. They will have a DIFFERENT appearance and name, but will have that game person's abilities. Example: A Green Ghost Exorcist named Lugaren would be based off of Luigi's Mansion and would have like a ghost exorcist vacuum like in Luigi's Mansion. Got it?

Can't think of a game character you want to base off of? No problem. Original Character Ideas are allowed. If you want some crazed human head hunter that doesn't exist in a game, then you'd just put N/A for the profile for what game character it's based off of.

You're character doesn't have a home that resembles it's game? Tough crackers. Put it somewhere that's close enough. Can't be too picky on imaginary homes now a days.

There IS advanced technology in SOME places. Some have old tech still, but modes of transport can arrange from animal and monster riding, magic vehicles, motor vehicles, planes or sky ships, sea ships, teleport stones (these will not be allowed in battle though), steam trains or subways, flying (if you're char or ally can), to walking and running. Please be slightly fair with this though, no being a hobo who randomly gets a jet plane. Please walk and run sometimes.

The idea is mostly based off of the new anime World War Blue aka Aoi Sekai no Chūshin de (In the Center of the Blue World) but with some major differences and add-ons.

Currency of the world will be just known as 'Coins'

Any questions, please ask me or a crew member.

Character Rules:
-This important Only 2, TWO, characters per person. It gets hard to handle more than that.
- All Characters MUST be approved in a pm before you post them in the Character Profiles subforum and can start RPing.
- If you can not think of a place for where your character lives or that game reference place isn't available just find a place similar and make do or ask for a suggestion.
- NO Superhero's like x-men, spiderman, superman, batman. Yes, they are in videogames, but some people may go overboard. If it's something like Viewtiful Joe, Starfox, Captain Falcon, that's fine.
- YES, pokemon are allowed since they get their own region, but they must be either human or a monster that resembles them. No just taking a pokemon picture and saying that's your character. That's Lame.
- NO legendary pokemon references! Too powerful and just crazy. Keep things simple.
-You may only kill a character if that person gives you permission. Like in case somebody doesn't want their character anymore and wants to make a new one, they must kill their old character and delete any previous profile of it and replace with new one and give it an update.

- Questions or concerns, please ask me but make sure to read all rules before doing so in case your questions are answered there. 3nodding