Amazingly, Sarah had only just got around to exploring the school, and what she found next, was something she never would have expected. Following along the long corridor, the young ghoul was surprised to come across what appeared to be a large mansion like building of some sort. She had heard whisperings around the school spreading, about this place, though she couldn't be sure it was the mysterious haunted house. If it was, she could be in way over her head. Not that it stopped her from continuing on. Was it possible for curiosity to kill her a second time..?

Proceeding into the building, she floated on down the hall, carefully inspecting each room she passed by for any hidden surprises she might find along the way. None of which, so far, appeared to be much interest to her however. Finally growing bored, she made her stop at one room in particular. There was a cracked window, with a nice cool breeze blowing in, which coaxed her into staying a moment longer. Perhaps after a small break, she would continue on?

Rolling a 2: ALL DAMAGE DONE BACKFIRES ON THE CHARACTERS THEMSELVES (ie if you do 6 damage to the opponent, you take 6 damage). All your log seems to take second place as a voice calls to you, vague, agitating. It pressures you to attack relentlessly, brashly, without caring about your own wounds or damage done to your allies.