Like it said will you help him just be a body guard or will you use him as a toy or even both what will you choose and will it be enough to help him recover. Decided to redo this one again because I really want to try using this character and well its hard to when people are ditching after a few posts, so if anyone wants to do this one with me please pm me.

User Image

Main Stuff

Name: Jiho Ewon Takaba
Gender: Male
Race: Dragon/Unicorn
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 100 pounds
Seme or Uke: Uke
Age: 16
Personality: very quiet, protective, shell like, determined, hard-working, very sensitive, mature, open-minded, heart-broken, athletic, unique, tamed, skillful, slightly lustful, playful over time, distant at first, very sweet later on, intelligent, mentally abused, curious at times, obident, eager later on, easily attached

And other Stuff

Bio: Jiho was born into a life of being a steed but his blood line got mixed ad became something new.The girls were always dragon/faeries and thy were steeds also but also to be wives, mothers, or toys while the men were dragon/ fae and meant to be steeds but also protector's husbands or toys.But Jiho's blood was mixed and became a dragon/ unicorn and the most beautiful of them all. From birth he was trained to be what he was breed for until he was 10 and he was sold off to his first owner. Doing what he was trained to do and doing what he could to make both his master's happy and not to fall in love. That was one of the rules he was not to break no matter what but he broke it and fell in love with his master's son. They soon became lovers in secret but soon after Jiho became pregnant, the first male in his kind. Soon the father found out and ordered men to beat him and rape him till the baby died. Screaming and crying out for his love to come help him and when the male did come he just laughed at him and said he didn't love him at all and joined in with the men. Heart-broken Jiho took all the beating and rape and withdrew never being able to trust anyone and to never love again. Being sold off to the market place afterwards the doctor's had to fix him and take care of the dead child inside him. Separated from the other slaves because they wanted to kill him because he was taking all the masters. Heart-broken, injured and numb Jiho decided he would no longer care about himself and focus on his master's needs and swore to never love again because of the fear of getting his heart-broken and also to get called a freak.
Powers:has extreme healing abilities and turn to dragon or unicorn
Likes: books, protecting people, creating things, making other's smile, learning new things, feeling important, flying, romantic gestures, pretty things, being told what to do, being played with, private time, bright lights, plants, cooking, cleaning, being accepted, music, cuddling, animals, being outside, being dominated
Dislikes: being raped, being betrayed, being abused, extreme amounts of pain, being yelled at, bad books, being humiliated, name calling, his wings or tail pulled, being locked up, people hating him, being alone for to long, bad music, bad food, people using him for his looks, blood feuds, being chocked.
Orientation: Homosexual
Marital Status: Single