Hello all!

I'll be up for awhile now, so in a few moments I'll be holding what I call a "Fruit Party"

Basically, I have all the fruits so I'm going to open up my gate and lay out the fruits so that you guys can stop in and take what you need emotion_yatta

I just went through and added all of your friend codes (if you posted in the topic) and my own friend code is also posted there, so just add me up and come on over.

However, I do have three simple rules:

1.)No running (I have a lot of hybrids, and flowers in general, and I wish to keep it that ways)
2.)Don't chop down any trees or pick any flowers (I worked hard to get it that way!!)
3.)Let me know when you are dropping by; since I don't know all of you very well it will be easier for me to match your character in AC with your avi on gaia.

I'll be waiting~!

Note: Since it is pretty late early where I live (We're talking five in the morning), most of my shops will be closed. While I'm not sure the times or anything, I'm sure the cafe will at least be open, and maybe Club 101?

But not to worry, I'll still have fruit! 3nodding

Also, please ignore any blemishes in my road or randomly placed tiles; my town is still a work in progress so there are still some errors.