Name: Elpia Aelo


Gender: Female

Age: 17

Faction: Monster

Race: Harpy

Natural Ability: Flying - as a fluffy bird!

FEAR Ability: The Eye: Boosts accuracy AND damage.


  • Ticklish - Elpia is sensitive inherently and her circumstances inflamed it.

  • Pessimistic - Elpia became inactive because of her excessive delicateness.

  • Sacrificial - As a equivalence exchange to being sharp at out-worlds, she get to be sacrificial for restrictive peoples.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Elpia thought she should be changed more vividly. Because she believed that meet as many man as she could is one of the ways, she decided to go school.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: rose macaron
Hair Colour/Style: brown-pink(mostly brown)/long tousled hair
Skin Colour: White
Clothing Style:
Extra: has a winged ears
References: ref.