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Inuyasha: Descendants of Time (LadyRem x Shadow)

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Wealthy Gaian

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PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 7:31 pm
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"In the Shikon Jewel: The Battle between Good and Evil are in a battle that goes on forever....and ever."

Inuyasha RP: Descendant of Inuyasha x Descendant of Kagome

Rpers: LadyRem and Shadowstream-chan

No Posties unless your Rper from above: but do feel free to read.
PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 7:50 pm

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The day has grown longer than expected, the school day becoming more bland and seem like forever. A person with their High School Uniform stood up at the crowded bus, hanging onto the rail to remain balanced. The person had a grim look as the bus seem to take forever in the crowded streets. "Hey....Connor. Connor!"

"Whu-What?!" The person shot back to reality as she stared down at one of her friends whom also had a boy uniform on. Connor is the main character of this story: being the descendent of the Higurashi family. "How's the school working out for you?" Her friend asked. That friend was named Kyle, a homosexual, Korean boy whom knew Connor was a girl. Even though Connor's real name is Keiko Higurashi...she rather be named Connor since Keiko seemed... 'too girly' and she kind of hated the fact everyone back home made fun of her Asian/Russian ethnicity. "Uuugh...it's fine. But I hate the short skirts the girls are wearing. The closest thing to my style are the guy uniforms and well...the officials find that so disrespectable to wear the male uniform."

"Well yeah, their not used to foreigners is all." Kyle nodded. "I am gonna miss you though. You'll be moving here for your junior & senior year, Imma miss your interesting demeanor." Connor nodded along with him, feeling bad that she was leaving too. But since her Parents passed away from a terrible car accident, she would have to move in with her grandparents until she was old enough to take care of herself. Kyle came with her to Japan just to get her settled and say goodbye, well...for a month that is. "So where we going?"

"Higurashi Shrine. That is where my Mom came from before moving to America." As soon as she said that, the bus speaker rang telling them that the stop is 'Higurashi Shrine'. Immediately, Connor presses the button to say this was their stop. The bus comes to a halt with the door open to let Kyle, Connor, and some of the others to get off. Both friends look up to the huge set of stairs that lead to the house. "Wow...I will no longer go to the gym after this." She sarcastically says before she and Kyle ascended upward to reach the house. "I am glad your family will let me stay here for awhile, and not to mention help you move some things out of the house. Also I can get myself refreshed before that plane ride back home." "I am just surprised your Mom let you come with me and stay for a month."

"Well..I am doing homework over here so I am not really excused from school." He shrugs, finally reaching the top before he rang the doorbell. After a minute, Kyle rang the doorbell again. He looked at Connor confused: "Are they home?" In response, Connor looked through the window. "Nope...they aren't." She mumbled. "Hey...if they are not home! Let's check out the bone-eater's well." "The what?" Connor hushes him up and leads him to a strange, eerie shrine behind the house as they entered the old place, the door creaked as they slide it open. "My grandmother used to say how crazy her mother was. How she entered a different time period and all that crap." "Yeah I guess but.." He then went down the small steps and looks down underneath the well. "It is really creepy though. Bones are down below." "Oh?" Connor went down with him and peeked at the well. "It is old and all that. Don't tell me your scared." "Oy! No I am not." Connor laughed at Kyle as he blushes in embarrassment. Connor then jumps down to land inside the well. "What you doing?!" "Trying to prove that there is no way a well can put you back in time. C'mon, it's not that scary down here." She waves him on to encourage him.

Kyle hesitates, looking around left and right before deciding it was OK. He sits on the edge of the well before taking the mighty fall to land on the ground. He landed in a 'omf' before standing up. "Hey...it really is not that bad." He laughs sheepishly. "See? It ain't that bad." She then stands there for a few minutes; both were silent. "Alright...let's go see if their home." But before she could even get her hand on the wall. She suddenly felt a certain jerk on her ankle, widening her eyes a bit. "Kyle...did you just-?" "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?!" Kyle freaks, kicking what seemed to be a creature that came from the ground. Immediately, the three were falling onto some purple aura. Both automatically screamed at the top of their lungs as they fell into oblivion before everything around them turned black.............

"Connor! Wake up! Connor!" Kyle shakes his friend rapidly to get her to come back. Connor snorts before opening her eyes. She sat up immediately, checking her surroundings and so far...nothing seemed to be different. Just the fact that they were at the well, she was shocked. "Wha-?! Let's just get out of this well." "Gotcha!" Kyle did not hesitate to gets out of the well first, with Connor following behind. When Kyle got out, the first words he said were: "Connor....we are not in Japan anymore." "What the hell you talking about?" Connor retorted as she got herself out of the well. When she was able to check outside, she was automatically speechless. The shrine was gone...the house, the city sights. All now is forest, nature, birds singing, grass growing, soft winds. <********> She was horrified. "Where....are...we?"

