
In the earlier stages of life, two young kids around six and seven meet each other at a local lake. The girl had come over on vacation with her family to escape the city life. The family however didn't realized that this like inside the woods was a dangerous place to get lost, and the little girl did just that. She was lost and running around by herself. Then the boy came walking out of the lake to aid the crying girl. They talked for awhile, and the boy kept her company so she felt safe until her family found her. Later police had finally found the girl sleeping on the cold ground of the woods. The boy was long gone though. Who was he? It was all the girl ever thought about...

Many years later, the boy and girl around seventeen and eighteen now. The girl's mother and father divorced, leading the girl and her mother to move out to this little town they used to come to every year on vacation. The girl had not seen the boy sense that day in the woods, but hopes that maybe she will again. Something about him just drew her to him and that lake... Little dose the girl know that the boy is a merman. Merpeople aren't to be messed with. They were only so young at the time so the boy didn't hurt her. Grown merpeople will often times lure in their victims to devour their souls and flesh even. When the girl and boy meet again though, and the boy dose lure the girl into the water, what will happen?