I think we should have a quote thread. Like where you can post up bits of old threads ((even though the whole thread is probably being stored in events or memorable threads)) but this should be a place where you can talk about old times.

I know the'res a history of Ria thread but I'm gonna post this here. Kurai brought up this thread and I just wanted to share it with you all.


deer diaree,

today suked!!!! i desided To go ecsploring and i fowned theez caves and i went in side and i got lost. It was so dark and i puled out my flash lite so i could see ok and i was tring to get owt but i koud not. after beeng in ther for an long time i triped on this litlle man he was uguly reelly uguly. then he startd mayking a reel big fus abowt it and he kalled all thes othr litlle peepl and thay tide me up and lead me a way. So heer i am in this jale thingee for litlle peepl and i keep bumping my hed on the ceeling and thers all theez grose litlle peepl scellatons arownd me rotting. Thers also this green mowld thats on the walls that gloes so yew dun eevan need a lite. its kreepy and it smels alot. I hop somone saves me!

Bai bai!

Toadie XOXOXO *heart heart heart*

Toadess closed the small book and put it in her pocket. It was one of the only things they hadn't taken when they had captured her.
To defeat boredom, she gazed at the cell's walls,
counting the tally marks of the prisoners before her.
Her face saddened, imagining the remainder of her years spent in this soggy jail with no one to look on but short ugly people.
Mournfully, the elf crawled over to the gate and grabbed ahold of the bars.
"Whaddid I do to deserve this!?" She sobbed melodramatically.

*bip boop boop beep bip boop.....boop!*

Rene poked the buttons on her cell phone.

*riiiing riiing riiiing riiiing riiing*

Her fingers tapped her thigh as she waited for the call to be answered. There was a little crack of sound and the ringing ceased.

"Uhh hello? Toadie?" Rene asked when no greeting was heard. Shuffling and odd sounds could be heard from the other side. "What?" Rene listened to the odd sounds with a wierded look on her face.

"Tinga oo."

"Oro? ?.?"





"Shabana! Tabana."

"Smashing banana?"

"Ting do."



" "





"All cotton and silk mixed dresses 40% off!"



"O.O! AUGH! Those stupid dorks hung up on me!"

Rene tapped the redial.

*riing riing*




*Boop boop boop beep dink*

*riiing riiing riiiiiiing*

AH! I hope someone's there! Toadie is in dire trouble!

((hell we can always rp as somone different))

Kurai yawned as he sat in a uniform of green. It fitted tightly on him for his structure was rather big for it. He then pulled his green cap (part of the uniform duh) and pulled it over his eyes. Propped his legs onto the desk and yawned.

"Business is rather slow today... aint it Jake?" Kurai asked a more skinnier white boy with short red hair. he was also wearing the green uniform and sat across from Kurai at a table.

"yes sir mista Kurai! Man im sorta glad no Ruks have decided to attack humans these days!" Jake answered with much excitment. Kurai smirked at his enthusaim and then leaped backwards from his chair into the sofa behind him. Instantly showing the image he was going to take a nap. Jake just smiled and sweatdropped. "have a nice nap mista Kurai..." He laughed.

Kurai has recently taken a part time job as Ruk control units. they are meant to help people who come into conflict with Ruks. Jake is Kurais lil novice he is training.

Suddenly the phone rang. Kurai angrily mummbled and shifted his position. Jake pointed to the phone. "umm Kurai the phone..." Kurai just pulled a sofa pillow over his face. "Why dont you take it Jake.. your good enough i bet..." and then didnt move.

Jake studdered and protested but then sighed and picked up the phone.

"Ruk's control team... this is uhh Jake speaking... m-m-may i help you?" Jake studdered.

((just relized i have a jake for Kuro-Rene... oh well...))


((::scratches head:: Yah. Owell ^>^ maybe this will develope into that uhh but I hope not ^>^ Don't want to turn into a robot. 333vil robot! AH!))

::Blink blink::

Rene pulled the cell phone from her ear and looked at it. Pretty much with a look that said she hadn't expected this. After blinking one more pair of blinks and then arching an eyebrow like this o.0, she shook her head slightly and spoke into the phone. Oddly her heart had begun to thump unusually.