"I was hoping you knew." Kyle immediately checked out one of the trees. "It is certainly not fake. We are not even close to home. And...what was that thing?! That...that.....creature thing that grabbed your ankle?!" Kyle had talked about the thing he kicked which sparked the whole falling into oblivion. "I don't know, you obviously kicked it like a soccer player." Kyle glared at her. "Well, we gotta find out what the hell is going on." Both then decided to stick together, walking through the path to find out where they were. They then immediately heard noses from the well, which spooked them. "It's....It's rodents. That's all...it's rodents." She tried to calm him AND herself down before the well suddenly let out a huge 'creature' whom had a body of a snake. Within that body was a woman, a woman with no clothes and it stops at her belly button. Her face was all snake-like with her tongue sticking out like any snake: BOTH freaked. "IT'S...IT'S THAT THING! IT'S THAT CREATURE THAT GRABBED YOUR LEG!" Kyle screams loudly as both of them ran from the huge demon. But before they could, Connor suddenly stops and goes through her bag. "WHAT YOU DOING?!" But before he could say anything, the demon got to them. The demon starts screeching: "Give me...GIVE ME THE SHIKIGAMI!" "Hell no! I am too young to die yet!" She yells, pulling out a shotgun, pointing it at her and starts shooting. "YOU BROUGHT A GUN TO SCHOOL?!" Kyle panicked automatically. "WELL YEAH! JAPAN IS KNOWN FOR THEIR PERVERTS AND PORNO!"She attacks back as she got the demon to stay down...but it still was up. "What the hell?! why isn't it dying?!" The demon then springs at Connor and pierces its fangs to Connor's shoulder. "CONNOR!" Kyle cries, trying to beat the crap out of the demon but he got swatted away like a fly and hits a tree with his head, leaving him in the state of shock.

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Wealthy Gaian

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PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 5:51 pm

A half breed that looked to be in his late teens to early twenties was feaing from the new by village through the forest that was one known as 'InuYasha's Forrest'. He was wearing blue and teal garments that looked a lot like the Robe of the Fire-Rat that his great grandfather had, There was a white fur that went around the shoulders and some slight armor covering the torso he also wear black shoes that was made for fighting and fast movement.

He had bangs that hung above his eyes and loose hair down each side of his face then the back of his hair was pulled up into a high pony tell. His hair black and white and he had dog/fox looking ears above his bangs that was also black and white, mainly white though.

As he lept from branch to branch he heard the odd sounds of the gun shot coming to a stop That came from the bone eaters well he thought before deciding to check it out. The half breed sprinted toward where he had heard the sounds come from until he reached the clearing jumping out into the soft grass. his eyes scanning the area quickly taking it all in. Seeing the snake womans fangs in the persons shoulder he drew his sword springing forward "HEY UGLY LEAVE THE HUMAN ALONE!" he shouted out

(Is it clear that shes a girl, or can she be mistaken for a boy due to her uniform?)
PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 6:29 pm
Since she is wearing a uniform I would say it is not clear for human eyes, I would say your character can tell if he took a whiff of her scent.

"Connor!" Kyle took the opportunity to go check on his wounded friend while a stranger already got the demon or whatever it was under control. Kyle got his friend to sit up as he then checks the injury on her shoulder: "This injury is serious...."

"Oh...you think?!" She groans, already feeling dizzy and started to get delirious. "I.....can't...." "Woah woah woah! Do not fade on me! Connor!" Before Kyle can do anything, Connor fainted. "No no no, do not sleep on me!" His worst fear was the fact that maybe the injury was poisonous but he doesn't know if it really was or not. He could only eye the demon in horror, holding onto his friend in a tight grip. He then could only do was be a shield to his friend if the stranger failed to defeat whatever creature this was. "Help...." He whispered, afraid to even move with this monster at their midst.


Wealthy Gaian

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PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 7:01 pm

The youth ran between the demon and humans and took a fighting stance as the demon came at them, once she got close he jumped to one side quickly bringing his sword around cutting the demons back.

The snake woman was un effected by this and turned on a dime hitting the half breed with her tail sending him flying back against the side of the well "Ooph" he let out before shaking it off as he got back up. he looked to the boy "Hey you! What are you waiting for? Get your friend to the village" he said before pointing with his old sword "That way, hur,.." before he could finish the last word the demon woman was trying to dig her fangs into him. The youth used his sword to block her attack while he contenued looking for her weakness

(I just re-read this and it was horrible. I used a spell checker on it and apparently it did not work correctly ><. new IE add in. my appologizes and edited)  
PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 9:41 pm

Kyle did not hesitate: "Alrighty then!" He then got Connor on his back to go to...a village? "Wait..didn't he mean Hospital?" But he cannot think anymore than that as he then rushed on over to find whomever could help them:

With Connor being carried on his back, Kyle had to go to a healer to get her treated. Luckily however, that the healer was willing to heal her without a fine just because the healer knew the sudden youkai attacks were disrupting the peace. "Lucky you showed up to my doorstep right on time, or the poison would've infected your veins leaving you paralyzed." "Thank you." she responded to the female healer. "But I do wanna know...where are we?"

