: h o p e xx t o xx d i e :

- cynical - calculating - angry - commanding - strong -

nickname Hope
gender Doe
species Kimeti

personality Hope is a cynical doe. Her life is exactly what she believes it should be, not because she enjoys it, because she despises it. The world is a cruel place and she hates everything in it, save her broken sister. Her sister's mind was shattered by this harsh world therefore she despises it. Her only task in life is to protect and care for her sister, and that's what she will do.

Both her sister and herself are, at their core, deeply in grief, mourning something they do not fully comprehend. Their bond to each other is what keeps them going. Even as they support each other, they hinder as well. If one were to part from the other, they would soon find death.

Flesh comforts them and temporarily satisfies an endless hunger. Only temporarily. It never lasts, and too soon the gaping hole opens to swallow them entirely.


naming dream

Cross My Heart...xxxxxxx

That I'll never leave your side.
If you ever leave my side.

xxxxxxx...Hope To Die

[color=blue][b]Custom Request[/b]
[b]username:[/b] raquel5181993
[b]kin name:[/b] Hope to Die
[b]kin species:[/b] Kimeti
[b]gender:[/b] female
[b]growing or non:[/b] non
[b]request:[/b] Blinded By Silence and myself have an interesting request. We would like some kin based on succubi. They are basically our characters from Dungeons and Dragons, a nerd game. xD They must be same sex twins, both kimeti does. There are multiple edits involved. However, only three of these are absolute musts.

[url=http://s132.photobucket.com/user/Blinded_By_Silence_7117/media/Twin_lines_zps3c0ebd75.png.html][x][/url]: This image is the basic mock up of the "must haves," but the hair is really up to you and everything is explained in more detail below.

[url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/105/7/6/succubus_by_tira_owl-d61t1yt.jpg][x][/url][url=http://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/images/blue/oldmusic_rejam.gif][x][/url]: We absolutely have to have the hair twisted around the horns. The hair otherwise is up to you in every aspect aside from we want it long and white with color accent. (Also the second image is an example of the only kin with hair/horn edit similar.) If we could also get the eyes that would be epic. Not edited, just colored. xD
[url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/044/0/6/0633ad6006b100441b1fd0cffee3ace3-d4ple2r.jpg][x][/url]: We would like horns to be styled similarly to this image. This is the second must have. We do not need the three minor horns on the right, only the curved and long secondary horn.
[url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/126/5/7/Succubus_by_Miist.jpg][x][/url]: This image contains our color palette. We would like the twins hair and markings to be the same, but the colors slightly different. The third and final must have edit is also contained in this image. We would like yellow(?) roses adorning them, at your discretion.
[url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/342/d/8/succubus_by_carolina_eade-d4nai9b.jpg][x][/url]: We would like this tail displayed here, but it is not necessary. Any tail edit would be welcomed as long as it matched their nature. However, a tail edit in not necessary. Totally optional.
[url=http://matope.pixel-blueberry.com/images/colorist/rot.png][x][/url]: If you would like, cloven hooves might fit the image. Totally optional.
[url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs31/i/2008/236/1/d/Succubus_by_Leevitron.jpg][x][/url][url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs31/f/2008/195/d/1/succubus_by_redeve.jpg][x][/url]: From both of these images, we would like you to take inspiration in the form of their markings.

[b]edits? what do you want and what will you pay?[/b]

Must have:
~Hair edit
~Horn edit
~Rose accessories

~Cloven Hooves
~Anything else you deem fit

[b]anything special about your request (RP need, etc.):[/b] This is the link to both mine and Blinded's quest threads: [url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=23749573#352499687][x][/url][url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=23122502][x][/url] We will be pursuing these actively. These kin our special because they represent the relationship... friendship wise. No shipping here. xD If these turn out beautifully enough, we actually may be getting these of tattoos because we're just that nerdy. Don't judge us. > >;

[color=gold][b]I'm throwing in a little extra:[/b] 3 mil for each doe from the set. So, six mil total. [/color]