"What this isn't the Rian Teen Girl Fashion Emergency Hotline?"

Eventually, the quizical ditzy look evolved to "what the heck is wrong with you." as she paused for a tenth of a second (a VERY long pause in Rene terms) til she deemed the waste of time a waste.


And then Rene just fainted (again). There. Right outside the door to the Ruk Control Center.

DarkStone (((who the heck was darkstone?))):

((sorry, i had to do someting and i didn't feel like rewriting it, so i was going to edit it later. i do that sometimes...))

Dark was wandering around the city when he saw some one faint.
Dark ran over and went to see if she was ok.
"Hey, you alive?" Dark asked while poking her. She didn't wake up so Dark looked at the nearest building.
"Ruk Control Center, eh?" Dark went in and looked around. He saw a guy on the phone and a guy asleep on the couch.

"Hey, umm.... someone fainted outside.... Can I get a little help?" said Dark.


((Toadess yawned. It was taking a mighty long time for someone to come and get her... *hint hint* ))


((ancient groover of RO.. weee Payon Dungeon. damn sohee's 400 damage... Damn Wipe out on Comp.. i should be talking on RO. OR at least on AIM! arg..))

Jake looked at the phone confusingly as he heard a flump. ;; "umm... Kurai.. our client just fainted on the phone.. what should i do?"

Kurai mummbled to his lil red headed novice. "useemaadat singer in the top ofs that cabniets." Kurai mummbled through the pillow pointing in the direction of some device. Jake looked at it. "ok.. call tracker... umm lets set this too last recived call.. track.. wave area..." Jake curiously turned different nobs on the device and finally got a reading. he then heard a call from outside.

"Hey, umm.... someone fainted outside.... Can I get a little help?"

Jake dropped the tracker and quickly but clusmly went to the door to take a look at the gurl.

"AHH! sure! ill help! of course!" Jake looked at the man who was much taller then him and nervously stepped twoards them.

wow.. and i thought Kurai was big... Jake thought as he stared at the man for a while.

Quickly realizing he was staring most impolitely he looked at the gurl and then leaped to action.

"uhh! we should carry her inside!" As he lifted up her head part the cell phone in her hand dropped. Jake looked at it curiously. "hey this is the call to us... hmm.."

He then lifted up the phone and pressed the redial button.

"All cotton and silk mixed dresses 40% off!"

Jake quickly dropped the cell phone by suprise. ;;

"umm..." He watched as the cell phone cluttered against the rocky floor. it then dropped between a crack between two rocks.

"oh.." Jake looked at the cell phone drop with dissapointment.

"thats... not going to be good... umm lets carry her inside..."


The teenager's mind awoke and her heavy eyes lifted to see a red headed young man staring at her. And two hands holding her!


Rene cryed with a shrill voice and turned to the side, which made Jake lean forward and attempt to grasp her more tightly, which inturn made the violated recently fainted girl to swiftly glide her right hand to retrive her daggar from its sling at her side and then slice a arm. The arms holding her recoiled and Rene crashed to the ground.


But Rene did not stay put with such a thing that just happened, although she didn't really know exactly what had occurred. Instead she crouched her left palm wrapped about the jeweled handel of her weapon and her other hand placed flat hovering over the top of the handel. Her head tilted and somewhat pushed back as she took in the view of the tall red-head 17 year old squeezing his arm which blood dripped from with delay.

Huh? Kurai's behind me. What's going on?


Jake shot back his arm when Rene sliced it. causing her to fall to the ground with a splat.

"ouch...~!" He yelled out. "What was that for?~! i was helping you out!" he then studdered as he looked at Rene's eyes. "umm uhh" Jake is a sucker for chicks and dosent know how to deal with them very well. He has a very big women eye fetish and such.

"uhh.. let me get you inside is that ok? i mean not that im forcing you to go inside. but inside is much more comfortable. and by comfortable i mean not so you would stay in there but to you know relax and rest and by relax i dunt mean uhh ohh.. uhh..." Jake stopped himself in embarresment as he turned away and start poking his fingers together.