"Oh! You must be travelers. Well some call it Kaede's village. It is a place in the legends people have known about." "Legend?" Connor asks. The healer, whom loved to talk to patients while treating told her: "Oh yes. It was known that a strange woman with strange clothing like yours came here one day, was able to get a youkai to help her find the shikon no tama which was a sphere, before breaking into many piece...." The lady went on but Connor's face turned pale: That....that sounds LIKE my great-grandmother's tale! She panicked but did not move since the healer wasn't done. "There you go, all done. I would have to wash your clothing to get rid of the blood. You mind waiting?" "No I don't mind, thank you." With that, the healer left Connor sitting there with her upper-half all exposed...except the fact the bandaging covered her shoulders and her chest. Kyle came in, knowing it was ok to come in. "How ya feel?"

"It hurts but it's a lot more bearable than it used to be." She then sighs: "And uhhh...Kyle?" "I heard." He hushes her. "We are officially screwed are we?" She groans, getting all panicky. "We can...always try going down to the well and maybe we'll go back?" "That could work, but with the demons all about...it could mean trouble." He then stands up and hits his fist into his palm. "Once you get yourself better, let's try to stay here for awhile. After all, it seems more peaceful than our own era. Speaking of that, I wonder how the guy is though...."


"You know! The one who was fighting off that demon. I wonder if he made it out ok...." Kyle could only let the thought linger before the two decided to stay at the healer's place to rest up and hopefully prepare themselves for the adventure they might have to face.


Wealthy Gaian

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PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2013 8:41 pm

The young mix breed was not to experienced in battle yet and due to this he made a lot of mistakes as he fought against the giant snake woman. Only his natural instincts helped him through this and his gut feeling.

The snake woman moved almost to fast for him to keep up with.
The two of them danced in batter for what seemed like forever to him. Each time the demon would attack him he would dodge with a counter attack and the other way around jumping, running, sprinting and slicing. As this plaid out each took wounds of their own, to her sword cuts across her body where he had managed to hit her until she finally broke his sword in half.

As for him he had fang marks in his leg, then scratches and bruises across his body along with some cuts and scraps.

Nearing the end of the battle the youth was starting to wear down and he knew she was showing no signs of stopping. Seeing that she was seeing him tier down he came up with a ideal on how to end this. He took off running knowing she would follow and jumped up in a tree then when she shot up around it he swung under the branch kicking her in the underbelly of her snake side causing her to fall on her side for only a split second. When she did he took his half blade and pounced over jamming it into her under belly and cut across, once he did she let out a awful scream and took her tail hitting him as hard as she could sending him flying into the tree that he had used. he heard his own ribs break when this happened but he knew if he didnt move fast this could end badly so forcing him self up he saw her shooting toward him her mouth opened ready to bite, he scanned the area in less then 4 second finding the second half of his sword. Grabbing it he thrust-ed it forward into her opening mouth and out her head through her brain, once he did he pulled it back out and quickly cut her head from her body cutting his hand at the same time since that side of the blade had no handle.

The youth rested a few moments before pushed her body down the well and taking her head by the hair dragging it. he was panting heavily and light headed as he walked toward the village not 100% sure what to do.

Nearing the village his vision started to blur causing him not to walk real straight

(Sorry for only one. worked both jobs today)  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:07 pm

Already able to kill a few hours, Kyle had woken up out of a nightmare. He wipes his forehead down, getting rid of some of the sweat that emitted on his peach-colored face. He then turned to his friend, whom was dead asleep on one of the futamas. Kyle sighs as he then stands up and proceeded to go outside to take a breath of fresh air. But when he started to get out, he bumped into someone. "Ow." He mumbled, feeling his sore shoulder acting up. His body jerked to who the person was, soon stopping when he saw someone familiar. "Hey! It's you!" He recognized the 'savior' from earlier. "You ok man?" Kyle helped the man up as he then gets the boy to sit down on the ground to get him to rest. "Just rest right here buddy and we'll get you fixed up."


When Kyle brought that boy in, Connor and the healing lady were obviously surprised to see him wounded and tired. The lady was able to check on him and tend to his wounds while Connor's curiosity to his 'ears' were sparking up. When the lady went away to get some medicine, Connor rubs his fox/wolf ears with her fingers. "Hey what are you doing?"

"Check this out! They are real!" She kept on rubbing them, so tempted by this while Kyle facepalms himself in annoyance. "He will kick your a**." "I'll kick his first."


Wealthy Gaian

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