Hey there! I'm looking for some RP partners!

I am somewhere between semi and full lit and I prefer female roles. I am on almost daily but I will warn you I am in multiple rp's so if my responses are not always immediate that would be why. I really don't care how far it goes mature wise, just none of that s&m stuff please. I understand getting blocked but i'd prefer little to no one liners, just give me something to work with and I shall do the same. I rp in both PMs and forums. I'm really craving these five rp ideas of mine, but if not i'm also open to your ideas

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here are some ideas of my own:

#1 School (Double up rp)
A guy moves to a new school, not knowing anybody from town he thinks its going to stink. At the same time a girl has been going to this school for years, yet she doesn't really have any friends as she keeps to herself. The two meet on the first day of school and hit it off. They both have a lot in common and become very close very fast. Problem is, they both have problems at home. The boys parents are never home and when they are, he's ignored by them. His brother is an a** that's always bringing him down and stomping on everything he holds dear. While the girl lives with her drunken foster father who goes into drunk rages and usually ends up beating her.

Now as the guy is very good looking, he's chased after many girls in the school. Including a self-centered rich brat that will stop at nothing to get him. Seeing him as a prize she has to actually work for. While the girl (who's not to bad looking herself) is being chased by an a** of a tough guy who thinks he runs the school with his gang. He thinks he can get whatever he wants and decided on her. The two of them are trying to overcome these obstacles while simultaneously falling for each other.

#2 Warrior
A war has been in motion for about 2 years (It can be a mystical war or a regular war) and both sides have had to resort to younger recruits. Two teens both on different sides end up clashing, both the best of their age, it's a wonderful battle. But something goes wrong and the two of them are (If chosen as regular war they'll probably be blown up, if mystical, probably teleported) a great distance from the war, into a providence that doesn't even know about it. They're both extremely injured from their fight with each other as well as their means of transportation, but a group of thugs find them. In this weakened state they end up having to work together to fight off the thugs and reach a town. Of course these two are fighting each other every chance they get but are both heading the same way, just getting on each other's nerves as they try to find their way back. But after getting into some more trouble the two start to accept each other, they get to know one another and start to fall in love, unsure of what to do about the war and when/if they go back

#3 Gang
All the "scum" have been cut off from all "Civilized" People, walled into their own city. Gangs and drug lords rule everything inside these walls. Even if you are one of the very few not part of a gang, violence, murder and theft are part of your every day life. Well the two biggest gangs have a huge rivalry but also receive an offer for the same deal from an arms dealer. The two gangs clash at the meeting place. Two members in particular end up at a face off. They fight but just as it seems one's about to win. The cops show up. The whole thing was a set up to try and take down both gangs. The two are arrested along with other members but one comes up with an idea of how to brake out on the way over. The plan succeeds but kills most of the other gang members. Leaving the two that fought earlier. This leaves the two of them extremely hurt. They don't have time to fight and escape before more cops can turn up. They find a place to get patched up and now want to find their gangs. When they eventually reach familiar territory they reluctantly part ways, having become kind've close on their journey back. problem is, only one is accepted back into the gang, the other is thought to be a spy and against them, not only kicked out but has a target on their back from most gangs. The rival gang that the other member has been accepted back into wants the satisfaction of getting paid to kill them. The one member hears about this and runs off to try and warn them but is too late. They're already being attacked by other gangs. The two end up working together, both being ample fighters. Now both rival gangs are working together to get them but they have plans of their own...to take down the gangs before they're taken out themselves

#4 Assassin
There's an agency, hidden by the government that's meant to bring up assassins. They do missions for the government, no questions asked, missions that no regular military could ever hope to accomplish. At the top of these assassin's ranks is a boy. He's well known and incredibly feared as well as good enough to work alone instead of a two person team like the rest. One day he's sent on a mission, to go get a new recruit. He's outraged as this is a super easy mission that should be given to a newbee. Until he is told that the recruit isn't coming willingly and has been able to evade all the other members sent after them.

The boy grudgingly takes on the mission and ends up being surprised when it is a girl around his age (as there are not many girl assassins) she's stronger than expected but he manages to complete her mission by beating her and bringing her in. After all that he's angered when the manager assigns her to be his partner. He has to train her in the ways of an assassin. The two argue constantly and don't get along at first but they start to warm up to each other. That is until a mission goes horribly wrong, the company ends up blaming the girl as she's the new recruit and plan to kill her. The boy has a decision to make...let them kill her, or go against the company to save her..

#5 Orphan
Walking home alone one night as per usual, a young girl gets attacked by a small group of guys. She tries to defend herself but it's useless, she yells for help, seemingly nobody around. When she thinks that it's no use that's when somebody comes to her rescue. A boy comes around, interfearing with the boys, there's a huge fight and the boy just barley beats them all but is fairly hurt. The girl, being in his debt, takes him home to try and help him.

Turns out this boy has been living on the streets for quite a while, the orphanage where he'd been living had long since shut down. The girl offers for him to stay with her, not wanting to kick him out on the street. The boy reluctantly agrees. The girl helps him get enrolled into a school where he quickly becomes popular amongst the other students, girls and guys alike. The girl though jealous of his popularity, is always supportive of him, until she starts to get harassed by one of the guys the boy had beaten's older brothers. But the boys growing popularity distracts him from this...how will they sort this out?

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